******************************************************************* Title: Conditional Confluence Topic: Confluence of Terminating CTSRs - types: 0, 1, 2, 3 - equality: semi-equational, join, normal, oriented Abstract: aspects for abstract - confluence criteria for terminating conditional rewrite systems - unified presentation of known confluence criteria plus extended ones, - revised uniform proofs, - practical importance of conditional rewriting - (inherent) difficulty and complexity of conditional rewriting Structure of the paper: - abstract - introduction - preliminaries (on trs and ctrs) - basic problems in conditional rewriting - confluence criteria with proofs and counterexamples (main part) - comparison with related work, discussion, related topics - conclusion Presentation / terminology: - omit (2.2) in favour of (3)? probably yes! - give tables for results (criteria / types of CTRSs / counterexamples) Questions / to be considered: - all/other types of CTRSs considered? - syntactic/semantic notions of critical peaks covered? - (un)decidability / computability issues - examples (also new ones, from different domains) - local vs. global versions of confluence criteria - weakening(s) of normality possible? - counterexamples to omitting any condition - weakenings of decreasingness (for oriented deterministic CTRSs): quasi-reductive, quasi-simplifying Contributions: Differences to previous results as already published (important for journal publication!): - uniform presentation in a unifying framework - previous preliminary presentations of these results scattered around in several papers - new: stronger local versions of (1) and (2.1) - improvements / generalizations / extensions: - slightly generalized versions of decreasingness - require solvability of condition for considered substitutions before ordering checks; strictly more general, but non-effective in general - left-to-right decreasingness - compatibility with a termination pair - new / simplified counterexamples - systematic study of different types of CTRSs Underlying papers: mainly the following: (1) Dershowitz/Okada/Sivakumar, CADE'88 1: confluence via decreasingness (2) Dershowitz/Okada/Sivakumar, CTRS'87 2.1: confluence via left-linearity, normality plus shallow joinability 2.2: confluence via overlay systems with joinable critical pairs (3) Gramlich/Wirth, RTA'96 3: confluence via quasi-overlay joinability of shared parallel critical peaks, generalizes overlay criterion of (2.2)) Related papers: - Bergstra/Klop, JCSS'86 - orthogonal normal 2-CTRSs are (level-/shallow-) confluent - Toyama'87: membership conditional rewrite systems - Dershowitz, CADE'90 - Dershowitz/Okada, FGCS'88 - Dershowitz/Okada, LICS'88 - Gramlich, CAAP'96 - Wirth, PhDthesis'97 - Avenhaus/Loria-Saenz, LPAR'94 (Uwe shold have proceedings): - strongly deterministic and quasi-reductive 3-CTRSs with joinable critical pairs are confluent (study proof!): induction wrt. subterm ordering: - proper critical pair case easy - variable overlap easy - improper (self-overlap) case: interesting part where the restrictions are exploited - Suzuki/Middeldorp/Ida, RTA'95: - level-(shallow-)confluence of orthogonal properly oriented right-stable 3-CTRSs - proof uses extended parallel rewriting relation; extends to join system and to systems with infeasible critical pairs, with local definitions, and with strict equality - consider generalization by imposing (some decreasing-like) termination and joinability of (certain) critical pairs! Related topics: - confluence criteria without termination - logicality of CTRSs - modularity - transformational techniques - (un)decidability / effectiveness / infinitary issues in conditional rewriting, regarding in particular: - one-step reduction - joinability of critical pairs - (in)feasibility of critical pairs Results obtained: (1) Decreasing join 2-CTRSs with joinable critical pairs are confluent. (2.1) Terminating, left-linear normal 2-CTRSs with shallow joinable critical pairs are confluent (shallow confluent). [try to extend this result!!!] (2.2) Terminating 2-CTRSs are confluent, if all critical pairs are joinable overlays. (3) Terminating 2-CTRSs with quasi-overlay joinable shared parallel critical peaks are confluent. Proof structures: (1) Prove confluence by induction wrt. the decreasing ordering. (2.1) Prove confluence by induction on the pair (m+n, s) wrt. the lexicographic combination of >_nat and the terminating reduction relation (2.2) Prove the following more general result: Lemma: R terminating join 2-CTRS s.t. all critical pairs are joinable overlays. Then: If u[s]_Pi -->* v and s -->* t, then u[t]_Pi and v are joinable. Proof by induction on the triple (s, n, u[s]) wrt. the lexicographic combination of - (--> \cup proper_subterm_relation) - natural number ordering - --> (3) Prove the following (more general) technical key result: Lemma: Let R be join 2-CTRS s.t. (*) all feasible innermost instances of all shared parallel critical peaks of R are quasi-overlay joinable. Then: for every s \in T(F,V) with SN(s), every t \in T(F,V), very u,v \in T(F',V), every Pi s.t. u|_pi = s for all pi \in \Pi: If s -->*R' v and s -->*R t, then u[t]_Pi -->*R' o <--*R' v. Proof (of the slightly strengthened generalized version) by induction on the complexity measure M(s,t,u,v,Pi) = using the lexicographic combination of - >_1=(--> \cup proper subterm)+_{below \var{s}} - >_nat - >_nat Corollary: In any join 2-CTRS satisfying (*), any terminating term is confluent (localized). Corollary: Any terminting 2-CTRS satisfying (*) is confluent. Corollary: Any terminating 2-CTRS with quasi-overlay joinable shared parallel critical peaks is confluent. Extension: use orderings and adapt (*) Setting (which types/classes of systems): ******************************************************************* Uebrigens scheint das mit den Variablenbedingungen rechts (plus links!) doch nicht so ganz trivial, und wie ich glaube bei Dir in SR-95-09 auch falsch: Zum Beipiel hat, wenn ich mich nicht taeusche, das (join) CTRS fc -> a fd -> b fe -> e' x -> y <== fy = a, fy = b, fx = e' nach Deiner Definition ueberhaupt keine feasible critical peaks, ist aber nicht (lokal) konfluent: Das Problem ist ein nichttrivialer root-self-overlap der letzten Regel (in eine Variable!): c <- e -> d, mit c,d irreduzibel *******************************************************************