@article{wirth-hilbert-epsilon-jal, year ={2008}, author ={Claus-Peter Wirth}, title ={Hilbert's epsilon as an Operator of Indefinite Committed Choice}, journal ={J. of Applied Logic}, volume ={6}, pages ={287--317}, publisher ={Elsevier}, note = {\url{http://www.ags.uni-sb.de/~cp/p/epsi}, \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jal.2007.07.009}}, abstract ={Hilbert and Bernays avoided overspecification of Hilbert's $\varepsilon$-operator. They axiomatized only what was relevant for their proof-theoretic investigations. Semantically, this left the $\varepsilon$-operator underspecified. After briefly reviewing the literature on semantics of Hilbert's epsilon operator, we propose a new semantics with the following features: We avoid overspecification (such as right-uniqueness), but admit indefinite choice, committed choice, and classical logics. Moreover, our semantics for the $\varepsilon$ simplifies proof search and is natural in the sense that it mirrors some cases of referential interpretation of indefinite articles in natural language.}, }