The current publisher is the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Bremen.
The subjects are mathematics assistance systems (MAS) and all you need for building one, such as --- among others --- software engineering (SE), artificial intelligence (in German: Künstliche Intelligenz, KI), logics, linguistics, cognitive psychology, human-computer interaction, automated theorem proving, term rewriting, &c., &c..
During the four decades of appearance, the question what the letters of SEKI are actually standing for has been answered quite differently. Today SEKI simply stands for itself.
SEKI is not merely a series of internal reports. Currently
and most of the time before, SEKIs have passed an informal but rigorous
process of evaluation, including rejection and iteration after improvement.
The internal review process is similar to a standard peer evaluation,
but the scornful remarks of an anonymous referee are replaced with
the helpful collaboration of a known fatherly colleague.
The quality of presentation of SEKI Reports and Working-Papers is currently
above the standard of international
workshop proceedings and international electronic journals.
If you have problems with finding SEKI publications,
send e-mail to wirth(at)
Claus-Peter Wirth was responsible for the publication
of SEKI reports and working papers
from 1992 to 1996, and is now again editor since 2003.
We apologize the inconvenience and hope to improve the access.
SEKI Reports are required to be in English.
SEKI Working-Papers obey the same high-quality review standard as SEKI Reports. SEKI Working-Papers cover creative growing work with tentative and informal character, including field studies, experiments, and tutorials. SEKI Reports tend to be more formal and should describe a more mature and aged view on a subject.
SEKI publications must be submitted in LaTeX.
Read the instructions on
and get the following files from the Directory
All you need is tar-gzipped into
Please make sure that you always have the newest version of these files!
Advantages for authors are the permanent availability, the automatic listing in Ley's DBLP, and last but not least a high rank in Google searches.
Please wait with the arXiv submission until the editor provides you with the correct file.
Technical instructions for the submission can be found at seki-arXiv-instructions.txt.
If you want to submit your previously published
SEKI to arXiv,
please contact the editor for the preparation of a tar.gz file
for submitting your SEKI to arXiv.