@Book{SWP--2006--01, year={2010}, author={Claus-Peter Wirth}, title={Progress in Computer-Assisted Inductive Theorem Proving by Human-Orientedness and Descente Infinie?}, publisher={{SEKI Publications}}, series={{SEKI-Working-Paper SWP--2006--01 (ISSN 1860--5931)}}, address={Saarland Univ.}, note={\Rev\,\ed\ \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/0902.3294}}, abstract={In this short position paper we briefly review the development history of automated inductive theorem proving and computer-assisted mathematical induction. We think that the current low expectations on progress in this field result from a faulty narrow-scope historical projection. Our main motivation is to explain---on an abstract but hopefully sufficiently descriptive level---why we believe that future progress in the field is to result from human-orientedness and descente infinie.}, }