The author presents versions of the (classical) sequent and tableau calculi that exhibit a combination of features that are often neglected but useful in the context of inductive theorem proving. These features include: - dual Skolemization ("raising") - explicit treatment of variable dependencies - "liberalized" delta-rule - preservation of solutions (i.e. intermediate subsitutions can always be augmented to final ones) The central part (in my opinion) is the presententation of a quite abstract form of the calculi that can be instantiated to various concrete formats for proof search. The ideas involved are less novel as the unfamiliar terminology seems to suggest. But the connection to relevant literature is made explicit at various point. The heavy technical machinery hardly allows for a "light reading" of the paper. (This is well reflected in the somewhat baroque - but adequate - title.) However, otherwise the presentation is fine. The examples, as well as many informal remarks are helpful, probably even essential for most readers. There are no proofs in this version of the paper. But I think that - in this case - this is not an important issue, for the following reasons: - reference to an easily accessible full version is given - proofs are rather standard anyway - the paper emphasizes a certain combination of very clearly presented _concepts_ over new _results_ (in the narrow sense) For a journal version I would rather like to see a long paper combining the material on the basic calculi (presented here) with the authors results on inductive theorem (as in another paper of the author). However in the given context, I consider the presented paper interesting and significant enough to warrant publication.