- Authors
- Claus-Peter Wirth
- Title
- lim+, delta+, and Non-Permutability of beta-Steps
- In
- SEKI-Report SR-2005-01
Bibtex Entry
- Copyright Owner
- Abstract
Using a human-oriented formal example proof of the (lim+) theorem,
i.e. that the sum of limits is the limit of the sum,
which is of value for reference on its own,
we exhibit a non-permutability of beta-steps and delta+-steps
(according to Smullyan's classification), which is not visible with
non-liberalized delta-rules
and not serious with further liberalized delta-rules,
such as the delta++-rule.
Besides a careful presentation of the search for a proof of (lim+)
with several pedagogical intentions,
the main subject is to explain why the order of
beta-steps plays such a practically important role in some calculi.
- Review
- Chad E. Brown
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