@TechReport{productmodel, year={1999}, author={Mattick, Volker and Claus-Peter Wirth\protect\index{Wirth, Claus-Peter}}, title={An Algebraic {Dexter}-Based Hypertext Reference Model}, institution={FB Informatik, {Univ.\ Dortmund}}, type={Research Report (green/grey series)}, number={719/1999}, note={\url{http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~cp/p/gr719}, \url{http://arxiv.org/abs/0902.3648}}, abstract={We present the first formal algebraic specification of a hypertext reference model. It is based on the well-known Dexter Hypertext Reference Model and includes modifications with respect to the development of hypertext since the WWW came up. Our hypertext model was developed as a product model with the aim to automatically support the design process and is extended to a model of hypertext-systems in order to be able to describe the state transitions in this process. While the specification should be easy to read for non-experts in algebraic specification, it guarantees a unique understanding and enables a close connection to logic-based development and verification}, }