This is file version of 2009/05/11 HOW TO PUBLISH A SEKI: 0. Read the SEKI web page: 1. Submit your paper to some other seasoned researcher different from any author for reviewing and classification (Report (ROTES), Working-Paper (WEISSES DECKBLATT)). Note that the reviewer must be named in the report! As an alternative you can submit the referee reports of anonymous referees of a conference &c. where a short version &c. was accepted. Note that in this case the referee report must be submitted and will be publicly accessible from the SEKI web site! Classification hints: Working Papers cover creative growing work with tentative and informal character. Reports cover mature final dying subjects and formal character. Reports MUST be in English Language. Quality is not a criterion for classification. (But for acceptance in general.) 2. After acceptance, ask the editor for a number for the given type. NOTE that these numbers may be changed by the editor! If you need a commitment for a special number, you must negotiate this with the editor. Send email to the editor: wirth(at) 3. Get the newest versions of and do tar xpvfz forauthors.tgz Modify ONLY one of the *.bib files and the file seki-example.tex to include all your tex-files, Test it: latex seki-example :generates seki-example.dvi view: xdvi seki-example dvips -Z -f0 seki-example :generates view: gv ps2pdf14 :generates seki-example.pdf view: acroread seki-example.pdf Check it carefully! Also pdflatex is possible instead of latex, but not tested yet. And then send the modified files *.bib seki-example.tex renamed to body.tex plus the graphics files to the editor Additionally appreciated is the name of the publicly readable directory that contains all these files. Please do not sent .ps- or .pdf-files unless they are LaTeX sources. Note that all SEKIs are to be set in 12pt ec font and use a wide dina4 with a textwidth and texthight of 16.3cm and 24.0cm, resp. which is automatically set if you use LaTeX. Non-LaTeX publishing is not possible.