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Paris, 17 Octobre}, year = {1997} } @Unpublished{AlEsGrLu05, author = {Maria Alpuente and Santiago Escobar and Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {On-Demand Strategy Annotations Revisited: An Improved On-Demand Evaluation Strategy}, note = {submitted}, month = dec, year = 2005 } @Unpublished{AlGrVi06, author = {Maria Alpuente and Bernhard Gramlich and Alicia Villanueva}, title = {Functions in tccp}, note = {draft version}, month = jan, year = 2006 } @InProceedings{AlGuIbLu06, author = {Beatriz Alarc{\'o}n and Ra{\'u}l Guti{\'e}rrez and Jos{\'e} Iborra and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Proving Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting With MU-TERM}, booktitle = {Proc.~4th Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE'06), Selected papers, ENTCS, to appear, 2007.}, year = 2006, editor = {Paqui Lucio}, publisher = elsevier } @InProceedings{AlGuLu06, author = {Beatriz Alarc{\'o}n and Ra{\'u}l Guti{\'e}rrez and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Context-Sensitive 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{IS--RR--0023F}, type = {Research Report} } @techreport{AoTo96b, author = {Takahito Aota and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {Extending Persistency of Confluence with Ordered Sorts}, institution = jaist, year = 1996, month = aug, address = {Asahidai Tatsunokuchi, Ishikawa 923--12, Japan}, number = {IS--RR--0025F}, type = {Research Report} } @Article{AoTo97, author = {Takahito Aota and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {Persistency of Confluence}, journal = jucs, year = 1997, volume = 3, number = 11, pages = {1134--1147} } @InProceedings{AoTo97a, author = {Takahito Aota and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {On Composable Properties of Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = alphoa97, pages = {114--128}, year = 1997, editor = {Michael hanus and Jan Heering and Karl Meinke}, volume = 1298, series = lncs, address = {Southampton, UK}, month = sep, publisher = springer } @InProceedings{AoTo98, author = {Takahito Aota and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {Termination Transformation by Tree Lifiting Ordering}, booktitle = rta98, pages = {256--270}, year = 1998, editor = {Tobias Nipkow}, volume = 1379, series = lncs, address = {Tsukuba, Japan}, month = {March/April}, publisher = springer } @Article{ApBo94, author = {{Krzysztof R.} Apt and {Roland N.} Bol}, title = {Logic Programming and Negation: A Survey}, journal = jlp, year = 1994, volume = {19/20}, pages = {9--71} } @InProceedings{Ar96, author = "Thomas Arts", title = "Termination by Absence of Infinite Chains of Dependency Pairs", editor = "H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner", volume = 1059, series = lncs, pages = "196--210", booktitle = caap96, year = 1996, publisher = springer, address = "Link{\"o}ping, Sweden", month = apr } @PhdThesis{Ar97, author = "Thomas Arts", title = "Automatically Proving Termination and Innermost Normalisation of Term Rewriting Systems", school = "Utrecht University", year = 1997, address = "Utrecht, The Netherlands", month = may } @InProceedings{ArGi96, author = "Thomas Arts and J{\"u}rgen Giesl", title = "Termination of Constructor Systems", editor = "Harald Ganzinger", volume = 1103, series = lncs, pages = "63--77", booktitle = rta7, year = 1996, publisher = springer, address = "New Brunswick, NJ, USA", month = jul } @inproceedings{ArGi97, author = {Thomas Arts and J{\"u}rgen Giesl}, editor = {H. 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Book}, title = {Proving Equational and Inductive Theorems by Completion and Embedding Techniques}, booktitle = rta4, pages = {361--373}, year = {1991}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {488}, series = lncs } @book{Av95, author = {J{\"u}rgen Avenhaus}, title = {Reduktionssysteme}, year = 1995, publisher = springer, note = {(in German)}, annote = {ISBN 3--540--58559--1} } @techreport{AvBe92, author = {J{\"u}rgen Avenhaus and Klaus Becker}, title = {Conditional Rewriting Modulo a Built-in Algebra}, institution = fbinf, year = {1992}, number = {SR-92-11}, type = {SEKI Report} } @inproceedings{AvBe94, author = {J{\"u}rgen Avenhaus and Klaus Becker}, editor = {P. Enjalbert and E.W.Mayr and K.W.Wagner}, title = {Operational Specifications with Built-Ins}, booktitle = stacs11, pages = {263--274}, year = {1994}, month = feb, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {775}, series = lncs, institution = fbinf, type = {SEKI Report} } @article{AvBe99, author = {J{\"u}gen Avenhaus and Klaus Becker}, title = {A Framework for Operational Equational Specifications with Pre-defined Structures}, journal = jsc, pages = {271--310}, year = 1999, volume = 27 } @inproceedings{AvGoGr87, author = {J{\"u}rgen Avenhaus and Richard G{\"o}bel and Bernhard Gramlich and Klaus Madlener and Joachim Steinbach}, editor = {St{\'e}phane Kaplan and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud}, title = {{TRSPEC}: A Term Rewriting Based System for Algebraic Specifications}, booktitle = ctrs1, pages = {245--248}, year = {1987}, publisher = springer, number = {308}, series = lncs } @inproceedings{AvGrKuMaWi94, author = {J{\"u}rgen Avenhaus and Bernhard Gramlich and Ulrich K\"uhler and Klaus Madlener and Claus-Peter Wirth}, editor = {A. Bundy and M. Rusinowitch and T. Walsh}, title = {Research at {K}aiserslautern {U}niversity on Foundations and Automation of Proof by Mathematical Induction}, booktitle = {Proc. CADE-12 Workshop ``Automation of Proof by Mathematical Induction''}, pages = {4--5}, year = {1994}, month = jun, address = {Nancy, France} } @InProceedings{AvKuSSWi03, author = {J{\"u}rgen Avenhaus and Ulrich K{\"u}ühler and Tobias Schmidt-Samoa and Claus-Peter Wirth}, title = {How to Prove Inductive Theorems? {QUODLIBET}!}, booktitle = cade03, pages = {328--333}, year = 2003, editor = {Franz Baader}, volume = 2741, series = lnai, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-40559-3} } @inproceedings{AvLo94, author = {J{\"u}rgen Avenhaus and Carlos Lor{\'\i}a-S{\'a}enz}, editor = {J.-P. Jouannaud}, title = {Higher Order Conditional Rewriting and Narrowing}, booktitle = ccl1, pages = {269--284}, year = 1994, publisher = springer, volume = 845, series = lncs } @inproceedings{AvLo94a, author = {J{\"u}rgen Avenhaus and Carlos Lor{\'\i}a-S{\'a}enz}, editor = {F. Pfenning}, title = {On Conditional Rewrite Systems with Extra Variables and Deterministic Logic Programs}, booktitle = lpar5, pages = {215--229}, year = 1994, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {Kiev, Ukraine}, volume = 822, series = lnai } @techreport{AvLoSt95, author = {J{\"u}rgen Avenhaus and Carlos Lor{\'\i}a-S{\'a}enz and Joachim Steinbach}, title = {A Reduction Ordering for Higher-Order Terms}, institution = fbinf, year = 1995, number = {SR-95-03}, type = {{SEKI-Report}} } @incollection{AvMa90, author = {J{\"u}rgen Avenhaus and Klaus Madlener}, editor = {R.B. Banerji}, title = {Term Rewriting and Equational Reasoning}, booktitle = {Formal Techniques in Artificial Intelligence. A Sourcebook}, pages = {1--43}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. 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Stickel}, title = {Rewrite Systems for Varieties of Semigroups}, booktitle = {Proc. of 10th {CADE}}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, note = {{LNAI} 449} } @inproceedings{Ba90a, author = {Franco Barbanera}, editor = {S. Kaplan and M. Okada}, title = {Adding Algebraic Rewriting to the Calculus of Constructions: Strong Normalization Preserved}, booktitle = ctrs2, pages = {260--271}, year = 1990, publisher = springer, address = {Montreal, Canada}, volume = 516, series = lncs } @incollection{Ba92, author = {{Hendrik Pieter} Barendregt}, editor = {S. Abramsky and Dov~M. Gabbay and T.S.E. Maibaum}, title = {Lambda Calculi with Types}, booktitle = {Handbook of Logic in Computer Science}, pages = {118--309}, year = 1992, publisher = {Clarendon Press Oxford}, volume = 2 } @article{Ba93, author = {Franz Baader}, title = {Unification in commutative theories, Hilbert's basis theorem, and Groebner bases}, journal = jacm, pages = {477--503}, year = {1993}, volume = {40}, number = {3} } @article{BaBeKlWe89, author = {J. Baeten and Jan Bergstra and {Jan Willem} Klop and P. Weijland}, title = {Term-Rewriting Systems with Rule Priorities}, journal = tcs, pages = {283--301}, year = 1989, volume = 67, number = {2/3} } @inproceedings{BaDe86, author = {Leo Bachmair and Nachum Dershowitz}, editor = {J. Siekmann}, title = {Commutation, transformation, and termination}, booktitle = cade8, address = {Oxford, England}, pages = {5--20}, year = {1986}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {230}, series = lncs } @article{BaDe88, author = {Leo Bachmair and Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Critical Pair Criteria for Completion}, journal = jsc, pages = {1--18}, year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 1 } @article{BaDe89, author = {Leo Bachmair and Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Completion for rewriting modulo a congruence}, journal = tcs, pages = {173--201}, year = {1989}, volume = {67}, number = {2/3} } @article{BaDe94, author = {Leo Bachmair and Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Equational inference, canonical proofs, and proof orderings}, journal = jacm, pages = {236--276}, year = {1994}, volume = {41}, number = {2} } @inproceedings{BaDeHs86, author = {Leo Bachmair and Nachum Dershowitz and Jieh Hsiang}, title = {Orderings For Equational Proofs}, booktitle = {proc. Symposium on Logic in Computer Science}, organization = {{IEEE}}, pages = {346--357}, year = {1986} } @inproceedings{BaFe93, author = {Franco Barbanera and Maribel Fern{\'a}ndez}, title = {Modularity of Termination and Confluence in Combinations of Rewrite Systems with $\lambda_\omega$}, booktitle = icalp20, year = 1993, publisher = springer, volume = 700, series = lncs } @inproceedings{BaFe93a, author = {Franco Barbanera and Maribel Fern{\'a}ndez}, editor = {M. Bezem and J.F. Groote}, title = {Combining First and Higher Order Rewrite Systems with Type Assignment Systems}, booktitle = tlca93, pages = {60--74}, year = 1993, publisher = springer, address = {Utrecht, The Netherlands}, volume = 664 } @inproceedings{BaGa90, author = {Leo Bachmair and Harald Ganzinger}, editor = {M. Stickel}, title = {On Restrictions of Ordered Paramodulation with Simplification}, booktitle = cade10, pages = {427--441}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {449}, series = lnai } @inproceedings{BaGa90a, author = {Leo Bachmair and Harald Ganzinger}, title = {Perfect Model Semantics for Logic Programs with Equality}, booktitle = iclp8, pages = {645--659}, year = {1990}, publisher = {MIT Press} } @techreport{BaGa91, author = {Leo Bachmair and Harald Ganzinger}, title = {Rewrite-Based Equational Theorem Proving With Selection and Simplification}, institution = mpi, year = {1991}, number = {MPI-I-91--208} } @inproceedings{BaGa91a, author = {Leo Bachmair and Harald Ganzinger}, title = {Perfect Model Semantics for Logic Programs with Equality}, booktitle = iclp8, editor = {Koichi Furukawa}, pages = {645--659}, year = {1991}, publisher = {{MIT} Press}, address = {Paris, France}, month = jun, annote = {ISBN 0-262-56058-5} } @Article{BaGa94, author = {Leo Bachmair and Harald Ganzinger}, title = {Rewrite-Based Equational Theorem Proving with Selection and Simplification}, journal = jlc, year = 1994, volume = 4, number = 3, pages = {217--247} } @incollection{BaGa99, author = {Leo Bachmair and Harald Ganzinger}, editor = {John Alan Robinson and Andrei Voronkov}, title = {Resolution Theorem Proving}, booktitle = {Handbook of Automated Reasoning}, year = 1999, publisher = elsevier, annote = {to appear} } @InCollection{BaGa01, author = {Leo Bachmair and Harald Ganzinger}, title = {Resolution Theorem Proving}, booktitle = {Handbook of Automated Reasoning}, pages = {19--99}, publisher = {Elsevier and MIT Press}, year = 2001, editor = {{John Alan} Robinson and Andrei Voronkov}, volume = 1, chapter = 2, note = {ISBN 0-444-50813-9,0-262-18223-8} } @InProceedings{BaGaLySn92, author = "Leo Bachmair and Harald Ganzinger and Christopher Lynch and Wayne Snyder", title = "Basic Paramodulation and Superposition", editor = "Deepak Kapur", volume = 607, series = lnai, pages = "462--476", booktitle = cade92, year = 1992, publisher = springer, address = "Saratoga Springs, NY, USA", month = jun } @inproceedings{BaGeFe94, author = {Franco Barbanera and Herman Geuvers and Maribel Fern{\'a}ndez}, title = {Modularity of Strong Normalization and Confluence in the Algebraic $\lambda$-Cube}, booktitle = lics9, year = 1994 } @InProceedings{BaIrSm92, author = {Siani Baker and Andrew Ireland and Alan Smaill}, title = {On the Use of the Constructive Omega-Rule within Automated Deduction}, booktitle = lpar92, pages = {214--225}, year = 1992, editor = {Andrei Voronkov}, volume = 624, series = lncs, month = jul, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-55727-X} } @article{BaNe82, author = {B. Banaschewski and E. Nelson}, title = {Completion of Partially Ordered Sets}, journal = {SIAM J. Computing}, pages = {521--528}, year = 1982, volume = 11 } @book{BaNi98, author = {Franz Baader and Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Term rewriting and All That}, year = {1998}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press} } @inproceedings{BaSc92, author = {Franz Baader and {Klaus U.} Schulz}, editor = {Deepak Kapur}, title = {Unification in the Union of Disjoint Equational Theories: Combining Decision Procedures}, booktitle = cade11, pages = {50--65}, year = 1992, month = jun, publisher = springer, address = {Saratoga Springs, NY, USA}, volume = 607, series = lnai } @article{BaSc96, author = {Franz Baader and {Klaus U.} Schulz}, title = {Unification in the Union of Disjoint Equational Theories: Combining Decision Procedures}, journal = jsc, pages = {211--243}, year = {1996}, volume = {21}, number = {2} } @incollection{BaSi94, author = {Franz Baader and {J{\"o}rg H.~} Siekmann}, editor = {D.M. Gabbay and C.J. Hogger and J.A. Robinson}, title = {Unification Theory}, booktitle = {Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming}, pages = {41--126}, year = {1994}, publisher = {Clarendon Press, Oxford}, volume = {2}, series = {Handbooks of Logic in Computer Science and of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming} } @inproceedings{BaTi99, author = {Franz Baader and Cesare Tinelli}, editor = {Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch and Paliath Narendran}, title = {Deciding the Word Problem in the Union of Equational Theories Sharing Constructors}, booktitle = rta10, pages = {175--189}, year = 1999, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {Trento, Italy}, volume = 1631, series = lncs } @InProceedings{BaSm94, author = {Siani Baker and Alan Smaill}, title = {A Proof Environment for Arithmetic with the Omega Rule}, booktitle = aismc94, pages = {115--130}, year = 1994, editor = {Jacques Calmet and John A.\ Campbell}, volume = 958, series = lncs, month = aug, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-60156-2} } @InCollection{BaSn00, author = {Franz Baader and Wayne Snyder}, title = {Unification Theory}, booktitle = {Handbook of Automated Reasoning}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers}, year = 2000, editor = {{John Alan} Robinson and Andrei Voronkov}, note = {To appear} } @inproceedings{BaVe93, author = {J. Baeten and C. Verhoef}, title = {A Congruence Theorem for Structured Operational Semantics with Predicates}, booktitle = {Proc. CONCUR'93}, pages = {477--492}, year = 1993, publisher = springer, volume = 715, series = lncs } @InProceedings{BaWa92, author = {David Basin and Toby Walsh}, title = {Difference Matching}, booktitle = cade92, pages = {295--309}, year = 1992, editor = {Deepak Kapur}, volume = 607, series = lncs, month = jun, publisher = springer, annote = {SBN 3-540-55602-8} } @InProceedings{BaWa93, author = {David Basin and Toby Walsh}, title = {Difference Unification}, booktitle = ijcai93, pages = {116--122}, year = 1993, editor = {Ruzena Bajcsy}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} } @InProceedings{BaWa95, author = {David A.\ Basin and Toby Walsh}, title = {A Calculus for Rippling}, booktitle = ctrs94, pages = {15--30}, year = 1995, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz and Naomi Lindenstrauss}, volume = 968, series = lncs, month = jul, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-60381-6} } @article{BaWa96, author = {David Basin and Toby Walsh}, title = {A Calculus for and Termination of Rippling}, journal = jar, pages = {147--180}, year = 1996, month = mar, volume = 16, number = {1/2}, annote = {see \cite{Zh96}} } @inproceedings{Be78, author = {G. Berry}, title = {S{\'e}quentialit{\'e} de l'{\'e}valuation formelle des lambda-expressions}, booktitle = {Proc. 3rd Int. Coll. on Programming}, year = 1978, month = mar, address = {Paris} } @inproceedings{Be78a, author = {G. Berry}, title = {Stable Models of Typed Lambda-Calculi}, booktitle = icalp5, year = 1978, address = {Udine, Italy} } @techreport{Be89, author = {Hubert Bertling}, title = {Knuth-Bendix Completion Of Horn Clause Programs For Restricted Linear Resolution and Paramodulation}, institution = {{Universit\"at} Dortmund, Fachbereich Informatik}, year = {1989}, note = {24.11.89, draft version} } @unpublished{Be92, author = {Klaus Becker}, title = {Proving Ground Confluence and Inductive Validity: A Constructor Based Approach for the Condititional Case quational Specifications}, year = {1992}, note = {submitted}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Conditional Term Rewriting Systems} } @InProceedings{BeGa89, author = {Hubert Bertling and Harald Ganzinger}, title = {Completion-Time Optimization of Rewrite-Time Goal Solving}, booktitle = rta89, pages = {45--58}, year = 1989, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz}, volume = 355, series = lncs, address = {Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA}, month = apr, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-51081-8} } @techreport{Be92, author = {Klaus Becker}, title = {Inductive Proofs in Specifications Parameterized by a Built-In Theory}, institution = fbinf, year = {1992}, number = {SR-92-02}, type = {SEKI Report} } @inproceedings{Be92a, author = {Klaus Becker}, title = {Semantics for Positive/Negative Conditional rewrite Systems (extended abstract)}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Conditional Term Rewriting Systems}, year = {1992}, note = {to appear} } @unpublished{Be92c, author = {Klaus Becker}, title = {Proving Ground Confluence and Inductive Validity in Constructor Based Equational Specifications}, year = {1992}, note = {submitted}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Conditional Term Rewriting Systems} } @unpublished{Be92d, author = {Klaus Becker}, title = {Proving Ground Confluence and Inductive Validity: A Constructor Based Approach for the Condititional Case quational Specifications}, year = {1992}, note = {submitted}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Conditional Term Rewriting Systems} } @inproceedings{Be93, author = {Klaus Becker}, editor = {M. Rusinowitch and J.L. R{\'e}my}, title = {Semantics for Positive/Negative Conditional Rewrite Systems}, booktitle = ctrs3, pages = {213--225}, year = {1993}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Pont-{\`a}-Mousson, France}, volume = {656}, series = lncs } @phdthesis{Be93b, author = {Eddy Bevers}, title = {Automated Reasoning in Conditional Algebraic Specifications: Termination and Proof by Consistency}, year = 1993, month = mar, school = {Department of Computer Science, K.U. Leuven} } @phdthesis{Be94, author = {Klaus Peter Becker}, title = {Rewrite Operationalization of Clausal Specifications with Predefined Structures}, year = 1994, school = fbinf } @InProceedings{BeBoRu96, author = {Narjes Berregeb and Adel Bouhoula and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, title = {Automated Verification by Induction with Associative-Commutative Operators}, booktitle = cav96, pages = {220--231}, year = 1996, editor = {Rajeev Alur and {Thomas A.} Henzinger}, volume = 1102, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {SBN 3-540-61474-5} } @article{BeBrLeRo96, author = {Zine-El-Abidine Benaissa and Daniel Briaud and Pierre Lescanne and Jocelyne Rouyer-Degli}, title = {$\lambda\nu$, a calculus of explicit substitutions which preserves strong normalisation}, journal = jfp, pages = {699--722}, year = {1996}, volume = {6}, number = {5} } @Article{BeHe94, author = {{Jan A.} Bergstra, Jan Heering}, title = {Which Data Types have omega-complete Initial Algebra Specifications}, journal = tcs, year = 1994, volume = 124, number = 1, month = feb } @book{BeHeKl89, author = {J.A.~ Bergstra and Jan Heering and P.~ Klint}, title = {Algebraic Specification}, year = {1989}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley} } @article{BeHeKl90, author = {Jan Bergstra and Jan Heering and Paul Klint}, title = {Module Algebra}, journal = jacm, pages = {335--372}, year = 1990, volume = 37, number = 2 } @article{BeKaNa87, author = {Dan Benanav and Deepak Kapur and Paliath Narendran}, title = {Complexity of Matching Problems}, journal = jsc, pages = {203--216}, year = {1987}, volume = {?}, number = {3} } @book{BeKeRi87, author = {Benjamin Benninghofen and {Michael M.} Richter and Susanne Kemmerich}, title = {Systems of Reductions}, year = 1987, publisher = springer, volume = 277, series = lncs } @article{BeKl82, author = {{Jan A.} Bergstra and {Jan Willem} Klop}, title = {Strong Normalization and Perpetual Reduction in the Lambda Calculus}, journal = jipc, pages = {403--417}, year = 1982, volume = 18 } @article{BeKl84, author = {Jan Bergtsra and {Jan Willem} Klop}, title = {Process Algebra for Synchronous Communication}, journal = {Information and Control}, pages = {???}, year = 1984, volume = 60, number = {1/3} } @article{BeKl86, author = {J.A.~ Bergstra and {Jan Willem} Klop}, title = {Conditional Rewrite Rules: Confluence and Termination}, journal = jcss, pages = {323--362}, year = {1986}, volume = {32}, number = {3} } @misc{BeKlMi89, author = {J.A.~ Bergstra and {Jan Willem} Klop and Aart Middeldorp}, title = {Termherschrijfsystemen}, year = {1989}, howpublished = {Deventer}, note = {In Dutch} } @techreport{BeKlOo96, author = {Marc Bezem and {Jan Willem} Klop and {Vincent van} Oostrom}, title = {Diagram Techniques for Confluence}, institution = {Faculteit der Wiskunde en Informatica, vrije Universiteit Amsterdam}, year = {1996}, month = dec, number = {IR--412} } @inproceedings{BeLe77, author = {G. Berry and Jean-Jacques L{\'e}vy}, title = {Minimal and Optimal Computations of Recursive Programs}, booktitle = popl3, year = 1977, month = jan, address = {Santa Monica} } @article{BeLe79, author = {G. Berry and Jean-Jacques L{\'e}vy}, title = {Minimal and Optimal Computations of Recursive Programs}, journal = jacm, pages = {148--175}, year = {1979}, volume = {26}, annote = {journal version of \cite{BeLe79}} } @inproceedings{BeLe87, author = {Fran\c{c}oise Bellegarde and Pierre Lescanne}, title = {Transformation Ordering}, booktitle = {Proc. of TAPSOFT 87}, year = {1987}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, note = {{LNCS} 249} } @unpublished{BeLe90, author = {Eddy Bevers and Johan Levi}, title = {Proof By Consistency In Conditional Equational Theories}, year = {1990}, note = {draft 8/90} } @article{BeLe90a, author = {Fran\c{c}oise Bellegarde and Pierre Lescanne}, title = {Termination by Completion}, journal = aaecc, pages = {79--96}, year = 1990, volume = 1 } @inproceedings{BeLe91, author = {Eddy Bevers and Johan Lewi}, editor = {S. Kaplan and M. Okada}, title = {Proof By Consistency In Conditional Equational Theories}, booktitle = ctrs2, pages = {194--205}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {516}, series = lncs } @Article{BeLe93, author = "Eddy Bevers and Johan Lewi", title = "Proving Termination of (Conditional) Rewrite Systems", journal = "Acta Informatica", year = 1993, volume = 30, pages = "537--568" } @techreport{BeMe83, author = {J.A.~ Bergstra and J.-J.~ Chr.~ Meyer}, title = {On Specifying Sets of Integers}, institution = {stichting mathematisch centrum, ofdeling informatica}, year = {1983}, number = {{IW} 237/83} } @article{BeTu87, author = {J.A.~ Bergstra and J.V.~ Tucker}, title = {Algebraic Specifications of Computable and Semicomputable Data Types}, journal = tcs, pages = {137--181}, year = {1987}, volume = {50} } @article{Bi35, author = {Garrett Birkhoff}, title = {On the Structure of Abstract Algebras}, journal = {Proc. of the Cambridge Philosophical Society}, pages = {433--454}, year = 1935, volume = 31 } @article{Bi44, author = {G.Birkhoff}, title = {Subdirect Unions in Universal Algebras}, journal = {American Mathematical Society}, pages = {764--768}, year = 1944, volume = 50 } @book{Bi48, author = {G.Birkhoff}, title = {Lattice Theory}, year = 1948, publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, address = {New York}, note = {Revised edition} } @phdthesis{Bi81, author = {Michel Bidoit}, title = {Une m{\'e}thode de pr{\'e}sentation de types abstraits: Applications}, year = {1981}, school = {Universit{\'e} de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France}, type = {Th{\`e}se de Troisi{\`e}me Cycle} } @InProceedings{Bi86, author = {Susanne Biundo}, title = {A Synthesis System Mechanizing Proofs by Induction}, booktitle = ecai86, pages = {287--296}, year = 1987, editor = {{J.~B.~H.~du} Boulay and David Hogg and Luc Steels}, month = jul, publisher = {North-Holland} } @inproceedings{Bi89, author = {G. Birkhoff}, editor = {N. Dershowitz}, title = {Term Rewriting and Universal Algebra in Historical Perspective (Abstract)}, booktitle = rta3, pages = 1, year = 1989, publisher = springer, address = {Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA}, volume = 355, series = lncs } @article{BiEd97, author = {Wolfgang Bibel and Elmar Eder}, title = {Decomposition of Tautologies into Regular Formulas and Strong Completeness of Connection-Graph Resolution}, journal = jacm, pages = {320--344}, year = {1997}, volume = {44}, number = {2} } @article{BiFr48, author = {G.Birkhoff and O. Frink}, title = {Representation of Lattices by Sets}, journal = tams, pages = {299--316}, year = 1948, volume = 64 } @InProceedings{BiHuHuWa86, author = {Susanne Biundo and Birgit Hummel and Dieter Hutter and Christoph Walther}, title = {The {K}arlsruhe Induction Theorem Proving System}, booktitle = cade86, pages = {672--674}, year = 1986, editor = {{J{\"o}rg H.} Siekmann}, volume = 230, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-16780-3} } @article{BiLi70, author = {G.Birkhoff and J.D. Lipson}, title = {Heterogeneous Algebras}, journal = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory}, pages = {115--153}, year = 1970, volume = 8 } @Book{BiMo03, author = {Michel Bidoit and {Peter D.} Mosses}, title = {{CASL} User Manual -- SECOND PUBLIC DRAFT}, publisher = springer, year = 2003, month = oct } @Book{Mo03, editor = {{Peter D.} Mosses}, title = {CASL, The Common Algebraic Specification Language -- User Manual and Reference Manual, by CoFI, The Common Framework Initiative for Algebraic Specification and Development}, publisher = springer, year = 2003, series = {IFIP Series}, note = {To appear} } @article{Bl76, author = {S.L. Bloom}, title = {Varieties of Ordered Algebras}, journal = jcss, pages = {200--212}, year = 1976, volume = 13 } @article{BlWr82, author = {S.L. Bloom and J.B. Wright}, title = {Finitary Quasi Varieties}, journal = {Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra}, pages = {121--154}, year = 1982, volume = 25 } @PhdThesis{Bo02, author = {Cristina Borralleras}, title = {Ordering-Based Methods for Proving Termination Automatically}, school = {Universitat Polit{\`e}cnica de Catalunya, Dept.\ LSL}, year = 2002, annote = {available at http://www.lsi.upc.es/~albert/cristinaphd.ps} } @misc{Bo47, author = {G. Boole}, title = {The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, Being an Essay Toward a Calculus of Dedudctive Reasoning}, year = 1847, howpublished = {Cambridge: Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan} } @article{Bo59, author = {W.N. Boone}, title = {The Word Problem}, journal = {Annals of Mathematics}, pages = {207--265}, year = 1959, volume = 70 } @article{Bo82, author = {Ronald V.~ Book}, title = {Confluent And Other Types Of Thue Systems}, journal = jacm, pages = {171--182}, year = {1982}, month = jan, volume = {29}, number = {1} } @techreport{Bo83, author = {G. Boudol}, title = {Computational Semantics of Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = {INRIA}, year = 1983, month = feb, type = {Rapport de Recherche} } @inproceedings{Bo85, author = {Ronald V.~ Book}, title = {Thue Systems As Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {Proc. of 1st Rewriting Techniques and Applications}, pages = {63--94}, year = {1985}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, note = {{LNCS} 202} } @incollection{Bo85a, author = {G.~ Boudol}, editor = {M. Nivat and J.C. Reynolds}, title = {Computional Semantics of Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {Algebraic Methods in Semantics}, pages = {169--236}, year = {1985}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press} } @PhdThesis{Bo90, author = {Alexander Bockmayr}, title = {Beitr{\"a}ge zur {T}heorie des {L}ogisch-{F}unktionalen {P}rogrammierens}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe}, year = 19990, note = {In German} } @InProceedings{Bo94, author = {Adel Bouhoula}, title = {Sufficient Completeness and Parameterized Proofs by Induction}, booktitle = alp94, pages = {23--40}, year = 1994, editor = {Giorgio Levi and Mario Rodr{\'\i}guez-Artalejo}, volume = {850 }, series = lncs, month = sep, publisher = sep, note = {ISBN 3-540-58431-5} } @InProceedings{Bo96, author = {Adel Bouhoula}, title = {General Framework for Mechanizing Induction using Test Set}, booktitle = pricai96, pages = {1--12}, year = 1996, editor = {{Norman Y.} Foo and Randy Goebel}, volume = 1114, month = aug, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-61532-6} } @Article{Bo96a, author = {Adel Bouhoula}, title = {Using Induction and Rewriting to Verify and Complete Parameterized Specifications}, journal = tcs, year = 1996, volume = 170, number = {1--2}, pages = {245--276}, month = dec } @Article{Bo97, author = {Adel Bouhoula}, title = {Automated Theorem Proving by Test Set Induction}, journal = jsc, year = 1997, volume = 23, number = 1, pages = {47--77}, month = jan } @incollection{Bo99, author = {{Maria Paola} Bonacina}, editor = {Manuela Veloso and Mike Wooldridge}, title = {A Taxonomy of Theorem-Proving Strategies}, booktitle = {Artifical Intelligence Today -- Current Trends and Developments}, pages = {43--84}, year = 1999, publisher = springer, volume = 1600, series = lnai } @Proceedings{BoBo04, title = {Proc.\ 5th International Workshop on Strategies in Automated Deduction (STRATEGIES'04), in conjunction with IJCAR'04, July 4, 2004}, year = 2004, editor = {Maria Paola Bonacina and Boy de la Tour, Thierry}, month = jul, note = {132 pages} } @inproceedings{BoCoFa91, author = {A. Bossi and N. Cocco and M. Fabris}, editor = {S. Abramsky and T.S.E. Maibaum}, title = {Proving Termination of Logic Programs by Exploiting Term Properties}, booktitle = tapsoft91, pages = {153--180}, year = 1991, month = apr, publisher = springer, address = {Birghton, UK}, volume = 494, series = lncs } @article{BoCoFa94, author = {A. Bossi and N. Cocco and M. Fabris}, title = {Norms on terms and their use in proving universal termination of a logic program}, journal = tcs, pages = {297--328}, year = 1994, volume = 124 } @inproceedings{BoGi86, author = {P.G. Bosco and E. Giovannetti}, title = {{IDEAL}: An Ideal Deductive Applicative Language}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Logic Programming}, pages = {89--94}, year = 1986 } @InProceedings{BoGiMo87, author = "{Pier Giorgio} Bosco and Elio Giovannetti and Corrado Moiso", title = "Refined Strategies for Semantic Unification", editor = "Hartmut Ehrig and {Robert A.} Kowalski and Giorgio Levi and Ugo Montanari", pages = "276--290", booktitle = "TAPSOFT'87: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development, Volume 2: Advanced Seminar on Foundations of Innovative Software Development II and Colloquium on Functional and Logic Programming and Specifications (CFLP)", year = "1987", publisher = springer, volume = {250}, series = lncs, address = "Pisa, Italy", month = mar } @Article{BoGiMo88, author = "{Pier Giorgio} Bosco and Elio Giovannetti and Corrado Moiso", title = "Narrowing vs.\ SLD-Resolution", journal = tcs, year = 1988, volume = 59, pages = "3--23" } @Proceedings{BoGr01, title = {Proc.\ 4th International Workshop on Strategies in Automated Deduction (STRATEGIES 2001)}, year = 2001, editor = {{Maria Paola} Bonacina and Bernhard Gramlich}, address = {Siena, Italy}, month = jun, annote = {118 pages} } @article{BoGr96, author = {{Roland N.} Bol and {Jan Friso} Groote}, title = {The Meaning of Negative Premises in Transition System Specifications}, journal = jacm, pages = {863--914}, year = 1996, volume = 43, number = 5 } @Proceedings{BoGr-strategies01, title = {Proc.\ 4th International Workshop on Strategies in Automated Deduction (STRATEGIES 2001)}, year = 2001, editor = {{Maria Paola} Bonacina and Bernhard Gramlich}, address = {Siena, Italy}, month = jun, annote = {118 pages} } @Proceedings{BoGr-strategies01-entcs-58-2, title = {4th International Workshop on Strategies in Automated Deduction (STRATEGIES 2001) -- Selected Papers}, year = 2001, editor = {{Maria Paola} Bonacina and Bernhard Gramlich}, volume = 58, issue = 2, series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers}, annote = {ISBN: 0444510745} } @Article{BoJo01, author = {Adel Bouhoula and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud}, title = {Automata-Driven Automated Induction}, journal = ic, year = 2001, volume = 169, number = 1, pages = {1--22} } @InProceedings{BoKiKi98, author = {Peter Borovansk{\'y} and Claude Kirchner and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner}, title = {A Functional View of Rewriting and Strategies for a Semantics of {ELAN}}, booktitle = flops98, pages = {143--166}, year = 1998, editor = {Masahiko Sato and Yoshihito Toyama}, publisher = {World Scientific, Singapore}, note = {ISBN 981-02-3384-1} } @Article{BoKiKiRi01, author = {Peter Borovansk{\'y} and Claude Kirchner and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Christophe Ringeissen }, title = {Rewriting with strategies in {ELAN}: a functional semantics}, journal = ijfcs, year = 2001, volume = {??}, number = {??}, month = mar, annote = {to appear} } @Article{BoKiKiRi01a, author = {Peter Borovansk{\'y} and Claude Kirchner and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Christophe Ringeissen}, title = {Rewriting with Strategies in {ELAN}: {A} Functional Semantics}, journal = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, year = 2001, volume = 12, number = 1, pages = {69--95}, month = feb } @InProceedings{BoKiKiMoRi98, author = {Peter Borovansky and Claude Kirchner and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Pierre-Etienne Moreau and Christophe Ringeissen}, title = {An Overview of {ELAN}}, booktitle = {Proceedings 2nd International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA'98)}, year = 1998, editor = {Claude Kirchner and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner}, volume = 15, series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, address = {Abbaye des Pr{\'e}montr{\'e}s at Pont-{\`a}-Mousson, near Nancy (France)}, month = sep, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers} } @techreport{BoKoRu92, author = {Adel Bouhoula and Emmanuel Kounalis and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, title = {Automated Mathematical Induction}, institution = {{INRIA}}, year = {1992}, month = apr, number = {1663}, type = {Rapport de Recherche} } @InProceedings{BoKoRu92a, author = {Adel Bouhoula and Emmanuel Kounalis and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, title = {{SPIKE}, an Automatic Theorem Prover}, booktitle = lpar92, pages = {460--462}, year = 1992, editor = {Andrei Voronkov}, volume = 624, series = lncs, month = jul, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-55727-X} } @article{BoKoRu95, author = {Adel Bouhoula and Emmanuel Kounalis and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, title = {Automated Mathematical Induction}, journal = jlc, pages = {631--668}, year = 1995, volume = 5, number = 5 } @InProceedings{BoLuRu02, author = {Cristina Borralleras and Salvador Lucas and Albert Rubio}, title = {Recursive Path Orderings Can Be Context-Sensitive}, booktitle = cade02, pages = {314--331}, year = 2002, editor = {Andrei Voronkov}, volume = 2392, series = lncs, month = jul, publisher = springer } @InProceedings{BoMo73, author = {{Robert S.} Boyer and {J Strother} Moore}, title = {Proving Theorems about {LISP} Functions}, booktitle = ijcai73, pages = {486--493}, year = 1973, editor = {N.J.\ Nilsson}, month = aug, publisher = {William Kaufmann} } @Article{BoMo75, author = {{Robert S.} Boyer and {J Strother} Moore}, title = {Proving Theorems about {LISP} Functions}, journal = jacm, year = 1975, volume = 22, number = 1, pages = {129--144}, month = jan } @InProceedings{BoMo77, author = {{Robert S.} Boyer and {J Strother} Moore}, title = {A Lemma Driven Automatic Theorem Prover for Recursive Function Theory}, booktitle = ijcai77, pages = {511--519}, year = 1977, editor = {R.~Reddy}, month = aug, publisher = {William Kaufmann} } @book{BoMo79, author = {{Robert S.} Boyer and {J Strother} Moore}, title = {A Computational Logic}, year = {1979}, publisher = acad } @incollection{BoMo81, author = {{Robert S.} Boyer and {J Strother} Moore}, editor = {R.S.\ Boyer and J.S.\ Moore}, title = {Metafunctions: Proving Them Correct And Using Them Efficiently As New Proof Procedures}, booktitle = {The Correctness Problem In Computer Science}, year = {1981}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {London} } @Article{BoMo85, author = {{Robert S.} Boyer and {J Strother} Moore}, title = {Program Verification}, journal = jar, year = 1985, volume = 1, number = 1, pages = {17--23} } @InProceedings{BoMo86, author = {{Robert S.} Boyer and {J Strother} Moore}, title = {Overview of a Theorem-Prover for A Computational Logic}, booktitle = cade86, pages = {675--678}, year = 1986, editor = {{J{\"i}rg H.} Siekmann}, volume = 230, series = lncs, publisher = springer } @book{BoMo88, author = {{Robert S.} Boyer and {J Strother} Moore}, title = {A Computational Logic Handbook}, year = {1988}, publisher = acad, volume = {23}, series = {Perspectives in Computing}, note = {Formerly: Notes and Reports in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics} } @Article{BoMo88a, author = {{Robert S.} Boyer and {J Strother} Moore}, title = {The Addition of Bounded Quantification and Partial Functions to A Computational Logic and Its Theorem Prover}, journal = jar, year = 1988, volume = 4, number = 2, pages = {117--172}, month = jun } @InProceedings{BoMo90, author = {{Robert S.} Boyer and {J Strother} Moore}, title = {A Theorem Prover for a Computational Logic (Keynote Address)}, booktitle = cade90, pages = {1--15}, year = 1990, editor = {{Mark E.} Stickel}, volume = 449, series = lnai, month = jul, publisher = springer } @book{BoOt93, author = {{Ronald V.} Book and Friedrich Otto}, title = {String Rewriting Systems}, year = 1993, month = aug, publisher = springer, series = {Texts and Monographs in Computer Science} } @inproceedings{BoRu93, author = {Adel Bouhoula and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, title = {Automatic Case Analysis in Proof by Induction}, booktitle = ijcai13, pages = {88--94}, year = {1993}, month = apr, address = {Chamb{\'e}ry Savoie, France}, type = {Rapport de Recherche} } @article{BoRu95, author = {Adel Bouhoula and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, title = {Implicit Induction in Conditional Theories}, journal = jar, pages = {189--235}, year = 1995, volume = 14, number = 2 } @InProceedings{BoRu95a, author = {Adel Bouhoula and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, title = {{SPIKE}: A System for Automatic Inductive Proofs}, booktitle = amast95, pages = {576--577}, year = 1995, editor = {{Vangalur S.} Alagar and {Maurice Nivat}}, volume = 936, series = lncs, month = jul, publisher = springer, note = {SBN 3-540-60043-4} } @article{BoSe85, author = {L. Boasson and G{\'e}raud Senizergues}, title = {{NTS} Languages Are Deterministic And Congruential}, journal = jcss, pages = {332--342}, year = {1985}, volume = {31} } @InProceedings{BoSl00, author = {{Richard J.} Boulton and Konrad Slind}, title = {Automatic Derivation and Application of Induction Schemes for Mutually Recursive Functions}, booktitle = cl00, pages = {629--643}, year = 2000, editor = {{John W.} Lloyd and Ver{\'o}nica Dahl and Ulrich Furbach and Manfred Kerber and Kung-Kiu Lau and Catuscia Palamidessi and {Lu{\'\i}s Moniz} Pereira and Yehoshua Sagiv and {Peter J.} Stuckey}, volume = 1861, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-67797-6} } @InProceedings{BoSlBuGo98, author = {Richard J. Boulton, Konrad Slind, Alan Bundy, Michael J. C. Gordon}, title = {An Interface between {C}lam and {HOL}}, booktitle = tphols98, pages = {87--104}, year = 1998, editor = {Jim Grundy and Malcolm C.\ Newey}, volume = 1479, series = lncs, publisher = springer } @article{Br27, author = {L.E.J. Brouwer}, title = {{\"Uber Definitionsbereiche von Funtionen}}, journal = {Mathematische Annalen}, pages = {60--76}, year = 1927, volume = 97 } @article{Br69, author = {W.S. Brainerd}, title = {Tree Generating Regular Systems}, journal = {Information and Control}, pages = {217--231}, year = 1969, volume = 14 } @TechReport{BrDaJo78, author = {Daniel Brand and {John A.} Darringer and {William H.} {Joyner Jr}}, title = {Completeness of Conditional Reductions}, institution = {IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.}, year = 1978, type = {Technical Report}, number = {RC 7404}, month = dec } @InProceedings{BrReHa94, author = {Fran\c{c}ois Bronsard and {Uday S.} Reddy and {Robert W.} Hasker}, title = {Induction using Term Orderings}, booktitle = cade94, pages = {102--117}, year = 1994, editor = {Alan Bundy}, volume = 814, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-58156-1} } @InCollection{Bu01, author = {Alan Bundy}, title = {The Automation of Proof by Mathematical Induction}, booktitle = {Handbook of Automated Reasoning}, pages = {845--911}, publisher = {Elsevier and MIT Press}, year = 2001, editor = {{John Alan} Robinson and Andrei Voronkov}, volume = {1, Part IV}, isbn = {0-444-50813-9, 0-262-18223-8}, chapter = 13 } @InCollection{Bu02, author = {Alan Bundy}, title = {A Critique of Proof Planning}, booktitle = {Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond, Essays in Honour of Robert A.\ Kowalski, Part II}, pages = {160--177}, publisher = springer, year = 2002, editor = {{Antonis C.} Kakas and Fariba Sadri}, volume = 2408, series = lncs, isbn = {3-540-43960-9} } @PhdThesis{Bu65, author = {Bruno Buchberger}, title = {Ein Algorithmus zum Auffinden der Basiselemente des Restklassenrings nach einem nulldimensionalen Polynomideal}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Innsbruck}, year = 1965 } @InProceedings{Bu75, author = {Alan Bundy}, title = {Analysing Mathematical Proofs (Or Reading Between the Lines)}, booktitle = ijcai75, pages = {22--28}, year = 1975 } @inproceedings{Bu83, author = {Bruno Buchberger}, editor = {E. {B\"{o}rger} and G. {Hasenj\"{a}eger} and D. {R\"{o}dding}}, title = {A Critical-Pair/Completion Algorithm For Fintitely Generated Ideals In Rings}, booktitle = {Logic and Machines, Decision Problems and Complexity}, year = {1983}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {New York, Heidelberg, Berlin}, note = {{LNCS} 171} } @Article{Br75, author = {Daniel Brand}, title = {Proving Theorems with the Modification Method}, journal = {SIAM J.~Comput.}, year = 1975, volume = 4, number = 4, pages = {412--430 } } @Article{Br76, author = {Daniel Brand}, title = {Analytic Resolution in Theorem Proving}, journal = ai, year = 1976, volume = 7, number = 4, pages = {285--318} } @InProceedings{Br76a, author = {Daniel Brand}, title = {Proving Programs Incorrect}, booktitle = ijcai76, pages = {210--227}, year = 1976, editor = {S.~Michaelson and Robin Milner}, address = {University of Edinburgh}, month = jul, publisher = {Edinburgh University Press}, annote = {ISBN 0-85224-308-1} } @InProceedings{BrMe03, author = {Roberto Bruni and Jos{\'e} Meseguer}, title = {Generalized Rewrite Theories}, booktitle = icalp30, pages = {252--266}, year = 2003, editor = {{Jos C.~M.} Baeten and {Jan Karel} Lenstra and Joachim Parrow and {Gerhard J.} Woeginger}, volume = 2719, series = lncs, publisher = springer } @inproceedings{Bu85a, author = {Bruno Buchberger}, title = {Basic Features and Development of the Critical-Pair/Completion Procedure}, booktitle = {Rewriting Techniques and Applications}, year = {1985}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {New York, Heidelberg, Berlin}, note = {{LNCS} 202} } @incollection{Bu85b, author = {Bruno Buchberger}, editor = {N. K. Bose}, title = {{Gr\"{o}bner} Bases: An Algorithmic Method in Polynomial Ideal Theory}, booktitle = {Multidimensional Systems Theory}, pages = {184--232}, year = {1985}, publisher = {D. Reidel Publishing Company} } @article{Bu87, author = {Bruno Buchberger}, title = {History and Basic Features of the Critical-Pair/Completion Procedure}, journal = jsc, pages = {3--38}, year = 1987, volume = 3 } @TechReport{Bu87a, author = "Hans-J{\"u}rgen B{\"u}rckert", title = "Matching --- A Special Case of Unification?", institution = fbinf, year = 1987, type = seki, number = "SR--87--08", annote = "later: journal version in JSC: \cite{Bu89}" } @inproceedings{Bu88, author = {Alan Bundy}, editor = {E. Lusk and R. Overbeek}, title = {The use of explicit proof plans to guide inductive proofs}, booktitle = cade9, pages = {111--120}, year = {1988}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {310}, series = lncs } @article{Bu89, author = {Hans-J{\"u}rgen B{\"u}rckert}, title = {Matching - A Special Case of Unification?}, journal = jsc, pages = {523--536}, year = {1989}, volume = {8}, number = {5} } @unpublished{Bu90, author = {Reinhard B{\"u}ndgen}, title = {Analyzing The Set of Ground Normal Forms}, year = {1990}, month = sep, note = {draft, Wilhelm Schickard Institut, Universit{\"a}t T{\"u}bingen} } @phdthesis{Bu91, author = {Reinhard B\"undgen}, title = {Term Completion Versus Algebraic Completion}, year = {1991}, school = {Fakult\"at f\"ur Informatik, Universit\"at T\"ubingen} } @book{Bu98, author = {Reinhard B{\"u}ndgen}, title = {Termersetzungssysteme: Theorie, Implementierung, Anwendung}, year = 1998, publisher = {Vieweg Verlag}, address = {Braunschweig/Wiesbaden}, annote = {Habilitationsschrift} } @article{BuBu94, author = {Wray L. Buntine and Hans-J\"urgen B\"urckert}, title = {On Solving Equations and Disequations}, journal = jacm, pages = {591--629}, year = {1994}, volume = {41}, number = {4} } @InProceedings{BuGiOhTh95, author = "Bernd B{\"u}tow and Robert Giegerich and Enno Ohlebusch and Stephan Thesing", title = "A New Strategy for Semantic Matching", editor = "{Manuel V.} Hermenegildo and {S.~Doaitse} Swierstra ", volume = 982, series = lncs, pages = "81--96", booktitle = plilp95, year = 1995, publisher = springer, address = "Utrecht, The Netherlands", month = sep, annote = "ISBN 3-540-60359-X" } @Article{BuGiOhTh99, author = "Bernd B{\"u}tow and Robert Giegerich and Enno Ohlebusch and Stephan Thesing", title = "Semantic Matching for Left-Linear Convergent Rewrite Systems", journal = jflp, year = 1999, volume = 1999, number = 11 } @Article{BuGiSeWa96, author = {Alan Bundy and Fausto Giunchiglia and Roberto Sebastiani and Toby Walsh}, title = {Calculating Criticalities}, journal = ai, year = 1996, volume = 88, number = {1--2}, pages = {39--67}, month = dec } @Article{BuGiViWa97, author = {Alan Bundy and Fausto Giunchiglia and Adolfo Villafiorita and Toby Walsh}, title = {Abstract Proof Checking: An Example Motivated by an Incompleteness Theorem}, journal = jar, year = 1997, volume = 19, number = 3, pages = {319--346}, month = dec } @InProceedings{BuHaHeSmSt89, author = {Alan Bundy and {Frank van} Harmelen and Jane Hesketh and Alan Smaill and Andrew Stevens}, title = {A Rational Reconstruction and Extension of Recursion Analysis}, booktitle = ijcai89, pages = {359--365}, year = 1989, editor = {N.S.\ Sridharan}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}, note = {ISBN 1-55860-094-9} } @Article{BuHaHeSm91, author = {Alan Bundy and {Frank van} Harmelen and Jane Hesketh and Alan Smaill}, title = {Experiments with Proof Plans for Induction}, journal = jar, year = 1991, volume = 7, number = 3, pages = {303--324} } @inproceedings{BuHaSmIr90, author = {Alan Bundy and {Harmelen, Frank van} and Alan Smaill and Andrew Ireland}, editor = {M.E. Stickel}, title = {Extensions to the Rippling-Out Tactic for Guiding Inductive Proofs}, booktitle = cade10, pages = {132--146}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {449}, series = lnai } @InProceedings{BuHaHoSm90, author = {Alan Bundy and Frank van Harmelen and Christian Horn and Alan Smaill}, title = {The {O}yster-{C}lam System}, booktitle = cade90, pages = {647--648}, year = 1990, editor = {Mark E.\ Stickel}, volume = 449, series = lncs, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-52885-7} } @inproceedings{BuKu88, author = {Reinhard B{\"u}ndgen and Wolfgang K{\"u}chlin}, title = {Computing Inductively Complete Positions in Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {Proc. 2nd {UNIF}}, year = {1988} } @inproceedings{BuKu89, author = {Reinhard B{\"u}ndgen and Wolfgang K{\"u}chlin}, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Computing Ground Reducibility and Inductively Complete Positions}, booktitle = {Proc. 3rd Rewriting Techniqes and Applications}, pages = {59--75}, year = {1989}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, note = {{LNCS} 355} } @InProceedings{BuLo95, author = {Alan Bundy and Vincent Lombart}, title = {Relational Rippling: A General Approach}, booktitle = ijcai95, pages = {175--181}, year = 1995, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} } @Article{BuStHaIrSm93, author = {Alan Bundy and Andrew Stevens and {Frank van} Harmelen and Andrew Ireland and Alan Smaill:}, title = {Rippling: A Heuristic for Guiding Inductive Proofs}, journal = ai, year = 1993, volume = 62, number = 2, pages = {185--252} } @techreport{BuTh94, author = {Bernd B{\"u}tow and Stephan Thesing}, title = {Reverse Restructuring: Another Method of Solving Algebraic Equations}, institution = {Abteilung Informationstechnik, Universit{\"a}t Bielefeld}, year = 1994, number = {94-07}, type = {Forschungsberichte der Technischen Fakult{\"a}t} } @InProceedings{BuWe80, author = {Alan Bundy and Bob Welham}, title = {Using Meta-Level Inference for Selective Application of Multiple Rewrite Rules in Algebraic Manipulation}, booktitle = cade80, pages = {24--38}, year = 1980, editor = {Wolfgang Bibel and {Robert A.} Kowalski}, volume = 87, series = lncs, month = jul, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-10009-1} } @inproceedings{Ca91, author = {Anne-C{\'e}cile Caron}, editor = {S. Abramsky and T.S.E. Maibaum}, title = {Linear Bounded Automata and Rewrite Systems: Influence of Initial Configurations on Decision Properties}, booktitle = tapsoft91, pages = {74--89}, year = 1991, month = apr, publisher = springer, address = {Brighton, UK}, volume = 493, series = lncs } @inproceedings{Ca92, author = {Anne-C{\'e}cile Caron}, editor = {J.-C. Raoult}, title = {Decidability of Reachability and Disjoint Union of Term Rewriting Sytems}, booktitle = caap17, year = 1992, month = feb, publisher = springer, address = {Rennes, France}, volume = 581, series = lncs } @InProceedings{CaBuSmBa96, author = {{Francisco J.} Cantu and Alan Bundy and Alan Smaill and {David A.} Basin}, title = {Experiments in Automating Hardware Verification Using Inductive Proof Planning}, booktitle = {Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, First International Conference, FMCAD '96, Palo Alto, California, USA, November 6-8, 1996, Proceedings}, pages = {94--108}, year = 1996, editor = {{Mandayam K.} Srivas and {Albert John} Camilleri}, volume = 1166, series = lncs, isbn = {3-540-61937-2} } @article{CaCo94, author = {Anne-C{\'e}cile Caron and Jean-Luc Coquide}, title = {Decidability of Reachability for disjoint union of term rewriting systems}, journal = tcs, pages = {31--52}, year = 1994, volume = 126, number = 1 } @inproceedings{CaCoCoDaJa94, author = {Anne-C\'ecile Caron and Hubert Comon and Jean-Luc Coquid\'e and Max Dauchet and Florent Jacquemard}, editor = {Serge Abiteboul and Eli Shamir}, title = {Pumping, Cleaning and Symbolic Constraints Solving}, booktitle = icalp21, pages = {436--449}, year = {1994}, publisher = springer, address = {Jerusalem, Israel}, volume = 820, series = lncs } @article{Ch32, author = {Alonzo Church}, title = {A Set of Postulates for the Foundation of Logic}, journal = {Annals of Mathematics}, pages = {346--366}, year = 1932, volume = 33 } @article{Ch33, author = {Alonzo Church}, title = {A Set of Postulates for the Foundation of Logic (second paper)}, journal = {Annals of Mathematics}, pages = {839--864}, year = 1933, volume = 34 } @article{Ch40, author = {Alonzo Church}, title = {A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types}, journal = jsl, pages = {56--68}, year = 1940, volume = 5 } @incollection{Ch41, author = {Alonzo Church}, title = {The calculi of lambda conversion}, booktitle = {Annals of Mathematical Studies}, year = {1941}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, volume = {6} } @inproceedings{Ch79, author = {Laurent Chottin}, title = {Strict Deterministic Languages and Controlled Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings 6th ICALP}, year = {1979}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag} } @inproceedings{Ch81, author = {Paul Chew}, title = {Unique normal forms in term rewriting systems with repeated variables}, booktitle = stoc13, pages = {7--18}, year = {1981} } @Article{ChHs95, author = {Hong Chen and Jieh Hsiang}, title = {Recurrence Domains: Their Unification and Application to Logic Programming}, journal = ic, year = 1995, volume = 19, pages = {245--267} } @InProceedings{ChHsKo90, author = {Hong Chen and Jieh Hsiang and Hwa-Chung Kong}, title = {On Finite Representations of Infinite Sequences of Terms}, booktitle = ctrs90, pages = {100--114}, year = 1990, editor = {St{\'e}phane Kaplan and Mitsuhiro Okada}, volume = 516, series = lncs, address = {Montreal, Canada}, month = may, publisher = springer } @Article{ChKaSo89, author = {Christine Choppy and St{\'e}phane Kaplan and Mich{\`e}le Soria}, title = {Complexity Analysis of Term-Rewriting Systems}, journal = tcs, year = 1989, volume = 67, pages = {261--282} } @InProceedings{ChKo94, author = {Jacques Chazarain and Emmanuel Kounalis}, title = {Mechanizable Inductive Proofs for a Class of Forall Exists Formulas}, booktitle = cade94, pages = {118--132}, year = 1994, editor = {Alan Bundy}, volume = 814, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-58156-1} } @article{ChRo36, author = {Alonzo Church and J.B. Rosser}, title = {Some Properties of Conversion}, journal = tams, pages = {472--482}, year = 1936, month = {January to June}, volume = 39 } @InProceedings{CiKi98, author = {Horatiu Cirstea and Claude Kirchner}, title = {The Rewriting Calculus as a Semantics of {ELAN}}, booktitle = asian98, pages = {84--85}, year = 1998, editor = {Jieh Hsiang and Atsushi Ohori}, volume = 1538, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-65388-0} } @InProceedings{ClDuEkLiMOMeQu99, author = {Manuel Clavel and Fransisco Dur{\'a}n and Steven Eker and Patrick Lincoln and Narciso Mart{\'\i}-Oliet and Jos{\'e} Meseguer and {Jose F.} Quesada}, title = {The {M}aude System}, booktitle = rta99, pages = {240--243}, year = 1999, editor = {Paliath Narendran and Michael Rusinowitch}, volume = 1631, series = lncs, address = {Trento, Italy}, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-66201-4} } @InProceedings{ClDuEkLiMOMeTa03, author = {Manuel Clavel and Francisco Dur{\'a}n and Steven Eker and Patrick Lincoln and Narciso Mart{\'\i}-Oliet and Jos{\'e} Meseguer and {Carolyn L.} Talcott}, title = {The {M}aude 2.0 System}, booktitle = rta03, pages = {76--87}, year = 2003, editor = {Robert Nieuwenhuis}, volume = 2706, series = lncs, publisher = springer } @InProceedings{ClEkLiMe96, author = {Manuel Clavel and Steven Eker and Patrick Lincoln and Jos{\'e} Meseguer}, title = {Principles of {M}aude}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 1st International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA'96)}, address = {Pacific Grove, California}, year = 1996, month = sep, editor = {Jos{\'e} Meseguer}, volume = 4, series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers}, note = {25 pages} } @book{Co65, author = {P.M.~ Cohn}, title = {Universal Algebra}, year = {1965}, publisher = {D. Reidel Publishing Company}, address = {Dordrecht: Holland, Boston: {USA}, London: England}, volume = {6}, series = {Mathematics and Its Applications} } @Article{Co72, author = {D.\ C.\ Cooper}, title = {Theorem Proving in Arithmetic without Multiplication}, journal = {Machine Intelligence}, year = 1972, volume = 7, pages = {91--99} } @inproceedings{Co75, author = {G.E. Collins}, title = {Quantifier Elimination for Real Closed Fields by Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition}, booktitle = {Proc. 2nd GI Conf. on Automata Theory and Formal Languages}, pages = {134--183}, year = 1975, address = {Kaiserslautern, Germany} } @book{Co80, author = {{Paul M.} Cohn}, title = {Universal Algebra}, year = 1980, publisher = {Harper and Row, 1965}, annote = {Revised edition 1980} } @PhdThesis{Co88, author = "Hubert Comon", title = "Unification et Disunification. Th{\'e}orie et Applications", school = "Universit{\'e} de Grenoble, France", year = 1988 } @InProceedings{Co89, author = {Hubert Comon}, title = {Inductive Proofs by Specification Transformation}, booktitle = rta89, pages = {76--91}, year = 1989, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz}, volume = 355, series = lncs, month = apr, publisher = springer } @incollection{Co90, author = {Bruno Courcelle}, editor = {J. van Leeuwen}, title = {Recursive applicative program schemes}, booktitle = {Formal models and semantics, Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science}, chapter = {9}, pages = {459--492}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Elsevier - The {MIT} Press} } @incollection{Co90a, author = {Bruno Courcelle}, editor = {J. van Leeuwen}, title = {Graph Rewriting: An Algebraic and Logic Approach}, booktitle = {Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science}, chapter = 5, pages = {193--242}, year = 1990, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers}, volume = {B} } @inproceedings{Co92, author = {Hubert Comon}, editor = {F. Baader and J. Siekamm and W. Snyder}, title = {Unification of Terms with Integer Exponents}, booktitle = {Proc. of 6th UNIF-Workshop, Dagstuhl}, year = {1992} } @Article{Co93, author = {Hubert Comon}, title = {Complete Axiomatizations of Some Quotient Term Algebras}, journal = tcs, year = 1993, volume = 118, number = 2, pages = {167--191} } @Article{Co95, author = {Hubert Comon}, title = {On Unification of Terms with Integer Exponents}, journal = {Math. Systems Theory}, year = 1995, volume = 28, pages = {67--88} } @InProceedings{Co98, author = {Hubert Comon}, title = {About Proofs by Consistency (Abstract)}, booktitle = rta98, pages = {136--137}, year = 1998, editor = {Aart Middeldorp}, volume = {1379 }, series = lncs, month = mar, publisher = springer } @incollection{Co99, author = {Hubert Comon}, editor = {Alan Robinson and Andrei Voronkov}, title = {Inductionless Induction}, booktitle = {Handbook of Automated Reasoning}, year = 1999, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.}, note = {Forthcoming} } @InCollection{Co01, author = {Hubert Comon}, title = {Inductionless Induction}, booktitle = {Handbook of Automated Reasoning}, pages = {913--962}, publisher = {Elsevier and MIT Press}, year = 2001, editor = {{John Alan} Robinson and Andrei Voronkov}, isbn = {0-444-50813-9, 0-262-18223-8}, volume = 1, chapter = 14 } @inproceedings{CoBi83, author = {J. Corbin and Michel Bidoit}, editor = {R. Pavon}, title = {A Rehabilitation of Robinson's Unification Algorithm}, booktitle = {Proc. 1983 IFIP Congress}, pages = {909--914}, year = 1983, publisher = {North-Holland} } @InProceedings{CoJa97, author = {Hubert Comon and Florent Jacquemard}, title = {Ground Reducibility is EXPTIME-Complete}, booktitle = lics97, pages = {26--34}, year = 1997, address = {Warsaw, Poland}, month = {June 29 -- July 2}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press } } @inproceedings{CoJu98, author = {Hubert Comon and Yan Jurski}, editor = {Mogens Nielsen and Wolfgang Thomas,}, title = {Higher-Order Matching and Tree Automata.}, booktitle = {Proc.\ Computer Science Logic, 11th International Workshop, CSL'97, Annual Conference of the EACSL, Selected Papers}, pages = {157--176}, year = 1997, month = aug, publisher = springer, address = {Aarhus, Denmark}, volume = 1414, series = lncs } @InProceedings{CoGiMeTa00, author = {lessandro Coglio and Fausto Giunchiglia and Jos{\'e} Meseguer and {Carolyn L.} Talcott}, title = {Composing and Controlling Search in Reasoning Theories Using Mappings}, booktitle = frocos00, pages = {200--216}, year = 2000, editor = {H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Christophe Ringeissen}, volume = 1794, series = lncs, address = {Nancy, France}, month = mar, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-67281-8} } @article{CoLe89, author = {Hubert Comon and Pierre Lescanne}, title = {Equational problems and disunification}, journal = jsc, pages = {371--425}, year = {1989}, volume = {7}, number = {3/4} } @InProceedings{CoMaMa95, author = "Livio Colussi and Elena Marchiori and Massimo Marchiori", title = "A Dataflow Semantics for Constraint Logic Programs", editor = "{Manuel V.} Hermenegildo and {S.~Doaitse} Swierstra", volume = 982, series = lncs, pages = "431--448", booktitle = plilp95, year = 1995, publisher = springer, address = "Utrecht, The Netherlands", month = sep, annote = "ISBN 3-540-60359-X" } @InProceedings{CoMaMa95a, author = "Livio Colussi and Elena Marchiori and Massimo Marchiori", title = "On Termination of Constraint Logic Programs", editor = "Ugo Montanari and Francesca Rossi", volume = 976, series = lncs, pages = "431--448", booktitle = "Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP'95, First International Conference, CP'95", year = 1995, publisher = springer, address = "Cassis, France", month = sep, annote = "ISBN 3-540-60299-2" } @techreport{CoNi98, author = {Hubert Comon and Robert Nieuwenhuis}, title = {Induction = I-Axiomatization + First-Order Consistency}, institution = {LSV, ENS Cachan}, year = 1998, month = oct, type = {Research Report LSV-98-9} } @Article{CoNi00, author = {Hubert Comon and Robert Nieuwenhuis}, title = {Induction=I-Axiomatization+First-Order Consistency}, journal = ic, year = 2000, volume = 159, number = {1--2}, pages = {151--186}, month = {May/June} } @article{Cu30, author = {{Haskell B.~} Curry}, title = {{G}rundlagen der kombinatorischen {L}ogik. {T}eil {I}}, journal = {American Journal of Mathematics}, pages = {509--536}, year = 1930, volume = {LII} } @article{Cu30a, author = {{Haskell B.~} Curry}, title = {{G}rundlagen der kombinatorischen {L}ogik. {T}eil {II}}, journal = {American Journal of Mathematics}, pages = {789--834}, year = 1930, volume = {LII} } @article{Cu41, author = {{Haskell B.~} Curry}, title = {The Paradox of Kleene and Rosser}, journal = tams, pages = {454--516}, year = 1941, volume = 50 } @misc{Cu79, author = {P.L. Curien}, title = {Algorithmes s{\'e}quentiels sur structures de donn{\'e}es concr{\`e}tes}, year = 1979, month = mar, howpublished = {Th{\`e}se de 3{\`e}me Cycle, Universit{\'e} de Paris VII} } @book{CuFe58, author = {{Haskell B.~} Curry and Robert Feys}, title = {Combinatory Logic}, year = 1958, publisher = nh, volume = {I}, series = {Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics} } @book{CuHiSe72, author = {{Haskell B.~} Curry and J.R. Hindley and {Jonathan P.} Seldin}, title = {Combinatory Logic}, year = 1972, publisher = nh, volume = {II} } @inproceedings{CyLiSh96, author = {David Cyrluk and Patrick Lincoln and Natarajan Shankar}, editor = {M.A.\ McRobbie and J.K.\ Slaney}, title = {On Shostak's Decision Procedure for Combinations of Theories}, booktitle = cade13, pages = {463--477}, year = 1996, month = {July/August}, publisher = springer, address = {New Brunswick, NJ, USA}, volume = 1104, series = lnai } @inproceedings{DCKe94, author = {Roberto {Di Cosmo} and Delia Kesner}, editor = {S. Abiteboul and E. Shamir}, title = {Combining First Order Algebraic Rewriting Systems, Recursion and Extensional Lambda Calculi}, booktitle = icalp21, pages = {462--473}, year = 1994, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {Jerusalem, Israel}, volume = 820, series = lncs } @incollection{Da56, author = {{Martin D.} Davis}, editor = {C. E. Shannon and J. McCarthy}, title = {A Note on Universal Turing Machines}, booktitle = {Automata Studies}, pages = {167--175}, year = {1956}, publisher = {Princeton Press} } @book{Da58, author = {{Martin D.} Davis}, title = {Computability and Unsolvability}, year = 1958, publisher = {McGraw-Hill}, address = {New York} } @article{Da73, author = {{Martin D.} Davis}, title = {Hilbert's Tenth Problem is Unsolvable}, journal = {Amer. Math. Monthly}, pages = {233--269}, year = 1973, month = mar, volume = 80, number = 3 } @article{Da92, author = {Max Dauchet}, title = {Simulation of {Turing} Machines by a Regular Rewrite Rule}, journal = tcs, pages = {409--420}, year = 1992, volume = 103, number = 2 } @article{DaCaCo95, author = {Max Dauchet and Anne-C{\'e}cile Caron and Jean-Luc Coquid{\'e}}, title = {Automata for Reduction Properties Solving}, journal = jsc, pages = {215--233}, year = {1995}, month = aug, volume = {20}, number = {2} } @article{DaHeLeTi90, author = {Max Dauchet and Thierry Heuillard and Pierre Lescanne and Sophie Tison}, title = {Decidability of the confluence of finite ground term rewrite systems and of other related term rewrite systems}, journal = infcom, pages = {187--201}, year = {1990}, volume = {88}, number = {2} } @inproceedings{DaMaRo76, author = {{Martin D.} Davis and {Yuri V.} Matijasevic and J. Robinson}, title = {Hilbert's Tenth Problem. Diophantine Equations: Positive Aspects of a Negative Solution}, booktitle = {Proc. Symposia in Pure Mathematics}, pages = {323--378}, year = 1976, publisher = ams, volume = 28 } @book{DaPr90, author = {B.A. Davey and H.A. Priestley}, title = {Introduction to Lattices and Order}, year = 1990, publisher = {Cambridge University Press} } @inproceedings{DaTi90, author = {Max Dauchet and Sophie Tison}, title = {The Theory of Ground Rewrite Systems is Decidable}, booktitle = lics5, pages = {242--248}, year = {1990}, month = jun, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania} } @Article{DAVe97, author = {{Pedro R.} D'Argenio and Chris Verhoef}, title = {A General Conservative Extension Theorem in Process Algebras with Inequalities}, journal = tcs, year = 1997, volume = 177, number = 2, pages = {351--380} } @book{DaWe83, author = {Martin D.~ Davis and Elaine J.~ Weyuker}, title = {Computability, Complexity, and Languages}, year = {1983}, publisher = {Academic Press} } @article{De11, author = {M. Dehn}, title = {{\"U}ber unendliche diskontinuierliche Gruppen}, journal = {Mathematische Annalen}, pages = {116--144}, year = 1911 } @article{De79, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {A Note on Simplification Orderings}, journal = ipl, pages = {212--215}, year = {1979}, volume = {9}, number = {5} } @article{De80, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {The Schorr-Waite marking algorithm revisited}, journal = ipl, pages = {141--143}, year = {1980}, volume = {11} } @inproceedings{De81, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, editor = {S. Even and O. Kariv}, title = {Termination of linear rewriting systems}, booktitle = icalp8, pages = {448--458}, year = {1981}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {115}, series = lncs } @article{De82, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Orderings For Term-Rewriting Systems}, journal = tcs, pages = {279--301}, year = {1982} } @techreport{De83, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Well-Founded Orderings}, institution = {Information Sciences Research Office, The Aerospace Corporation}, year = 1983, month = may, address = {El Segundo, Calif.}, number = {ATR-83(8478)-3}, type = {Aerospace Report}, annote = {not very well-known} } @book{De83a, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {The Evolution of Programs}, year = 1983, publisher = {Birkh{\"a}user}, address = {Boston}, volume = 5, series = {Progress in Computer Science}, note = {357 p.}, annote = {INF 410/210} } @article{De85, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Computing with rewrite systems}, journal = {Inf. Control}, pages = {122--157}, year = {1985}, volume = {65} } @article{De85a, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Synthetic programming}, journal = ai, pages = {323--373}, year = {1985}, volume = {25} } @article{De87, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Termination of Rewriting}, journal = jsc, pages = {69--116}, year = {1987}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, note = {Corrigendum in: Journal of Symbol Computation, 4(1):409--410, 1987} } @article{De87a, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Corrigendum to: Termination of Rewriting, Journal of Symbol Computation (1987), 3, 69--116}, journal = jsc, pages = {409--410}, year = {1987}, volume = {4}, number = {1} } @unpublished{De92, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Hierarchical Termination, {Department of Computer Science, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel}}, year = {1992}, month = dec, note = {Draft version}, number = {1}, pages = {69--116}, volume = {3} } @unpublished{De93, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Hierarchical Termination, {Department of Computer Science, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel}}, year = {1993}, month = nov, note = {submitted for publication}, number = {1}, pages = {69--116}, volume = {3} } @inproceedings{De94, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Hierarchical Termination}, booktitle = ctrs4, year = 1994, note = {to appear} } @inproceedings{De95, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz and Naomi Lindenstrauss}, title = {Hierarchical Termination}, booktitle = ctrs4, pages = {89--105}, year = 1995, publisher = springer, volume = 968, series = lncs } @inproceedings{De97, author = {Nachum Dershowitz}, editor = {H.\ Comon}, title = {Innocuous Constructor-Sharing Combinations}, booktitle = rta8, pages = {202--216}, year = {1997}, month = jun, publisher = springer, address = {Sitges, Spain}, series = lncs } @Article{DeBuGr00, author = {Louise Dennis and Alan Bundy and Ian Green}, title = {Making a Productive Use of Failure to Generate Witnesses for Coinduction from Divergent Proof Attempts}, journal = amai, year = 2000, volume = 29, number = {1--4}, pages = {99--138}, note = {Special Issue on Strategies in Automated Deduction, ed.\ by Bernhard Gramlich, H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner, and Frank Pfenning} } @inproceedings{DeBuGr97, author = {Louise Dennis and Alan Bundy and Ian Green}, editor = {W.\ McCune}, title = {Using a Generalisation Critic to Find Bisimulations for Coinductive proofs}, booktitle = cade14, pages = {276--290}, year = {1997}, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {Townsville, North Queensland, Australia}, series = lnai } @inproceedings{DeDSFa93, author = {S. Decorte and D. {De Schreye} and M. Fabris}, title = {Automatic Inference of Norms: A Missing Link in Automatic Termination Analysis}, booktitle = {Proc. Int. Logic Programming Symposium}, year = 1993, address = {Vancouver, Canada} } @Misc{DeGrOkSIWi00, author = "Nachum Dershowitz and Bernhard Gramlich and Mitsuhiro Okada and G.\ Sivakumar and Claus-Peter Wirth", title = "Conditional Confluence", howpublished = "in preparation", year = 2000, month = feb } @article{DeGuVo96, author = {Anatoli Degtyarev and Yuri Gurevich and Andrei Voronkov}, title = {Hebrand's theorem and equational reasoning: Problems and solutions}, journal = eatcs, pages = {78--95}, year = {1996}, volume = {60} } @inproceedings{DeHo93, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Charles Hoot}, editor = {C. Kirchner}, title = {Topics in Termination}, booktitle = rta5, pages = {198--212}, year = 1993, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = 690, note = {extended version to appear in {\em Theoretical Computer Science\/} as: Topics in Termination} } @article{DeHo95, author = {Nachum. Dershowitz and Charles Hoot}, title = {Natural Termination}, journal = tcs, pages = {179--207}, year = 1995, month = may, volume = 142, number = 2 } @incollection{DeJo90, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud}, editor = {J. van Leeuwen}, title = {Rewrite Systems}, booktitle = {Formal models and semantics, Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science}, chapter = {6}, pages = {243--320}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = {B} } @article{DeJo90a, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud}, title = {Notations For Rewriting}, journal = eatcs, pages = {162--172}, year = {1991}, month = feb, volume = {43} } @inproceedings{DeJoKl91, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Jan Willem Klop}, editor = {R.V. Book}, title = {Open Problems in Rewriting}, booktitle = rta4, pages = {445--456}, year = 1991, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = 488, series = {lncs} } @inproceedings{DeJoKl93, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Jan Willem Klop}, editor = {Claude Kirchner}, title = {More Problems in Rewriting}, booktitle = rta5, pages = {468--487}, year = {1993}, publisher = springer, address = {Montreal, Canada}, series = lncs } @inproceedings{DeJoKl95, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Jan Willem Klop}, editor = {Jieh Hsiang}, title = {Problems in Rewriting III}, booktitle = rta6, pages = {457--472}, year = {1995}, publisher = springer, address = {Kaiserslauutern, Germany}, series = lncs } @article{DeKaPl91, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and St{\'e}phane Kaplan and David A.~ Plaisted}, title = {Rewrite, Rewrite, Rewrite, Rewrite, Rewrite, ...}, journal = tcs, pages = {71--96}, year = {1991}, month = jun, volume = {83}, number = {1} } @InProceedings{DeKiKiNg03, author = {Eric Deplagne and Claude Kirchner and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and {Quang Huy} Nguyen}, title = {Proof Search and Proof Check for Equational and Inductive Theorems}, booktitle = cade03, pages = {297--316}, year = 2003, editor = {Franz Baader}, volume = 2741, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-40559-3} } @techreport{DeMa77, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Zohar Manna}, title = {Inference Rules for Program Annotation}, institution = {Comp. Sci. Dept., Stanford University, California}, year = 1977, number = {CS 631}, note = {(MEMO AIM / Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project, 303)}, annote = {INF 118/333-631} } @article{DeMa79, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Zohar Manna}, title = {Proving Termination with Multiset Orderings}, journal = cacm, pages = {465--476}, year = {1979}, volume = {22} } @article{DeMaTa88, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Leo Marcus and Andrzej Tarlecki}, title = {Existence, uniqueness, and construction of rewrite systems}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Computing}, pages = {629--639}, year = {1988}, volume = {17}, number = {4} } @inproceedings{DeMaVo96, author = {Anatoli Degtyarev and Yuri Matiyasevich and Andrei Voronkov}, title = {Simultaneous E-Unification and Related Algorithmic Problems}, booktitle = lics11, pages = {494--502}, year = {1996}, month = jul, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, address = {New Brunswick, New Jersey} } @InProceedings{DeMiSi90, author = "Nachum Dershowitz and Subrata Mitra and G.~Sivakumar", title = "Equation Solving in Conditional AC-Theories", editor = "H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Wolfgang Wechler", volume = 463, series = lncs, pages = "283--297", booktitle = alp90, year = 1990, publisher = springer, address = "Nancy, France", month = oct, note = "ISBN 3-540-53162-9" } @InProceedings{DeMiSi92, author = "Nachum Dershowitz and Subrata Mitra and G.~Sivakumar", title = "Decidable Matching for Convergent Systems (Preliminary Version)", editor = "Deepak Kapur", volume = 607, series = lnai, pages = "589--602", booktitle = cade92, year = 1992, publisher = springer, address = "Saratoga Springs, NY, USA", month = jun, note = "ISBN 3-540-55602-8" } @InProceedings{DeOk88, author = "Nachum Dershowitz and Mitsuhiro Okada", title = "Proof-Theoretic Techniques for Term Rewriting Theory", pages = "104--111", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS '88)", year = 1988, publisher = "IEEE Computer Society", address = "Edinburgh, Scotland, UK", month = jul, note = "ISBN 0-8186-0853-6" } @InProceedings{DeOk88a, author = "Nachum Dershowitz and Mitsuhiro Okada", title = "Conditional Equational Programming and the Theory of Conditional Term Rewriting", editor = "Institute for New Generation Computer Technology (ICOT)", pages = "337--346", booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1988", year = 1988, address = "Tokyo, Japan", month = "November 28--December 2", note = "3 Volumes, OHMSHA Ltd. Tokyo and Springer-Verlag, 1988 ISBN 3-540-19558-0, 0-387-19558-0 and 4-274-19558-0 " } @article{DeOk90, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Mitsuhiro Okada}, title = {A Rationale for Conditional Equational Programming}, journal = tcs, pages = {111--138}, year = {1990}, volume = {75} } @inproceedings{DeOkSi88, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Mitsuhiro Okada and G.~ Sivakumar}, editor = {E.\ Lusk and R.\ Overbeek}, title = {Canonical Conditional Rewrite Systems}, booktitle = cade9, pages = {538--549}, year = {1988}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {310}, series = lncs } @inproceedings{DeOkSi88a, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Mitsuhiro Okada and G.~ Sivakumar}, editor = {S. Kaplan and J.-P. Jouannaud}, title = {Confluence of Conditional Rewrite Systems}, booktitle = ctrs1, address = {Orsay, France}, pages = {31--44}, year = {1988}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {308}, series = lncs } @article{DePa89, author = {J.L.~ Deleage and J.M.~ Pallo}, title = {A Decidable Word Problem Without Equivalent Canonical Term Rewriting System}, journal = {International Journal of Computer Mathematics}, pages = {67--74}, year = {1989}, volume = {28} } @Article{DePl87, author = "Nachum Dershowitz and {David A.} Plaisted", title = "Equational Programming", journal = "Machine Intelligence", year = 1987, volume = 11, pages = "21--56", note = "Oxford University Press" } @InCollection{DePL01, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and {David A.} Plaisted}, title = {Rewriting}, booktitle = {Handbook of Automated Reasoning}, pages = {535--610}, publisher = {Elsevier and MIT Press}, year = 2001, editor = {{John Alan} Robinson and Andrei Voronkov}, volume = 1, chapter = 9, annote = {ISBN 0-444-50813-9,0-262-18223-8} } @article{DeRe93, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Uday Reddy}, title = {Deductive and inductive synthesis of equational programs}, journal = jsc, pages = {467--494}, year = 1993, volume = 15, number = {5--6} } @InProceedings{DeSi88, author = "Nachum Dershowitz and G.~Sivakumar", title = "Goal-Directed Equation Solving", pages = "166--170", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'88)", year = 1988, publisher = "AAAI Press / The MIT Press,", address = "St.~Paul, Minnesota, USA", month = aug, note = "ISBN 0-262-51055-3" } @InProceedings{DeSi88a, author = "Nachum Dershowitz and G.~Sivakumar", title = "Solving Goals in Equational Languages", editor = "St{\'e}phane Kaplan and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud", volume = 308, series = lncs, pages = "45--55", booktitle = ctrs87, year = 1988, publisher = springer, address = "Orsay, France", month = jul, note = "ISBN 3-540-19242-5 " } @InProceedings{DeSm01, author = {Louise A.\ Dennis and Alan Smaill}, title = {Ordinal Arithmetic: A Case Study for Rippling in a Higher Order Domain}, booktitle = tphols01, pages = {185--200}, year = 2001, editor = {Richard J.\ Boulton and Paul B.\ Jackson}, volume = 2152, series = lncs, publisher = springer, annote = {SBN 3-540-42525-X} } @inproceedings{DeTr98, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Ralph Treinen}, editor = {Tobias Nipkow}, title = {An On-line Problem Database}, booktitle = rta9, pages = {332--342}, year = 1998, publisher = springer, address = {Tsukuba, Japan}, volume = 1379, series = lncs } @article{DeVo96, author = {Anatoli Degtyarev and Andrei Voronkov}, title = {The Undecidability of Simultaneous Rigid E-Unification}, journal = tcs, pages = {291--300}, year = {1996}, month = oct, volume = {166}, number = {1\&2} } @inproceedings{DeVo96a, author = {Anatoli Degtyarev and Andrei Voronkov}, editor = {Kleine B\"uning, Hans}, title = {Simultaneous Regid E-Unification Is Undecidable}, booktitle = csl95, pages = {178--190}, year = {1996}, publisher = springer, address = {Paderborn, Germany}, series = lncs } @article{DeZa86, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Shmuel Zaks}, title = {Ordered trees and non-crossing partitions}, journal = {Discrete Mathematics}, pages = {215--218}, year = {1986}, volume = {62} } @article{DeZa89, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Shmuel Zaks}, title = {Patterns in trees}, journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics}, pages = {241--255}, year = {1989}, volume = {25}, number = {3} } @article{DeZa90, author = {Nachum Dershowitz and Shmuel Zaks}, title = {The cycle lemma and some applications}, journal = {European Journal of Combinatorics}, pages = {35--40}, year = {1990}, volume = {11}, number = {1} } @InProceedings{DiFl03, author = {Lucas Dixon, Jacques D.\ Fleuriot}, title = {{IsaPlanner}: A Prototype Proof Planner in Isabelle}, booktitle = cade03, pages = {279--283}, year = 2003, editor = {Franz Baader}, volume = 2741, series = lncs, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-40559-3} } @InProceedings{DiFl04, author = {Lucas Dixon and Jacques D.\ Fleuriot}, title = {Higher Order Rippling in {IsaPlanner}}, booktitle = tphols04, pages = {83--98}, year = 2004, editor = {Konrad Slind and Annette Bunker and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan}, volume = 3223, series = lncs, month = sep, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-23017-3} } @Article{DiKaMa90, author = "Jeremy Dick and John Kalmus and Ursula Martin", title = "Automating the {K}nuth {B}endix Ordering", journal = "Acta Informatica", year = 1990, volume = 28, pages = "95--119" } @inproceedings{Do91, author = {{Daniel J.} Dougherty}, editor = {{Ronald V.} Book}, title = {Adding Algebraic Rewriting to the Untyped Lambda Calculus (Extended Abstract)}, booktitle = rta4, pages = {37--48}, year = 1991, month = apr, publisher = springer, address = {Como, Italy}, volume = 488, series = lncs } @inproceedings{Do91a, author = {Eric Domenjoud}, title = {Solving systems of linear diophantine equations: An algebraic approach}, booktitle = mfcs-16-91, pages = {141--150}, year = {1991}, publisher = springer, address = {Kazimierz Dolny, Poland}, volume = 520, series = lncs } @article{Do92, author = {Eric Domenjoud}, title = {$AC$ Unification Through Order-Sorted $AC1$ Unification}, journal = jsc, pages = {537--556}, year = {1992}, volume = {14}, number = {6} } @article{Do92a, author = {Eric Domenjoud}, title = {A technical note on AC-unification. The number of minimal unifiers of the equation $\alpha x\sb 1+ \cdots + \alpha x\sb p \doteq \sb{AC} \beta y\sb 1+ \cdots + \beta y\sb q$}, journal = jar, pages = {39--44}, year = {1992}, volume = {8}, number = {1} } @article{Do94, author = {Gilles Dowek}, title = {Third Order Matching is Decidable}, journal = apal, pages = {135--155}, year = 1994, volume = 69 } @article{DoBaWo97, author = {Henk Doornbos and Roland Backhouse and Jap van der Woude}, title = {A calculational approach to mathematical induction}, journal = tcs, pages = {103--135}, year = {1997}, month = jun, volume = {179}, number = {1--2}, annote = {generalizes Geser's SN-criterion for transitive unions} } @article{DoSeTa80, author = {P.J. Downey and R. Sethi and R.E. Tarjan}, title = {Variationson the Common Subexpression Problem}, journal = jacm, pages = {758--771}, year = 1980, volume = 22, number = 8 } @techreport{Dr85, author = {Klaus Drosten}, title = {Term Rewriting Systems With Restricted Variables}, institution = {{Universit\"at} Braunschweig}, year = {1985}, number = {85--11}, note = {extended abstract} } @phdthesis{Dr88, author = {Klaus Drosten}, title = {{\"Uber Erweiterungen in Termersetzungssystemen und deren Anwendung zur Prototyp-Generierung algebraischer Spezifikationen}}, year = 1988, school = {TU Braunschweig} } @book{Dr89, author = {Klaus Drosten}, title = {Termersetzungssysteme}, year = {1989}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, series = {Informatik-Fachberichte 210}, note = {In German} } @InProceedings{DuKi99, author = {Hubert Dubois and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner}, title = {Rule Based Programming with Constraints and Strategies}, booktitle = {New Trends in Contraints, Joint ERCIM/Compulog Net Workshop, Paphos, Cyprus, October 25-27, 1999, Selected Papers}, pages = {274--297}, year = 1999, editor = {{Krzysztof R.} Apt and {Antonis C.} Kakas and Eric Monfrey and Francesca Rossi}, volume = 1865, series = lncs, month = oct, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-67885-9} } @inproceedings{DuMi97, author = {Ir{\`e}ne Durand and Aart Middeldorp}, editor = {W.\ McCune}, title = {Decidable Call by Need Computations in Term Rewriting}, booktitle = cade14, pages = {4--18}, year = {1997}, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {Townsville, North Queensland, Australia}, series = lnai } @phdthesis{Em94, author = {H. Emmelmann}, title = {{Codeselektion mit regu\"ar gesteuerter Termersetzung}}, year = 1994, school = {Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe} } @book{En83, author = {E. Engeler}, title = {Foundations of Mathematics}, year = 1983, publisher = springer } @InProceedings{ErMu80, author = {{Roddy W.} Erickson and {David R.} Musser}, title = {The {AFFIRM} Theorem Prover: Proof Forests and Management of Large Proofs}, booktitle = cade80, pages = {220--231}, year = 1980, editor = {Wolfgang Bibel and {Robert A.} Kowalski}, volume = 87, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-10009-1} } @techreport{Es86, author = {Carola Eschenbach}, title = {{D}ie {V}erwendung von {Z}eichenkettenordnungen im {Z}usammenhang mit {S}emi {T}hue {S}ystemen}, institution = {{Universit\"{a}t} Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik}, year = {1986}, number = {122}, note = {in German} } @article{Ev51, author = {T. Evans}, title = {On Multiplicative Systems Defined by Generators and Relations}, journal = {Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.}, pages = {637--649}, year = 1951, volume = 47 } @article{Ev78, author = {T. Evans}, title = {Word Problems}, journal = {Bulletion AMS}, pages = {789--802}, year = 1978, volume = 84 } @InProceedings{Fa79, author = {M.~Fay}, title = {First-Order Unification in Equational Theories}, booktitle = cade4, pages = {161--167}, year = 1979 } @article{FaHu86, author = {Fran{\c{c}}ois Fages and G{\'e}rard Huet}, title = {Complete Sets of Unifiers and Matchers in Equational Theories}, journal = tcs, pages = {189--200}, year = 1986, volume = 43 } @incollection{Fe77, author = {Solomon Feferman}, editor = {J. Barwise et al.}, title = {Theories of finite type related to mathematical practice}, booktitle = {Handbook of Mathematical Logic}, chapter = {D.4.}, pages = {913--971}, year = {1977}, publisher = {North Holland}, address = {Amsterdam, New York, Oxford}, volume = {90}, series = {Studies in Logic and The Foundations of Mathematics} } @book{Fe??, editor = {Solomon Feferman (ed.-in-chief)}, title = {Collected Works: Kurt G{\"o}del}, year = {????}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {New York, NY}, annote = {MAT 055/202} } @techreport{FeJo93, author = {Maribel Fern{\'a}ndez and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud}, title = {Modularity Properties of Term Rewriting Systems Revisited}, institution = {LRI}, year = {1993}, address = {Orsay, France}, number = {875}, type = {Rapport de Recherche} } @unpublished{FeJo94, author = {Maribel Fern{\'a}ndez and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud}, title = {Modular Termination of Term Rewriting Systems Revisited}, year = 1994, note = {ADT-Workshop} } @inproceedings{FeJo95, author = {Maribel Fern{\'a}ndez and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud}, editor = {E. Astesiano and G. Reggio and A. Tarlecki}, title = {Modular Termination of Term Rewriting Systems Revisited}, booktitle = adt-10-94, pages = {255--272}, year = 1995, publisher = springer, address = {S. Margherita, Italy}, volume = 906, series = lncs, note = {(10th Workshop on Specification of Abstract Data Types Joint with the 5th COMPASS Workshop, selected papers)}, annote = {ADT'94: May/June 1994, revised version of FeJo94} } @InCollection{FeLeHuTa01, author = {Christian G.\ Ferm{\"u}ller and Alexander Leitsch and Ullrich Hustadt and Tanel Tammet}, title = {Resolution Decision Procedures}, booktitle = {Handbook of Automated Reasoning}, pages = {1791--1849}, publisher = {Elsevier and MIT Press}, year = 2001, editor = {{John Alan} Robinson and Andrei Voronkov}, volume = 2, chapter = 25, annote = {0-444-50813-9, 0-262-18223-8} } @InProceedings{FeRi99, author = {{Maria C.~F.} Ferreira and {A.~L.} Ribeiro}, title = {Context-Sensitive {AC}-Rewriting}, booktitle = rta99, pages = {286-300}, year = 1999, editor = {Paliath Narendran and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, volume = 1631, series = lncs, publisher = springer, isbn = {3-540-66201-4} } @techreport{FeZa92, author = {{Maria C. F.} Ferreira and Hans Zantema}, title = {Total Termination of Term Rewriting}, institution = {Department of Computer Science, Utrecht University}, year = 1992, month = dec, number = {RUU-CS-92-42} } @inproceedings{FeZa93, author = {{Maria C. F.} Ferreira and Hans Zantema}, editor = {Claude Kirchner}, title = {Total Termination of Term Rewriting}, booktitle = rta5, pages = {213--227}, year = 1993, month = jun, publisher = springer, address = {Montreal, Canada}, volume = 690, series = lncs } @inproceedings{FeZa94, author = {{Maria C. F.} Ferreira and Hans Zantema}, editor = {Giorgio Levi and Mario Rodr{\'\i}guez-Artalejo}, title = {Syntactical Analysis of Total Termination}, booktitle = alp4, pages = {204--222}, year = 1994, month = sep, publisher = springer, address = {Madrid, Spain}, volume = 850, series = lncs } @inproceedings{FeZa95, author = {{Maria C. F.} Ferreira and Hans Zantema}, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz and Naomi Lindenstrauss}, title = {Well-foundedness of Term Orderings}, booktitle = ctrs4, pages = {106--123}, year = 1995, publisher = springer, volume = 968, series = lncs, annote = {first names of Maria Ferreira ???} } @inproceedings{FeZa95a, author = {{Maria C. F.} Ferreira and Hans Zantema}, editor = {Horst Reichel}, title = {Dummy Elimination: Making Termination Easier}, booktitle = fct10, pages = {243--252}, year = 1995, month = aug, publisher = springer, address = {Dresden, Germany}, volume = 965, series = lncs } @InProceedings{FeZa95b, author = "{Maria C. F.} Ferreira and Hans Zantema", title = "Syntactical Analysis of Total Termination", editor = "Giorgio Levi and Mario Rodr{\'\i}guez-Artalejo", volume = 850, series = lncs, pages = "204--220", booktitle = alp94, year = 1994, publisher = springer, address = "Madrid, Spain", month = sep } @InProceedings{FiOwRuSh01, author = {Jean-Christophe Filli{\^a}tre and Sam Owre and Harald Rue{\ss} and Natarajan Shankar}, title = {{ICS}: Integrated Canonizer and Solver}, booktitle = cav01, pages = {246--249}, year = 2001, editor = {G{\'e}rard Berry and Hubert Comon and Alain Finkel}, volume = 2101, series = lncs, address = {Paris, France}, month = jul, publisher = springer } @article{Fl62, author = {R.W. Floyd}, title = {Algorithm 97}, journal = cacm, pages = 345, year = 1962, volume = 5, number = 5 } @Article{Fo97, author = {Wan Fokkink}, title = {Unification for Infinite Sets of Equations Between Finite Terms }, journal = ipl, year = 1997, volume = 62, number = 4, pages = {183--188}, abstract = {A standard result from unification theory says that if a finite set E of equations between finite terms is unifiable, then there exists a most general unifier for E. In this paper, the theorem is generalized to the case where E may be infinite. In order to obtain this result, substitutions are allowed to have an infinite domain.} } @article{FoGl96, author = {Wan Fokkink and {Roy van} Glabbeek}, title = {Ntyft/ntyxt rules reduce to ntree rules}, journal = ic, pages = {1--10}, year = 1996, volume = 126, number = 1 } @InProceedings{FoLu00, author = {Wan Fokkink and Bas Luttik}, title = {An omega-Complete Equational Specification of Interleaving}, booktitle = icalp00, pages = {729--743}, year = 2000, editor = {Ugo Montanari and {Jos{\'e} D.~P.} Rolim and Emo Welzl}, volume = 1853, series = lncs, month = jul, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-67715-1} } @Article{FoKaWa00, author = {Wan Fokkink and Jasper Kamperman and Pum Walters}, title = {Lazy rewriting on Eager Machinery}, journal = toplas, year = 2000, volume = 22, number = 1, pages = {45--86} } @techreport{FoVe95, author = {Wan Fokkink and Chris Verhoef}, title = {A Conservative Look at Term deduction Systems with Variable Binding}, institution = {Eindhoven University of Technology}, year = 1995, number = {95-28}, type = {Report} } @techreport{FoVe97, author = {Wan Fokkink and Chris Verhoef}, title = {An {SOS} Message: Conservative Extension for Higher-Order Positive/Negative Conditional Term Rewriting}, institution = {University of Amsterdam}, year = 1997, number = {P9715}, type = {Report} } @article{FoVe98, author = {Wan Fokkink and Chris Verhoef}, title = {A Conservative Look at Operational Semantics with Variable Binding}, journal = ic, pages = {24--54}, year = {1998}, volume = 146, number = 1 } @InProceedings{FoVe99, author = {Wan Fokking and Chris Verhoef}, title = {Conservative Extension in Positive/Negative Conditional Term Rewriting with Applications to software renovation factories}, booktitle = {Proc. 2nd Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE'99)}, pages = {98--113}, year = 1999, editor = {Jean-Pierre Finance}, volume = 1577, series = lncs, address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, month = mar, publisher = springer } @book{Fr62, author = {G. Frege}, title = {{Grundgesetze der Airthmetik: Begriffschriftlich abgeleitet}}, year = 1962, publisher = {Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung}, address = {Hildesheim}, volume = {I}, note = {{Unver\"anderter reprographischer Nachdruck der Auflage Jena 1893}} } @inproceedings{Fr84, author = {Laurent Fribourg}, editor = {Jan Paredans}, title = {Oriented Equational Clauses As A Programming Language}, booktitle = {11th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages And Programming}, year = {1984}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, note = {{LNCS} 172} } @inproceedings{Fr86, author = {Laurent Fribourg}, editor = {E. Kott}, title = {A Strong Restriction of the Inductive Completion Procedure}, booktitle = icalp13, pages = {105--116}, year = {1986}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {226}, series = lncs } @InProceedings{Fr87, author = {Laurent Fribourg}, title = {On the Use of Conditional Rewrite Rules in Inductive Theorem Proving}, booktitle = ctrs87, pages = {56--61 }, year = 1988, editor = {St{\'e}phane Kaplan and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud}, volume = {308 }, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {SBN 3-540-19242-5} } @article{Fr89, author = {Laurent Fribourg}, title = {A Strong Restriction Of The Inductive Completion Procedure}, journal = jsc, pages = {253--276}, year = {1989}, volume = {8} } @InProceedings{Fr91, author = {Laurent Fribourg}, title = {Automatic Generation of Simplification Lemmas for Inductive Proofs}, booktitle = islp91, pages = {103--116}, year = 1991, editor = {{Vijay A.} Saraswat and Kazunori Ueda}, publisher = {MIT Press}, note = {ISBN 0-262-69147-7} } @Article{FrBa98, author = {Ian Frank and {David A.} Basin}, title = {Search in Games with Incomplete Information: A Case Study Using Bridge Card Play}, journal = ai, year = 1998, volume = 100, number = {1--2}, pages = {87--123} } @Article{FrBa01, author = {Ian Frank and {David A.} Basin}, title = {A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Search in Imperfect Information Games}, journal = tcs, year = 2001, volume = 252, number = {1--2}, pages = {217--256} } @book{FrGo70, editor = {???}, title = {{Frege} and {G\"odel}: Two Fundamental Texts in Mathematical Logic}, year = 1970, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, address = {Cambridge, Mass.}, note = {116 p.}, annote = {MAT Fre} } @InProceedings{FrMa94, author = "Paolo Frigo and Massimo Marchiori", title = "Implementing Prolog Programs Free from Unification", editor = "{Norbert E.} Fuchs and Georg Gottlob", pages = "36--39", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Tenth Logic Programming Workshop (WLP 94), Technical Report 94/10, Institut f{\"u}r Informatik der Universität Z{\"u}rich", year = 1994, address = "University of Zurich", month = sep, annote = "5-7 October 1994," } @article{FrNa93, author = {Ralph Freese and J. Jezek and J.B. Nation}, title = {Term Rewrite Systems for LatticeTheory}, journal = jsc, pages = {279--288}, year = 1993, volume = 16 } @InProceedings{FrWi76, author = {{Daniel P.} Friedman and {David S.} Wise}, title = {{CONS} Should Not Evaluate its Arguments}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 3rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, University of Edinburgh, July 20-23, 1976}, pages = {257--284}, year = 1976, editor = {S.\ Michaelson and Robin Milner}, publisher = {Edinburgh University Press}, annote = {ISBN 0-85224-308-1} } @article{Fu71, author = {T. Fujiwara}, title = {On the Construction of the Least Universal Horn Class Containing a Given Class}, journal = {Osaka J. Mathematics}, pages = {425--436}, year = 1978, volume = 8 } @InProceedings{FuGoJoMe85, author = {Kokichi Futatsugi and Joseph Goguen and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Jos{\'e} Meseguer}, title = {Principles of {OBJ2}}, booktitle = {Conference Record of the 12th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'85)}, pages = {52--66}, year = 1985, publisher = {ACM Press} } @InProceedings{FuNa97, author = {Kokichi Futatsugi and {Ataru T.} Nakagawa}, title = {An Overview of {CAFE} Specification Environment -- An Algebraic Approach for Creating, Verifying, and Maintaining Formal Specifications over Networks}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 1st IEEE International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM'97)}, pages = {170--182}, year = 1997, address = {Hiroshima, Japan}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, note = {http://computer.org/proceedings/icfem/8002/8002toc.htm} } @Article{FuVa91, author = {Zolt{\'a}n F{\"u}l{\"o}p and S{\'a}ndor V{\'a}gv{\"o};gyi}, title = {Ground Term Rewriting Rules for the Word Problem of Ground Term Equations}, journal = beatcs, year = 1991, volume = 45, pages = {186--201}, month = oct } @inproceedings{GMHGRA92, author = {{Juan Carlos} Gonz\'alez-Moreno and Mar{\'\i}a Teresa Hortal\'a-Gonz\'alez and Mario Rodr\'\i guez-Artalejo}, editor = {E. B{\"o}rger and G. J{\"a}ger and H. {Kleine B\"uning} and S. Martini and M.M. Richter}, title = {On the Completeness of Narrowing as the Operational Semantics of Functional Logic Programming}, booktitle = {Selected Papers of the 6th Workshop on Computer Science Logic (CSL'92)}, pages = {216--230}, year = 1992, month = sep, publisher = springer, address = {San Miniato, Italy}, volume = 702, series = lncs } @inproceedings{Ga85, author = {A.~ Galligo}, title = {What Strategie to Compute a Standard Basis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Symposium on Future Trends in Computing}, pages = {62--66}, year = {1985} } @techreport{Ga87a, author = {Harald Ganzinger}, title = {A Completion Procedure For Conditional Equations}, institution = {{F}achbereich {I}nformatik, {Universit\"{a}t} {D}ortmund}, year = {1987}, number = {234} } @inproceedings{Ga87b, author = {Harald Ganzinger}, editor = {F.J. Brandenburg and G. Vidal-Naquet and M. Wirsing}, title = {Ground Term Confluence In Parametric Conditional Equational Specifications}, booktitle = stacs4, pages = {286--298}, year = {1987}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {247}, series = lncs, note = {{LNCS} 247} } @article{GaBo85, author = {Jean H.~ Gallier and Ronald V.~ Book}, title = {Reductions in Tree Replacement Systems}, journal = tcs, pages = {123--150}, year = {1985}, volume = {37} } @article{GaGi87, author = {Harald Ganzinger and Robert Giegerich}, title = {A Note on Termination in Combinations of Heterogeneous Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = eatcs, pages = {22--28}, year = {1987}, volume = {31} } @inproceedings{GaGu88, author = {S.J.~ Garland and J.V.~ Guttag}, title = {Inductive Methods for Reasoning about Abstract Data Types}, booktitle = popl, pages = {219--228}, year = {1988}, publisher = {ACM Press} } @Article{GaMo01, author = {Ruben Gamboa and Matt Kaufmann}, title = {Nonstandard Analysis in {ACL2}}, journal = jar, year = 2001, volume = 27, number = 4, pages = {323--351} } @article{GaNaPlRaSn93, author = {Jean Gallier and Paliath Narendran and David Plaisted and Stan Raatz and Wayne Snyder}, title = {An algorithm for finding canonical sets of ground rewrite rules in polynomial time}, journal = jacm, pages = {1--16}, year = {1993}, volume = {40}, number = {1} } @article{GaNaPlSn90, author = {Jean Gallier and Paliath Narendran and David Plaisted and Wayne Snyder}, title = {Rigid E-unification: NP-completeness and applications to equational matings}, journal = infcom, pages = {129--195}, year = {1997}, volume = {87}, number = {1/2} } @article{GaNaRaSn92, author = {Jean Gallier and Paliath Narendran and Stan Raatz and Wayne Snyder}, title = {Theorem proving using equational matings and rigid $E$-unification}, journal = jacm, pages = {377--429}, year = {1992}, volume = {39}, number = {2} } @InProceedings{GaSn87, author = "Jean Gallier and Wayne Snyder", title = "A General Complete {E}-Unification Procedure", editor = "Pierre Lescanne", volume = 256, series = lncs, pages = "216--227", booktitle = rta87, year = 1987, publisher = springer, address = "Bordeaux, France", month = may } @Article{GaSn89, author = "Jean Gallier and Wayne Snyder", title = "Complete Sets of Transformations for General {E}-Unification", journal = tcs, year = 1989, volume = 67, pages = "203--260" } @InProceedings{GaSn89a, author = "Jean Gallier and Wayne Snyder", title = "Designing Unification Procedures using Transformations: A Survey", editor = "{Yiannis N.} Moschovakis ", volume = 21, series = "Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications", pages = "153--215", booktitle = "Logic from Computer Science, Proc.\ of a Workshop held 13-17 November 1989", year = 1992, publisher = springer, note = "Also appeared in Bulletin of the EATCS 40 (1990) 273--326" } @incollection{GaSt92, author = {Harald Ganzinger and J{\"u}rgen Stuber}, title = {Inductive Theorem Proving by Consistency for First-Order Clauses}, booktitle = {{I}nformatik -- {F}estschrift zum 60. {G}eburtstag von {G}{\"u}nter {H}otz}, year = {1992}, publisher = {Teubner Verlag} } @InProceedings{GaSt93, author = {Harald Ganzinger and J{\"u}rgen Stuber}, title = {nductive Theorem Proving by Consistency for First-Order Clauses}, booktitle = ctrs92, pages = {226--241}, year = 1993, editor = {Micha\"{e}l Rusinowitch and {Jean-Luc} Remy}, volume = 656, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-56393-8} } @techreport{Ge89, author = {Oliver Geupel}, title = {Overlap Closures and Termination of Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = {{Fakult{\"a}t f{\"u}r Informatik}, {Universit{\"a}t Passau}}, year = {1989}, month = jul, number = {MIP-8922} } @phdthesis{Ge90, author = {Alfons Geser}, title = {Relative Termination}, year = {1990}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Ulm}, note = {reprinted in: {Ulmer Informatik-Berichte Nr.} 91-03, 1991} } @phdthesis{Ge91, author = {Alfons Geser}, title = {Relative Termination}, year = {1991}, school = {University of Ulm}, type = {Ulmer Informatik-Berichte Nr. 91-03}, note = {Reprint of doctoral dissertation in Passau, 1990} } @techreport{Ge94, author = {Alfons Geser}, title = {An Improved General Path Order}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t Passau}, year = 1994, month = jun, number = {MIP-9407}, note = {To appear in: Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing} } @article{Ge95, author = {Alfons Geser}, title = {An Improved General Path Order}, journal = aaecc, year = 1995, annote = {to appear} } @article{Ge96, author = {Alfons Geser}, title = {An Improved General Path Order}, journal = aaecc, pages = {469--511}, year = 1996, volume = 7, number = 6 } @phdthesis{Ge97, author = {Stefan Gerberding}, title = {Implizite und explizite Induktionsbeweisverfahren}, year = 1997, address = {St.\ Augustin}, school = {TU Darmstadt, infix-Verlag, Band 165} } @inproceedings{GeLi88, author = {M. Gelfond and V. Lifschitz}, title = {The Stable Model Semantics for Logic Programming}, booktitle = {Proc. Logic Programming Conference}, pages = {1070--1080}, year = {1988}, publisher = mit } @inproceedings{GeMiOhZa96, author = {Alfons Geser and Aart Middeldorp and Enno Ohlebusch and Hans Zantema}, title = {Relative Undecidability in Term Rewriting}, booktitle = {Proc.~CSL'96}, year = 1996, address = {Utrecht}, note = {Available at \texttt{http://} \texttt{www.score.is.tsukuba.ac.jp/$\sim$ami/papers/csl96.dvi}.} } @inproceedings{GeMiOhZa97, author = {Alfons Geser and Aart Middeldorp and Enno Ohlebusch and Hans Zantema}, editor = {Max Dauchet}, title = {Relative Undecidability in the Termination Hierarchy of Single Rewrite Rules}, booktitle = caap97, pages = {???}, year = 1997, month = apr, publisher = springer, address = {Lille, France}, volume = {???}, series = lncs, note = {to appear}, annote = {12 pages} } @InProceedings{GeMiOhZa97a, author = "Alfons Geser and Aart Middeldorp and Enno Ohlebusch and Hans Zantema", title = "Relative Undecidability in Term Rewriting", editor = "Dirk {van Dalen} and Marc Bezem", volume = 1258, series = lncs, pages = "150--166", booktitle = csl96, year = 1996, publisher = springer, address = "Utrecht, The Netherlands", month = sep, annote = "ISBN 3-540-63172-0" } @article{GeRoSc91, author = {{A. van} Gelder and K. Ross and J.S. Schlipf}, title = {The Well-Founded Semantics for General Logic Programs}, journal = jacm, pages = {620--650}, year = 1991, volume = 38, number = 3 } @Book{GeSt84, author = {Ferenc G{\'e}cseg and Magnus Steinby}, title = {Tree Automata}, publisher = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, year = 1984, address = {Budapest}, annote = {ISBN 963-05-3170-4, printed in Hungary, out of print} } @article{GeZa99, author = {Alfons Geser and Hans Zantema}, title = {Non-Looping String Rewriting}, journal = {Theoretical Informatics and Applications}, pages = {279--301}, year = 1999, volume = 33, number = 3 } @article{Gi90, author = {Robert Giegerich}, title = {Code Selection by Inversion of Order-Sorted Derivors}, journal = tcs, pages = {177--211}, year = 1990, volume = 73 } @phdthesis{Gi95, author = {J{\"u}rgen Giesl}, title = {Automatisierung von {T}erminierungsbeweisen f{\"u}r rekursiv definierte {A}lgorithmen}, year = 1995, month = feb, school = {Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Fachbereich Informatik}, type = {Dissertationen zur k{\"u}nstlichen Intelligenz (DISKI 96)}, note = {In German} } @InProceedings{Gi95a, author = "J{\"u}rgen Giesl", title = "Generating Polynomial Orderings for Termination Proofs", editor = "Jieh Hsiang", volume = 914, series = lncs, pages = "426--431", booktitle = rta95, year = 1995, publisher = springer, address = "Kaiserslautern, Germany", month = apr } @InProceedings{Gi95b, author = "J{\"u}rgen Giesl", title = "Termination Analysis for Functional Programs Using Term Orderings", editor = "Alan Mycroft", volume = 983, series = lncs, pages = "154--171", booktitle = sas95, year = 1995, publisher = springer, address = "Glasgow, UK", month = sep } @Article{Gi97, author = "J{\"u}rgen Giesl", title = "Termination of Nested and Mututally Recursive Algorithms", journal = jar, year = 1997, volume = 19, pages = "1--29" } @InProceedings{GiKa01, author = {J{\"u}rgen Giesl and Deepak Kapur}, title = {Deciding Inductive Validity of Equations}, booktitle = ijcar01, pages = {17--31}, year = 2001, editor = {Rajeev Gor{\'e} and Alexander Leitsch and Tobias Nipkow}, volume = 2083, series = lnai, month = jun, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-42254-4} } @InProceedings{GiKa03, author = {J{\"u}rgen Giesl and Deepak Kapur}, title = {Deciding Inductive Validity of Equations}, booktitle = cade03, pages = {17--31}, year = 2003, editor = {Franz Baader}, volume = 2741, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-40559-3} } @InProceedings{GiMi99, author = "J{\"u}rgen Giesl and Aart Middeldorp", title = "Transforming Context-Sensitive Rewrite Systems", editor = "Paliath Narendran and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch", volume = 1631, series = lncs, pages = "271--287", booktitle = rta99, year = 1999, publisher = springer, address = "Trento, Italy", month = jul, annote = "ISBN 3-540-66201-4" } @Article{GiMi04, author = {J{\"u}rgen Giesl and Aart Middeldorp}, title = {Transformation Techniques for Context-Sensitive Rewrite Systems}, journal = jfp, year = 2004, volume = 14, number = 4, pages = {379--427}, month = jul, annote = {http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/JFP/} } @inproceedings{GiMo88, author = {Elio Giovanetti and Corrado Moiso}, title = {A Completeness Result for {E}-Unification Algorithms Based on Conditional Narrowing}, booktitle = {Proc.~Workshop on Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming (WFLP'86)}, address = {Trento, Italy}, editor = {M.~Boscarol and {L.~Carlucci} Aiello and G.~Levi}, pages = {157--167}, year = 1988, month = dec, publisher = springer, volume = 306, series = lncs, annote = {1988. V, 218 pages., ISBN: 3-540-19129-1} } @InProceedings{GiMo88a, author = "Elio Giovanetti and Corrado Moiso", title = "Notes on the Elimination of Conditions", editor = "St{\'e}phane Kaplan and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud ", volume = 308, series = lncs, pages = "91--97", booktitle = ctrs87, year = 1987, publisher = springer, address = "Orsay, France", month = jul, note = "ISBN 3-540-19242-5" } @Article{GiOh91, author = "Robert Giegerich and Enno Ohlebusch", title = "An Implicit Representation of Infinite Sequences of Terms", journal = "Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science", volume = "43", pages = "173--182", month = feb, year = "1991", note = "Technical Contributions", } @InProceedings{GiOh98, author = "J{\"u}rgen Giesl", title = "Pushing the Frontiers of Combining Rewrite SystemsFarther Outwards", editor = "Dov Gabbay and {Maarten de} Rijke", volume = "???", number = "???", series = "Applied Logic Series, Amsterdam, The Netherlands", pages = "???", booktitle = frocos98, year = 1998, publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", address = "Amsterdam", month = oct, note = "still didn't appear (01/00)" } @inproceedings{Gl96, author = {{R. van} Glabbeek}, title = {The Meaning of Negative Premises in Transition System Specifications II}, booktitle = icalp96, editor = "Friedhelm {Meyer auf der Heide} and Burkhard Monien", pages = {502--513}, year = 1996, address = {Paderborn, Germany}, publisher = springer, volume = 1099, series = lncs } @inproceedings{Gn92, author = {Isabelle Gnaedig}, editor = {H. Kirchner and G. Levi}, title = {Termination of Order-Sorted Rewriting}, booktitle = alp3, pages = {37--52}, year = 1992, month = sep, publisher = springer, address = {Volterra, Italy}, volume = 632, series = lncs } @Article{Go31, author = {Kurt G{\"o}del}, title = {{\"U}ber formal unentscheidbare S{\"a}tze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme. I. (German)}, journal = {Monatsh.\ Math.\ Phys.}, year = 1931, volume = 38, pages = {173--198} } @inproceedings{Go33, author = {Kurt G{\"o}del}, title = {{Zur intuitonistischen Arithmetik und Zahlentheorie}}, booktitle = {Ergebnisse eines math. Koll., Heft 4 f{\"u}r 1931--32}, pages = {34--38}, year = 1933 } @misc{Go40, author = {Kurt G{\"o}del}, title = {The Consistency of the Axiom of Choice and of the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis with the Axioms of Set Theory}, year = 1940, howpublished = {7. print, Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press (Annals of mathematical studies; 3)}, note = {72 p.}, annote = {MAT Goed} } @article{Go58, author = {Kurt G{\"o}del}, title = {{\"U}ber eine bisher noch nicht ben{\"u}tzte Erweiterung des finiten Standpunktes}, journal = {Dialectica}, pages = {280--287}, year = 1958, volume = 12 } @inproceedings{Go80, author = {Joseph A.~ Goguen}, editor = {Wolfgang Bibel and Robert Kowalski}, title = {How to prove algebraic inductive hypotheses without induction}, booktitle = cade5, pages = {356--373}, year = {1980}, volume = {87}, series = lncs } @article{Go81, author = {{Warren D.} Goldfarb}, title = {The Undecidability of the Second-Order Unification Problem}, journal = tcs, pages = {225--230}, year = 1981, volume = 13 } @techreport{Go83, author = {Martin Gogolla}, title = {Algebraic Specifications with Partially Ordered Sorts and Declarations}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t Dortmund}, year = {1983}, number = {163}, type = {Forschungsbericht} } @inproceedings{Go87, author = {RichardG{\"o}bel}, editor = {P. Lescanne}, title = {Ground Confluence}, booktitle = rta2, pages = {156--167}, year = {1987}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {256}, series = lncs } @PhdThesis{Go03, author = {Jeremy Gow}, title = {The Dynamic Creation of Induction Rules Using Proof Planning}, school = {School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh}, year = 2003, annote = {305 pages} } @article{GoMe85, author = {{Joseph A.} Goguen and Jos\'e Meseguer}, title = {Completeness of Many-Sorted Equational Logic}, journal = {Houston Journal of Math.}, pages = {307--334}, year = 1985, volume = 11, number = 3 } @article{GoOyOh96, author = {Hiroshi Gomi and Michio Oyamaguchi and Yoshikatsu Ohta}, title = {On the {C}hurch-{R}osser Property of Non-{E}-Overlapping and Strongly Depth-Preserving Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = tipsj, pages = {2147--2160}, year = {1996}, month = dec, volume = {37}, number = {12} } @inproceedings{GoOyOh96a, author = {Hiroshi Gomi and Michio Oyamaguchi and Yoshikatsu Ohta}, title = {On the {C}hurch-{R}osser Property of Non-{E}-Overlapping and Weight-Preserving {TRS}s}, booktitle = {Proc.~RIMS Kokyuroku 950}, pages = {167--173}, year = {1996}, note = {(in Japanese)} } @inproceedings{GoOyOh97, author = {Hiroshi Gomi and Michio Oyamaguchi and Yoshikatsu Ohta}, title = {On the {C}hurch-{R}osser Property of Root-E-Overlapping and Depth-Preserving Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {TGCOMP}, year = {1997}, annote = {see EATCS Bulletin 63, 10/97} } @article{GoOyOh98, author = {Hiroshi Gomi and Michio Oyamaguchi and Yoshikatsu Ohta}, title = {On the {C}hurch-{R}osser Property of Root-{E}-overlapping and Strongly Depth-preserving Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = {Trans. IPS Japan}, pages = {992--1005}, year = 1998, volume = 39, number = 4, note = {in Japanese}, abstract = {A term rewriting system (TRS) is said to be strongly depth-preserving if for any rewrite rule and any variable appearing in its both sides, the minimal depth of the variable occurrences in the left-hand-side is greater than or equal to the maximal depth of the variable occurrences in the right-hand-side. This paper gives a sufficient condition for the Church-Rosser property of strongly depth-preserving TRS's and shows how to check this condition. By assigning a positive integer (called weight) to each function symbol, the notion of a strongly depth-preserving system is naturally extended to that of a strongly weight-preserving system, and a similar sufficient condition for the Church-Rosser property of strongly weight-preserving TRS's is obtained.} } @incollection{GoThWa78, author = {Joseph Goguen and James Thatcher and Eric Wagner}, editor = {Raymond Yeh}, title = {An Initial Albegra Approach to the Specification, Correctness and Implementation of Abstract Data Types}, booktitle = {Current Trends in Programming Methodology, IV}, pages = {80--149}, year = 1978, publisher = {Prentice-Hall}, note = {Preliminary version as: Technial Report RC 6487, IBM T.J.\ Watson Research Center, October 1976} } @InProceedings{GoTi04, author = {Guillem Godoy and Ashish Tiwari}, title = {Deciding Fundamental Properties of Right-(Ground or Variable) Rewrite Systems by Rewrite Closure}, booktitle = ijcar04, pages = {91--106}, year = 2004, editor = {David Basin and Michael Rusinowitch}, volume = 3097, series = lnai, month = jul, publisher = springer, annote = {SBN: 3-540-22345-2} } @InCollection{GoWiMeFuJo00, author = {{Joseph A.} Goguen and Timothy Winkler and Jos{\'e} Meseguer and Kokichi Futatsugi and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud}, title = {Introducing {OBJ}}, booktitle = {Software Engineering with OBJ: algebraic specification in action}, publisher = {Kluwer}, year = 2000, editor = {{Joseph A.} Goguen and Grant Malcolm} } @Unpublished{Gr00, author = "Bernhard Gramlich", title = "Exploiting Structural Properties for Simplifying Termination Proofs", note = "submitted to RTA'2000", year = 2000, month = jan } @InProceedings{Gr00a, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On the (Non-)Existence of Least Fixed Points in Conditional Equational Logic and Conditional Rewriting}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 2nd Int.\ Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science (FICS 2000), Abstracts}, pages = {38--40}, year = 2000, editor = {Ir{\`e}ne Guessarian}, address = {Paris, France}, month = jul, annote = {total: 52 pages} } @InProceedings{Gr00b, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Extending First-Order Unification by by Tractable Second-Order Features}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 3rd Int.\ Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving (FTP 2000)}, pages = {122--133}, year = 2000, editor = {Peter Baumgartner and Hantao Zhang}, number = {5/2000}, series = {Fachberichte Informatik, Universit{\"a}t Koblenz}, address = {St.~Andrews, Scotland}, month = jul, note = {total: 229 pages} } @InProceedings{Gr00c, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Simplifying Termination Proofs for Rewrite Systems by Preprocessing}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 2nd Int.\ ACM SIGPLAN Conf.\ on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2000)}, pages = {139--150}, year = 2000, editor = {Maurizio Gabrielli and Frank Pfenning}, address = {Montreal, Canada}, month = sep, publisher = {ACM Press}, note = {September 20 - 23, 2000, Montreal Canada} } @article{Gr00d, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Interreduction of Semi-Complete Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = tcs, year = {2000}, note = {To appear} } @Misc{Gr01, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Progress Report on Rewriting Activities in Austria}, howpublished = {3rd Annual Meeting of the IFIP Working Group 1.6 -- Term Rewriting}, month = may, year = 2001 } @Proceedings{GrLu01, title = {Proc.\ International Worskhop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming (WRS 2001)}, year = 2001, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, volume = {SPUPV 2359}, address = {Utrecht, The Netherlands}, month = may, publisher = {Servicio de Publicaciones - Universidad Polit{\'e}cnica de Valencia}, annote = {187 pages} } @Proceedings{GrLu01a, title = {1st International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming (WRS 2001)}, year = 2001, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, volume = 57, series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers}, annote = {ISBN: 0444510729} } @Proceedings{GrLu02, title = {Proc.\ 2nd International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming (WRS 2002) -- Final Proceedings}, year = 2002, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, number = {E1852--2002--02}, series = {Technical Report}, address = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, month = jul, publisher = {Verlag Berger}, note = {ISBN 3-85028-352-6, 150 pages, preliminary proceedings} } @Proceedings{GrLu02a, title = {2nd International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming (WRS 2002)}, year = 2002, month = dec, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, volume = {70}, issue = {6}, series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, note = {December}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers} } @inproceedings{GrLu02b, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Modular Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 4th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2002)}, pages = {50--61}, year = {2002}, editor = {Claude Kirchner}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {Pittsburgh, PA, USA}, month = oct } @InProceedings{GrLu02c, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Simple Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 3rd ACM Sigplan Workshop on Rule-based Programming (RULE 2002)}, pages = {29--41}, year = 2002, editor = {Bernd Fischer and Eelco Visser}, address = {Pittsburgh, PA, USA}, month = oct, publisher = {ACM Press} } @Unpublished{GrLu06, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Generalizing {N}ewman's {L}emma for Left-Linear Rewrite Systems}, note = {submitted}, month = feb, year = 2006 } @Unpublished{GrLu06a, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Modular and Simple Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting}, note = {extended and revised version of \cite{GrLu02b} and \cite{GrLu02c}, in preparation}, month = mar, year = 2006 } @Unpublished{GrLu06b, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Modularity of Confluence in Context-Sensitive Rewriting}, note = {extended and revised version of \cite{gramlich-lucas-wadt04}, in preparation}, month = mar, year = 2006 } @InProceedings{gramlich-lucas-rta06, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Generalizing {N}ewman's {L}emma for Left-Linear Rewrite Systems}, booktitle = rta06, pages = {66--80}, year = 2006, editor = {Frank Pfenning}, volume = 4098, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN: 3-540-36834-5; DOI: 10.1007/11805618} } @Proceedings{gramlich-frocos05-proceedings, title = {Frontiers of Combining Systems, 5th International Workshop, FroCoS 2005, Vienna, Austria, September 19-21, 2005, Proceedings}, booktitle = {FroCoS 2005}, year = 2005, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich}, volume = 3717, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, month = sep, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {3-540-43931-5} } @Misc{gramlich-ifip-wg-1-6-02, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Modularity in Context-Sensitive Rewriting}, howpublished = {4th Annual Meeting of the IFIP Working Group 1.6 -- Term Rewriting}, month = jul, year = 2002, note = {Title in Program: Progress Report on Strategies in Rewriting}, annote = {no proceedings} } @Misc{gramlich-ifip-wg-1-6-03, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Rewriting activites (progress report)}, howpublished = {5th Annual Meeting of the IFIP Working Group 1.6 on Term Rewriting, June 12, 2003, Valencia, Spain}, month = june, year = 2003, note = {Title in Program: Progress Report on Strategies in Rewriting}, annote = {no proceedings} } @Misc{gramlich-leitsch-eti2-02, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Alexander Leitsch}, title = {Theoretische Informatik 2}, howpublished = {Skriptum zur gleichnamigen Vorlesung, Institut f{\"u}r Computersprachen, TU Wien, Austria}, month = oct, year = 2002, annote = {to appear, in mehreren Teilen} } @InProceedings{gramlich-lucas-wadt04, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Modular Context-Sensitive Algebraic Specifications}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 17th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques -- Extended Abstracts (WADT 2004), Barcelona, Spain, March 27-30, 2004}, pages = {20--22}, year = 2004, editor = {{Peter D.} Mosses}, month = mar, note = {part of ETAPS 2004} } @Proceedings{gramlich-lucas-wrs03-entcs-86-4, title = {3rd International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming (WRS 2003) -- Final Proceedings}, year = 2003, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, volume = 86, issue = 4, series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, month = dec, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers}, note = {December 2003, ISBN: no more assigned, instead ISSN: 1571-0661}, annote = {??? pages} } @Book{gramlich-lucas-jsc04, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Reductions Strategies in Rewriting and Programming (special issue}, publisher = {Academic Press}, year = 2004, series = {Journal of Symbolic Computation}, note = {now: Academic Press; soon: Elsevier}, annote = {to appear} } @Book{gramlich-lucas-jsc05, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming, Special Issue, Journal of Symbolic Computation}, publisher = elsevier, year = 2005, month = jul, volume = 40, note = {pp.\ 745--903}, number = 1 } @Article{gramlich-lucas-jsc05-editorial, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = { Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming -- Special issue: Guest Editor's preface}, journal = jsc, year = 2005, volume = 40, number = 1, pages = {745--747}, month = jul } @Proceedings{gramlich-lucas-wrs03, title = {Proc.\ 3rd International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming (WRS 2003), Valencia, Spain, June 8, 2003}, year = 2003, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, volume = {Technical Report DSIC--II/14/03}, month = jun, publisher = {Departamento de Sistemas Inform{\'a}ticos y Computaci{\'o}n, Universidad Polit{\'e}cnica de Valenica}, annote = {ISBN: 84-96221-03-2}, annote = {145 pp., preliminary proceedings, final proceedings to appear in ENTCS} } @InProceedings{gramlich-lucas-ppdp02, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Modular Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 4th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2002)}, pages = {50--61}, year = 2002, editor = {Claude Kirchner}, address = {Pittsburgh, PA, USA}, month = oct, publisher = {ACM Press}, note = {ISBN: 1-58113-528-9} } @InProceedings{gramlich-lucas-rule02, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Simple Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 3rd ACM Sigplan Workshop on Rule-based Programming (RULE 2002)}, pages = {29--41}, year = 2002, editor = {Bernd Fischer and Eelco Visser}, address = {Pittsburgh, PA, USA}, month = oct, publisher = {ACM Press}, note = {13 submissions, 8 accepted; ISBN: 1-58113-606-4} } @Unpublished{gramlich-lucas-ipl05-submission, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Generalizing Newman's Lemma for Left-Linear Rewrite Systems}, note = {9 pages in article format, slightly squeezed, submitted to IPL}, month = jul, year = 2005, annote = {make technical report out of it or of a longer version} } @InProceedings{gramlich-pichler-cade02, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Reinhard Pichler}, title = {Algorithmic Aspects of {H}erbrand Models Represented by Ground Atoms with Ground Equations}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 18th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE 2002)}, pages = {241--259}, year = 2002, editor = {Andrei Voronkov}, series = {LNAI 2392}, address = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, month = jul, publisher = springer } @TechReport{gramlich-pichler-cade02-techrep02, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Reinhard Pichler}, title = {Algorithmic Aspects of {H}erbrand Models Represented by Ground Atoms with Ground Equations (long version)}, institution = e1852, year = 2002, type = {Technical Report}, number = {E1852-2002-01}, month = jul, annote = {long version of \cite{gramlich-pichler-cade02}} } @InProceedings{alpuente-escobar-gramlich-lucas-lpar02, author = {Mar{\'\i}a Alpuente and Santiago Escobar and Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Improving On-demand Strategy Annotations}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 9th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR 2002)}, pages = {1--18}, year = 2002, editor = {Matthias Baaz and Andrei Voronkov}, series = {LNAI 2514}, address = {Tbilisi, Georgia}, month = oct, publisher = springer } @TechReport{alpuente-escobar-gramlich-lucas-lpar02-techrep02, author = {Mar{\'\i}a Alpuente and Santiago Escobar and Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {Improving On-demand Strategy Annotations}, institution = {UPV, Valencia, Spain}, year = 2002, type = {???}, number = {???}, month = {???}, annote = {does not exist: finally not necessary} } @Unpublished{alpuente-escobar-gramlich-lucas-lpar02-journal-submission, author = {Mar{\'\i}a Alpuente and Santiago Escobar and Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {On-Demand Strategy Annotations Revisited}, note = {51 pages}, month = {July}, year = 2003, annote = {extended and revised version of LPAR'02 paper, submitted July 2003} } @TechReport{alpuente-escobar-gramlich-lucas-lpar02-journal-techrep03, author = {Mar{\'\i}a Alpuente and Santiago Escobar and Bernhard Gramlich and Salvador Lucas}, title = {On-Demand Strategy Annotations Revisited}, institution = {Departamento de Sistemas Inform{\'a}ticos y Computaci{\'o}n, UPV}, year = 2003, number = {DSIC--II/18/03}, address = {Valencia, Spain}, month = jul, annote = {51 pages} } @InProceedings{alpuente-gramlich-villanueva-prole06, author = {Mar{\`\i}a Alpuente and Bernhard Gramlich and Alicia Villanueva}, title = {Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming with Instantaneous Computations}, booktitle = {Proc.~6th Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE'06), Sitges, Spain, October 2006}, pages = {221--230}, year = 2006, editor = {Paqui Lucio}, month = oct, note = {to appear} } @InProceedings{gramlich-strategies04, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Strategies for Inductive Theorem Proving [Invited Talk]}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 5th International Workshop on Strategies in Automated Deduction (STRATEGIES 2004), held in conjunction with IJCAR 2004 (2nd International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning), Cork, Ireland}, pages = {62--63}, year = 2004, editor = {{Maria Paola} Bonacina and Thierry {Boy de la Tour}}, month = jul, note = {132 pages} } @Article{gramlich-strategies04-entcs05, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Strategic Issues, Problems and Challenges in Inductive Theorem Proving}, journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, year = 2005, volume = {125}, number = {2}, pages = {5--43}, month = mar, note = {Proc.\ 5th International Workshop on Strategies in Automated Deduction (Strategies 2004) -- Selected Papers, Maria Paola Bonacina and Thierry Boy de la Tour, eds.} } @article{gramlich-tcs99, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Interreduction of Semi-Complete Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, year = {1999}, note = {20 pages, accepted in June 1999, to appear in 2001} } @Article{gramlich-tcs01, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Interreduction of Semi-Complete Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, year = 2001, volume = 258, number = {1--2}, pages = {435--451}, month = apr, note = {subsumes gramlich-tcs99 and Gr00d, 20 pages, accepted in June 1999, to appear in 2001} } @Misc{gramlich-wst01-vortrag, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Knowledge Based Simplification of Termination Proofs}, howpublished = {5th International Workshop on Termination (WST'01), Utrecht, The Netherlands}, month = may, year = 2001 } @InProceedings{gramlich-wst01, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Knowledge Based Simplification of Termination Proofs}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 5th International Workshop on Termination (WST'01), Utrecht, The Netherlands}, pages = {??--??}, year = 2001, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz}, month = may } @InProceedings{gramlich-wst04, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Modularity of Termination of Left-Linear Rewrite Systems Revisited}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 7th International Workshop on Termination - Extended Abstracts (WST 2004), part of RDP 2004 (2nd Federated Conference on Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming), Aachen, Germany, June 1-2, 2004}, pages = {22--25}, year = 2004, editor = {Michael Codish and Aart Middeldorp}, number = {AIB-2004-07}, series = {Aachener Informatik Berichte}, publisher = {RWTH Aachen}, note = {ISSN-0935-3232} } @Proceedings{gramlich-frocos05, title = {Proc.\ 5th International Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS 2005), Vienna, Austria}, year = 2005, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich}, volume = 3717, series = {Lecture Notes in Articifical Intelligence}, month = sep, publisher = {Springer} } @article{Gr64, author = {A. Grzegorczyk}, title = {Recursive Objects in all Finite Types}, journal = {Fundamenta Mathematica}, pages = {73--93}, year = 1964, volume = 54 } @mastersthesis{Gr85, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Zum {B}eweisen durch {R}eduktion und {I}nduktion}, year = 1985, month = jan, school = {Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe (in German)} } @techreport{Gr88, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Unification of Term Schemes -- Theory and Applications}, institution = fbinf, year = {1988}, number = {SR-88-18}, type = {{SEKI} Report} } @inproceedings{Gr88a, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {C. Kirchner and G. Smolka}, title = {Efficient {AC}-Matching using Constraint Propagation}, booktitle = {Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Unification, Rapport Interne No. 89 R 38, CRIN}, year = 1988, month = jul, address = {Val d'Ajol} } @TechReport{Gr88b, author = "Bernhard Gramlich", title = "A Syntactical Approach to Nontermination of Completion", institution = fbinf, year = 1988, note = "research report in preparation", annote = "cited in \cite{Gr88} but never written, i.e., still (04/02/00) in preparation" } @techreport{Gr89, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Inductive Theorem Proving Using Refined Unfailing Completion Techniques}, institution = fbinf, year = {1989}, number = {{SR}-89-14}, type = {{SEKI} Report} } @inproceedings{Gr89a, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {J. M{\"u}ller and H. Ganzinger}, title = {Inductive Theorem Proving Using Refined Unfailing Completion Techniques}, booktitle = {Extended Abstracts of the First German Workshop Term Rewriting: Theory and Applications, {SEKI} {R}eport SR-89-02}, year = {1989} } @inproceedings{Gr89b, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {H.-J.~ B\"urckert and W.~ Nutt}, title = {Unification of Term Schemes}, booktitle = {Extended Abstracts of the Third International Workshop on Unification}, year = {1989} } @techreport{Gr90a, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Completion Based Inductive Theorem Proving: A Case Study in Verifying Sorting Algorithms}, institution = fbinf, year = {1990}, number = {SR-90-04}, type = {{SEKI} Report} } @inproceedings{Gr90b, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {M.E. Stickel}, title = {UNICOM: A Refined Completion Based Inductive Theorem Prover}, booktitle = cade10, pages = {655--656}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {449}, series = lnai } @inproceedings{Gr90c, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {L.C. Aiello}, title = {Completion Based Inductive Theorem Proving: An Abstract Framework and its Applications}, booktitle = ecai9, pages = {314--319}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Pitman Publishing, London} } @inproceedings{Gr90d, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {Klaus-Peter Jantke and Horst Reichel}, title = {Completion Based Inductive Theorem Proving with {UNICOM}}, booktitle = {Participant's Handout of the 7th Int. Workshop on Abstract Data Types}, year = 1990, address = {University of Leipzig, Department of Computer Science}, series = {Internal Report} } @inproceedings{Gr90e, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {H. Ganzinger and A. Baumgart and U. Waldmann and U. Wertz}, title = {Practical Aspects of Intelligent Inductive Proof Engineering}, booktitle = {Proc. 2nd German Workshop on `Term Rewriting: Theory and Applications' (abstracts)}, organization = {Universit{\"a}t Dortmund}, year = 1990, month = mar, series = {Dortmunder Informatik-Forschungsbericht Nr. 336}, annote = {pp. 31--32} } @inproceedings{Gr90f, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {{P}raktische {A}spekte vervollst{\"a}ndigungsbasierten {I}nduktionsbeweisens}, booktitle = {Proc. 7th German Workshop on Deduction (abstracts)}, year = 1990, month = sep, address = {Johanniskreuz, Germany} } @InProceedings{Gr90f, author = {{Jan Friso} Groote}, title = {A New Strategy for Proving omega-Completeness applied to Process Algebra}, booktitle = concur90, pages = {314--331}, year = 1990, editor = {{Jos C.~M.} Baeten and {Jan Willem} Klop}, volume = 458, series = lncs, month = aug, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-53048-7} } @techreport{Gr91a, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {A Structural Analysis of Modular Termination of Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = fbinf, year = {1991}, number = {SR-91-15}, type = {{SEKI} Report} } @techreport{Gr92, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Towards Intelligent Inductive Proof Engineering}, institution = fbinf, year = {1991}, number = {SR-92-01}, type = {{SEKI} Report} } @inproceedings{Gr92b, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {A. Voronkov}, title = {Relating Innermost, Weak, Uniform and Modular Termination of Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {International Conference on Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning, St. Petersburg}, pages = {285--296}, year = {1992}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {624}, series = lnai } @inproceedings{Gr92c, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {H. Kirchner and G. Levi}, title = {Generalized Sufficient Conditions for Modular Termination of Rewriting}, booktitle = {Proc. of 3rd Int. Conf. on Algebraic and Logic Programming, Pisa, Italy}, pages = {53--68}, year = {1992}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {632}, series = lncs, annote = {Extended version: \cite{Gr94}} } @inproceedings{Gr92d, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {M. Rusinowitch and J.-L. R{\'e}my}, title = {Sufficient Conditions for Modular Termination of Conditional Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = ctrs3, pages = {128--142}, year = {1993}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Pont-{\`a}-Mousson, France}, volume = {656}, series = lncs } @inproceedings{Gr92e, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {A. Bundy}, title = {Inductive Theorem Proving Based on Rewriting and Completion Techniques}, booktitle = {Proc. 1st Int. Workshop On the Automation of Inductive Proof (abstracts), held in conjunction with CADE-11}, year = 1992, month = jun, address = {Saratoga Springs, NY}, annote = {pp. 14--15} } @techreport{Gr93a, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Relating Innermost, Weak, Uniform and Modular Termination of Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = fbinf, year = {1993}, month = jun , number = {SR-93-09}, type = {{SEKI}-{R}eport} } @techreport{Gr93b, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {New Abstract Criteria for Termination and Confluence of Conditional Rewrite Systems}, institution = fbinf, year = {1993}, number = {SR-93-17}, type = {{SEKI}-{R}eport} } @inproceedings{Gr93c, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Termination Properties of Non-Orthogonal Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {Proc. 1st Int. Workshop on Termination (abstracts)}, year = 1993, month = may, address = {St. Andrews, Scotland} } @inproceedings{Gr93d, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {J. Avenhaus and J. Denzinger}, title = {A Unifying Framework for Different Function Definition Formalisms Based on Rewriting Techniques}, booktitle = {Informal Proceedings of the Annual 10th Meeting of ``GI-Fachgruppe Deduktionssysteme}, year = 1993, month = oct, address = {Kaiserslautern, Germany}, note = {{SEKI}-{R}eport SR-93-11} } @Article{Gr93e, author = {{Jan Friso} Groote}, title = {Transition System Specifications with Negative Premises}, journal = tcs, year = 1993, volume = 118, number = 2, pages = {263--299} } @article{Gr94, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Generalized Sufficient Conditions for Modular Termination of Rewriting}, journal = {Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing}, pages = {131--158}, year = {1994}, volume = {5}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag} } @inproceedings{Gr94a, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {Giorgio Levi and Mario Rodr{\'\i}guez-Artalejo}, title = {On Modularity of Termination and Confluence Properties of Conditional Rewrite Systems}, booktitle = alp4, pages = {186--203}, year = 1994, publisher = springer, volume = 850, series = lncs } @article{Gr94b, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {A Note on a Parameterized Version of the Well-Founded Induction Principle}, journal = {Bulletin of the EATCS}, pages = {274--278}, year = {1994}, month = feb, volume = {52} } @inproceedings{Gr94c, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Termination and Confluence of Conditional Rewrite Systems, extended abstract}, booktitle = {Prelim. Proc. of 4th CTRS (extended abstracts), Jerusalem}, year = {1994}, month = jul } @article{Gr94e, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Abstract Relations between Restricted Termination and Confluence Properties of Rewrite Systems}, journal = {Fundamenta Informaticae}, year = {1994}, note = {special issue on term rewriting systems, to appear, a preliminary version appeared as``Relating Innermost, Weak, Uniform and Modular Termination of Term Rewriting Systems'' in Proc. {LPAR'92}, {LNAI} 624, pp. 285--296, 1992} } @inproceedings{Gr94f, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {D. Basin and F. Giunchiglia and M. Kaufmann}, title = {Experiences with the Development, Maintenance and Enhancement of UNICOM}, booktitle = {Proc. CADE-12 Workshop ``Correctness and Metatheoretic Extensibility of Automated Reasoning Systems''}, pages = {42--43}, year = {1994}, month = jun, address = {Nancy, France} } @article{Gr95, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Abstract Relations between Restricted Termination and Confluence Properties of Rewrite Systems}, journal = fi, pages = {3--23}, year = 1995, volume = 24, annote = {Special issue on term rewriting systems, ed. D.~A.~Plaisted. (A preliminary version of this paper appeared as \cite{Gr92b})} } @inproceedings{Gr95a, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz and Naomi Lindenstrauss}, title = {On Termination and Confluence of Conditional Rewrite Systems}, booktitle = ctrs4, pages = {166--185}, year = 1995, publisher = springer, volume = 968, series = lncs } @inproceedings{Gr95b, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Termination by Divide and Conquer: Some New Preservation Results}, booktitle = {Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Termination (abstracts)}, year = 1995, month = may, address = {La Bresse, France}, annote = {May 29--31} } @inproceedings{Gr95c, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {R.S. Boyer and A. Bundy and D. Kapur and C. Walther}, title = {On Evaluation Criteria for Inductive Theorem Proving Systems}, booktitle = {Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on the Automation of Proof by Mathematical Induction, Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report ??}, year = 1995, month = jul } @techreport{Gr95d, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {A Note on a Parameterized Version of the Well-Founded Induction Principle}, institution = fbinf, year = 1995, month = may, number = {SR-95-08}, type = {{SEKI}-Report}, note = {(This is a revised and extended version of the contribution in {\em Bulletin of the EATCS\/} 52, pp. 274--277, February 1994.)} } @article{Gr95e, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Termination and Confluence Properties of Disjoint and Constructor-Sharing Conditional Rewrite Systems}, journal = tcs, year = 1996, note = {To appear (this a revised and extended version of \cite{Gr94a})} } @phdthesis{Gr95f, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Termination and Confluence Properties of Structured Rewrite Systems}, year = 1995, school = fbinf, note = {Forthcoming}, annote = {hopefully in summer/autumn 1995} } @techreport{Gr95g, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Confluence without Termination via Parallel Critical Pairs}, institution = fbinf, year = {1995}, number = {SR-95-13}, type = seki, note = {Short version to appear in: Proc.~ 21 Int. Coll. on Trees in Algebra and Programming, Link{\"o}ping, Sweden, 1996} } @inproceedings{Gr96, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Confluence without Termination via Parallel Critical Pairs}, booktitle = caap96, year = 1996, note = {To appear} } @phdthesis{Gr96a, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Termination and Confluence Properties of Structured Rewrite Systems}, year = {1996}, month = jan, school = fbinf } @inproceedings{Gr96b, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {H.~Kirchner}, title = {Confluence without Termination via Parallel Critical Pairs}, booktitle = caap21, pages = {211--225}, year = {1996}, month = apr, publisher = springer, volume = 1059, series = lncs } @inproceedings{Gr96c, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {H.~Ganzinger}, title = {On Proving Termination by Innermost Termination}, booktitle = rta7, pages = {93--107}, year = {1996}, month = jul, publisher = springer, volume = {1103}, series = lncs, annote = {LORIA-CDD: 96-R-272} } @unpublished{Gr96cc, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Proving Termination by Innermost Termination}, year = {1996}, month = jan, note = {Submitted to RTA'96} } @inproceedings{Gr96d, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {K.U.~Schulz and S.~Kepser}, title = {Conditional Rewrite Systems under Signature Extensions: Some Counterexamples}, booktitle = unif10, pages = {45--50}, year = {1996}, month = jun } @article{Gr96e, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Termination and Confluence Properties of Disjoint and Constructor-Sharing Conditional Rewrite Systems}, journal = tcs, pages = {97--131}, year = {1996}, month = sep, volume = {165}, number = {1}, note = {special issue of ALP'94}, annote = {LORIA-CDD: 96-R-273} } @misc{Gr97, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Asymmetric Preservation Criteria for Termination of Combined Rewrite Systems}, year = 1997, month = jan, howpublished = {INRIA-Lorraine, France}, annote = {submitted} } @misc{Gr97a, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Semi-Completeness of Term Rewriting Systems}, year = 1996, month = dec, howpublished = {INRIA Lorraine, Nancy, France}, annote = {submitted} } @misc{Gr97b, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Confluence of Non-Left-Linear, Non-Terminating Rewrite Systems Revisited}, year = 1997, month = feb, howpublished = {INRIA Lorraine, Nancy, France}, annote = {submitted} } @misc{Gr97c, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Modular Aspects of Rewrite-Based Specifications}, year = {1997}, month = jun, howpublished = {Proc.\ 12th Int.\ Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques (WADT'97), Abstracts, Tarquinia, Italy}, note = {invited submission to LNCS-proceedings volume} } @inproceedings{Gr97d, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {A Refined Analysis for Termination of Combined Rewrite Systems}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 3rd Int.\ Workshop on Termination (IWT'97), Extended Abstracts}, pages = {4--5}, year = {1997}, month = may, address = {Utrecht, The Netherlands} } @inproceedings{Gr97e, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Design Issues for Inductive Theorem Proving Systems}, booktitle = {CADE-14 Workshop on Automated Induction Theorem Proving}, year = {1997}, month = jul, address = {Townsville, North Queensland, Australia}, note = {no proceedings, no abstracts} } @techreport{Gr97f, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Semi-Completeness of Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = {INRIA Lorraine}, year = {1997}, month = dec, address = {Nancy, France}, number = {RR-3327}, type = {Research Report}, annote = {11 pages} } @techreport{Gr97g, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Modular Aspects of Rewrite-Based Specifications}, institution = {INRIA Lorraine}, year = {1997}, month = dec, address = {Nancy, France}, number = {RR-3330}, type = {Research Report}, note = {long version of \cite{Gr98}}, annote = {20 pages} } @inproceedings{Gr98, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {Francesco Parisi-Presicce}, title = {Modular Aspects of Rewrite-Based Specifications}, booktitle = {Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 12th Int.~Workshop, WADT 97, Tarquinia, Italy, June 1997, Selected Papers}, pages = {253--268}, year = {1998}, publisher = springer, volume = {1376}, series = lncs, annote = {has appeared, LORIA-CDD: 98-R-166 (gramlich98a)} } @inproceedings{Gr98a, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {Marisa Venturini Zilli et al.}, title = {On (Un)Sound Simplifications of Equational Theories}, booktitle = {Proc. 12th Int. Workshop on Unification, Research Research Report SI-98/8}, pages = {26--26}, year = 1998, month = jun, address = {Rome, Italy} } @inproceedings{Gr99, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Some Abstract Termination Criteria}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 4th Int.\ Workshop on termination (WST'99)}, pages = {36--36}, year = 1999, month = may, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany} } @inproceedings{Gr99a, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {Dieter Hutter et al.}, title = {Strategic Aspects in Inductive Theorem Proving and Proof Engineering (Extended Abstract)}, booktitle = {Proc.\ FLoC'99 Workshop on the Automation of Proof by Mathematical Induction}, pages = {25--28}, year = 1999, month = jul, address = {Trento, Italy} } @article{Gr99b, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Interreduction of Semi-Complete Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = tcs, pages = {???}, year = {1999}, month = {???}, volume = {???}, number = {???}, note = {To appear} } @techreport{Gr99c, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Interreduction of Semi-Complete Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = {Vienna University of Technology}, year = 1999, month = sep, address = {Vienna, Germany}, number = {E1852-BG-991}, type = {Technical Report}, annote = {technical report version of \cite{Gr99b}} } @article{Gr99d, author = {Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {On Some Abstract Termination Criteria (better: some other title)}, journal = aaecc, pages = {???}, year = 1999, month = {???}, volume = {???}, number = {???}, annote = {Extended version of WST'99 paper, invited submission to \emph{Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing AAECC)}, special issue on WST'99} } @Misc{Gr99e, author = "Bernhard Gramlich", title = "Towards a Structure Theory of Term Rewriting", howpublished = "Habilitationsschrift, Technische Universit{\"a}t Wien", year = 1999, month = sep, note = "135 pp." } @incollection{GrAv90, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and J{\"u}rgen Avenhaus}, editor = {Heinrich Kersten}, title = {Formal Specification and Verification of Equationally Defined Functional Programs with {UNICOM}}, booktitle = {Sichere Software}, pages = {150--171}, year = {1990}, publisher = {H\"uthig Verlag} } @techreport{GrDe88, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and J{\"o}rg Denzinger}, title = {Efficient {AC}-matching Using Constraint Propagation}, institution = fbinf, year = {1988}, number = {SR-88-15}, type = {{SEKI} Report} } @proceedings{GrKi97, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner}, title = {Proceedings of the {CADE}-14 Workshop on Strategies in Automated Deduction (70 pages}, year = {1997}, month = jul, address = {Townsville, North Queensland, Australia}, note = {70 pp.}, annote = {LORIA-CDD: 97-R-287} } @Book{GrKiPf01, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Frank Pfenning}, title = {Strategies in Automated Deduction (special issue)}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, year = 2001, series = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 29, Number 1/4, 2000}, month = feb, note = {ISSN 1012-2443} } @Misc{GrKiPf00, author = "Bernhard Gramlich and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Frank Pfenning", title = "Strategies in Automated Deduction", howpublished = "special issue of: Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (AMAI)", year = 2000, month = "???", note = "in preparation", annote = "see also \cite{GrKiPf99}" } @proceedings{GrKiPf99, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich, H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Frank Pfenning}, title = {Proc.\ FLoC'99 Workshop on Strategies in Automated Deduction (STRATEGIES'99), 92 pages}, year = 1999, month = jul, address = {Trento, Italy} } @inproceedings{GrKuWi93, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Ulrich K{\"u}hler and Claus-Peter Wirth}, editor = {Alan Bundy and Andrew Ireland}, title = {Inductive Theorem Proving Based on Rewriting and Completion Techniques}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 2nd Int. Workshop on the ``Automation of Proof by Mathematical Induction (IND'93)'' (abstracts), held in conjunction with AAAI-93}, year = 1993, address = {Washington, DC}, annote = {page 22, month?} } @techreport{GrLi91, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Wolfgang Lindner}, title = {A Guide to {UNICOM}, an INductive Theorem Prover Based on Rewriting and Completion Techniques}, institution = fbinf, year = {1991}, number = {SR-91-17}, type = {{SEKI} Report} } @proceedings{GrPf98, editor = {Bernhard Gramlich and Frank Pfenning}, title = {Proceedings {CADE}-15 Workshop on Strategies in Automated Deduction}, year = {1998}, month = jul, address = {Lindau, Germany}, note = {74 pp.} } @article{GrVa92, author = {J.F. Groote and F. Vaandrager}, title = {Structured Operational Semantics and Bisimulation as a Congruence}, journal = ic, pages = {202--260}, year = 1992, volume = 100, number = 2 } @techreport{GrWi92, author = {Claus-Peter Wirth and Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {A Constructor-Based Approach for Positive/Negative-Conditional Equational Specifications}, institution = fbinf, year = {1992}, number = {SR-92-10}, type = {{SEKI} Report} } @inproceedings{GrWi92a, author = {Claus-Peter Wirth and Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {A Constructor-Based Approach to Positive/Negative-Conditional Equational Specifications (extended abstract)}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Conditional Term Rewriting Systems}, year = {1992}, note = {to appear} } @unpublished{GrWi95, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Claus-Peter Wirth}, title = {Confluence of Terminating Conditional Rewrite Systems Revisited}, year = {1996}, month = jan, note = {Submitted to RTA'96} } @inproceedings{GrWi96, author = {Bernhard Gramlich and Claus-Peter Wirth}, editor = {H.~Ganzinger}, title = {Confluence of Terminating Conditional Rewrite Systems Revisited}, booktitle = rta7, address = {New Brunswick, NJ, USA}, pages = {245--259}, year = {1996}, month = jul, publisher = springer, volume = {1103}, series = lncs } @phdthesis{Gu75, author = {{John V.} Guttag}, title = {The Specification and Application to Programming of Abstract Data Types}, year = 1975, school = {University of Toronto}, note = {Report CSRG-59, Computer Science Dept.} } @book{Gu81, author = {Ir{\`e}ne Guessarian}, title = {Algebraic Semantics}, year = 1981, publisher = springer, volume = 99, series = lncs } @incollection{Gu85, author = {Ir{\`e}ne Guessarian}, editor = {M. Nivat and J.C. Reynolds}, title = {Survey on Classes of Interpretations and Some of their Applications}, booktitle = {Algebraic Methods of Semantics}, pages = {384--409}, year = 1985, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge} } @article{GuKaMu83, author = {J.V. Guttag and D. Kapur and D.R. Musser}, title = {On Proving Uniform Termination and Restricted Termination of Rewriting Systems}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Computing}, pages = {189--214}, year = 1983, month = feb, volume = 12, number = 1 } @misc{GuKaMu83a, author = {J.V. Guttag and D. Kapur and D.R. Musser}, title = {Derived Pairs, Overlap Closures, and Rewrite Dominoes: New Tools for Analyzing Term Rewriting Systems}, year = 1983, howpublished = {???}, annote = {relation to \cite{GuKaMu93}???} } @article{GuSq90, author = {Fernando Guzman and Craig C. Squier}, title = {The Algebra of Conditional Logic}, journal = {Algebra Universalis}, pages = {88--110}, year = {1990}, volume = {27} } @inproceedings{GuVo97, author = {Yuri Gurevich and Andrei Voronkov}, editor = {Pierpaolo Degano and Robert Gorrieri and Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela}, title = {Monadic Simultaneous Rigid E-Unification and Related Problems}, booktitle = icalp24, pages = {154--165}, year = {1997}, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {Bologna, Italy}, volume = 1256, series = lncs } @book{Ha74, author = {P. Halmos}, title = {Naive Set Theory}, year = 1974, publisher = springer } @article{Ha94, author = {Michael Hanus}, title = {The Integration of Functions into Logic Programming: From Theory to Practice}, journal = jlp, pages = {583--628}, year = 1994, volume = 19 } @InProceedings{Ha94a, author = {Michael Hanus}, title = {Lazy Unification with Simplification}, booktitle = esop94, pages = {272--286}, year = 1994, editor = {???}, volume = 788, series = lncs, publisher = springer } @InProceedings{Ha95, author = {Michael Hanus}, title = {On Extra Variables in (Equational) Logic Programming}, booktitle = iclp95, pages = {665--679}, year = 1995, editor = {Leon Sterling}, address = {Tokyo, Japan}, month = jun, publisher = {MIT Press}, annote = {ISBN 0-262-69177-9} } @InProceedings{Ha00, author = {Mohamed Hamada}, title = {Strong Completeness of a Narrowing Calculus for Conditional Rewrite Systems with Extra Variables}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 6th Australasian Theory Symposium}, pages = {??-??}, year = 2000, editor = {???}, volume = 31, series = entcs, address = {???}, publisher = elsevier } @Article{HaFe96, author = {{Pieter H.} Hartel and Marc Feeley and Martin Alt and Lennart Augustsson and Peter Baumann and Marcel Beemster and Emmanuel Chailloux and {Christine H.} Flood and Wolfgang Grieskamp and {John H.~G.} {van Groningen} and Kevin Hammond and Bogumil Hausman and {Melody Y.} Ivory and {Richard E.} Jones and Jasper Kamperman and Peter Lee and Xavier Leroy and {Rafael Dueire} Lins and Sandra Loosemore and Niklas R{\"o}jemo and Manuel Serrano and Jean-Pierre Talpin and Jon Thackray and Stephen Thomas and Pum Walters and Pierre Weis and Peter Wentworth}, title = {Benchmarking Implementations of Functional Languages with `Pseudoknot', a Float-Intensive Benchmark}, journal = {Journal of Functional Programming}, year = 1996, volume = 6, number = 4, pages = {621--655}, month = jan } @Article{HaLuMi98, author = "Michael Hanus and Salvador Lucas and Aart Middeldorp", title = "Strongly Sequential and Inductively Sequential Term Rewriting Systems", journal = ipl, year = 1998, volume = 67, number = 1, pages = "1--8" } @InProceedings{HaLu99, author = {Michael Hanus and Salvador Lucas}, title = {A Semantics for Program Analysis in Narrowing-Based Functional Logic Languages}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 4th Fuji International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming (FLOPS'99), Tsukuba}, pages = {353--368}, year = 1999, editor = {Aart Middeldorp and Taisuke Sato}, volume = 1722, series = lncs, publisher = springer } @InProceedings{HaMi97, author = {Mohamed Hamada and Aart Middeldorp}, title = {Strong Completeness of a Lazy Conditional Narrowing Calculus}, booktitle = fuji96, pages = {14--32}, year = 1997, editor = {???}, address = {Shonan Village}, publisher = {World Scientific} } @InProceedings{HaMiSu99, author = {Mohamed Hamada and Aart Middeldorp and Taro Suzuki}, title = {Completeness Results for a Lazy Conditional Narrowing Calculus}, booktitle = {Combinatorics, Computation and Logic: Proceedings of 2nd Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science and the 5th Australasian Theory Symposium}, pages = {217--231}, year = 1999, editor = {???}, address = {Auckland}, publisher = {Springer Verlag Singapore} } @inproceedings{HaOkHiTa97, author = {S.\ Hattori and K.\ Okano and T.\ Higashino and K.\ Taniguchi}, title = {Modularity of Level-Confluence for Conditional Term Rewriting Systems with Extra Variables in Right-Hand Sides}, booktitle = {TGCOMP}, year = {1997}, annote = {see EATCS Bulletin 63, 10/97} } @inproceedings{HaPl95, author = {Annegret Habel and Detlef Plump}, editor = {A.~Corradini and U.~Montanari}, title = {Unification, Rewriting, and Narrowing on Term Graphs}, booktitle = {Proc.~Joint COMPUGRAPH/SEMAGRAPH Workshop on Graph Rewriting and Computation}, year = {1995}, month = aug, publisher = elsevier, address = {Volterra, Italy}, series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.~2}, note = {+sep} } @article{HaPl96, author = {Annegret Habel and Detlef Plump}, title = {Term Graph Narrowing}, journal = mscs, pages = {649--677}, year = {1996}, month = dec, volume = {6}, number = {6} } @InProceedings{HaPl99, author = "Annegret Habel and Detlef Plump", title = "Complete Strategies for Term Graph Narrowing", editor = "{Jos{\'e} Luiz} Fiadeiro", volume = 1589, series = lncs, pages = "152--167", booktitle = "Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 13th International Workshop, WADT'98", year = 1999, publisher = springer, address = "Lisbon, Portugal", month = apr, annote = "ISBN 3-540-66246-4" } @misc{He30, author = {J. Herbrand}, title = {Recherches sur la th\'eorie de la d\'emonstration}, year = 1930, howpublished = {Travaux de la Soc. des Sciences et des Lettres de Varsovie, Classe III} } @Article{He57, author = {Leon Henkin}, title = {A Generalization of the Concept of omega-Completeness}, journal = jsl, year = 1957, volume = 22, number = 1, pages = {1--14} } @book{He67, author = {Jan van Heijenoort}, title = {{From Frege to G\"odel -- A Sourcebook in Mathematical Logic, 1879--1931}}, year = 1967, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts}, series = {Source Books in the History of the Sciences}, annote = {MAT 063/004} } @article{He77, author = {Leon Henkin}, title = {Logic for Equality}, journal = amm, pages = {597--612}, year = 1977, month = oct, volume = 84 } @Article{He86, author = {Jan Heering}, title = {Partial Evaluation and omega-Completeness of Algebraic Specifications}, journal = tcs, year = 1986, volume = 43, pages = {149-167} } @TechReport{He88, author = "Miki Hermann", title = "Chain Properties of Rule Closures", institution = "CRIN", year = 1988, type = "Research Report", number = "88-R-022", address = "Nancy, France" } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ctrs/Heuillard87, author = {Thierry Heuillard}, title = {Compiling Conditional Rewriting Systems.}, booktitle = {CTRS}, year = {1987}, pages = {111-128}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/ctrs/1987}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @proceedings{DBLP:conf/ctrs/1987, editor = {St{\'e}phane Kaplan and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud}, title = {Conditional Term Rewriting Systems, 1st International Workshop, Orsay, France, July 8-10, 1987, Proceedings}, booktitle = {CTRS}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {308}, year = {1988}, isbn = {3-540-19242-5}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @InProceedings{He89, author = "Miki Hermann", title = "Chain Properties of Rule Closures", editor = "Burkard Monien and Robert Cori", volume = 349, series = lncs, pages = "339--347", booktitle = stacs89, year = 1989, publisher = springer, address = "Paderborn, Germany", month = feb } @Article{He90, author = "Miki Hermann", title = "Chain Properties of Rule Closures", journal = fac, year = 1990, volume = 2, number = 3, pages = "207--225", annote = "journal version of \cite{He88}" } @InProceedings{He90a, author = "Miki Hermann", title = "Vademecum of Divergent Term Rewriting Systems", volume = 70, series = "Avanc{\'e}es en Programmation", pages = "148--164", booktitle = "Journ{\'e}es {AFCET-GROPLAN}", year = 1990, publisher = "{BIGRE}", address = "Nice, France", month = jan, note = "BIGRE: publisher or organization or location???" } @InProceedings{He90b, author = {Rolf Hennicker}, title = {Context Induction: a Proof Principle for Behavioural Abstractions}, booktitle = disco90, pages = {101--110}, year = 1990, editor = {Alfonso Miola}, volume = 429, series = lncs, month = apr, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-52531-9} } @InProceedings{He91, author = "Miki Hermann", title = "On Proving Properties of Completion Strategies", editor = "{Ronald V.} Book", volume = 488, series = lncs, pages = "398--410", booktitle = rta91, year = 1991, publisher = springer, address = "Como, Italy", month = apr } @InProceedings{He92, author = "Miki Hermann", title = "On the Relation between Primitive Recursion, Schematization, and Divergence", editor = "H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Giorgio Levi", volume = 632, series = lncs, pages = "115--127", booktitle = alp92, year = 1992, publisher = springer, address = "Volterra, Italy", month = sep } @Misc{He94, author = "Miki Hermann", title = "Divergence des Syst{\`e}mes de R{\'e\'e}criture et Sch{\'e}matisation des Ensembles Infinis de Termes", howpublished = "Habilitation {\`a} diriger des recherches, Universit{\'e} Henri Poincar{\'e} Nancy 1, Research Report CRIN 94-T-065", year = 1994, month = mar } @Article{HeGa97, author = "Miki Hermann and R. Galbav{\'y}", title = "Unification of Infinite Sets of Terms Schematized by Primal Grammars", journal = tcs, year = 1997, volume = 176, number = "1--2", pages = "111--158" } @Article{HeKiKi91, author = "Miki Hermann and Claude Kirchner and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner", title = "Implementations of Term Rewriting Systems", journal = "Computer Journal", year = 1991, volume = 34, number = 1, pages = "20--34", month = feb, note = "Reviewed in Computing Reviews, February 1992; under the number 9202-0102." } @InProceedings{HeMo76, author = {Peter Henderson and Morris Jr., James H.}, title = {A Lazy Evaluator}, booktitle = {Conference Record of the Third ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Atlanta, Georgia, January 1976}, pages = {95--103}, year = 1976 } @InProceedings{HePr86, author = "Miki Hermann and Igor Pr{\'\i}vara", title = "On Nontermination of {K}nuth-{B}endix Algorithm", editor = "Laurent Kott", volume = 226, series = lncs, pages = "146--156", booktitle = icalp86, year = 1986, publisher = springer, address = "Rennes, France", month = jul } @InProceedings{HeSa98, author = "Miki Hermann and Gernot Salzer", title = "On the Word, Subsumption, and Complement Problem for Recurrent Term Schematizations", editor = "L. Brim and J. Gruska and J. Zlatuska", volume = 1450, series = lncs, pages = "257--266", booktitle = mfcs98, year = 1998, publisher = springer, address = "Brno, Czech Republic", month = aug } @article{Hi52, author = {G. Higman}, title = {Ordering by Divisibility in Abstract Algebras}, journal = {Proc. of the London Mathematical Society}, pages = {326--336}, year = 1952, volume = 3, number = 2, annote = {first name ???} } @article{Hi63, author = {{Phillip J.} Higgins}, title = {Algebras with a Scheme of Operators}, journal = {Mathematische Nachrichten}, pages = {115--132}, year = 1963, volume = 27 } @phdthesis{Hi64, author = {J.R. Hindley}, title = {The Church-Rosser Property and a Result in Combinatory Logic}, year = 1964, school = {University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne} } @article{Hi69, author = {J.R. Hindley}, title = {An Abstract Form of the Church-Rosser Theorem}, journal = jsl, year = 1969, volume = 34, number = 4 } @article{Hi74, author = {J.R. Hindley}, title = {An Abstract Church-Rosser Theorem, Part II: Applications}, journal = jsl, pages = {1--21}, year = 1974, volume = 39 } @article{Hi78, author = {J.R. Hindley}, title = {Reductions of Residuals are Finite}, journal = tams, pages = {345--361}, year = 1978, month = jun, volume = 240 } @article{Hi78a, author = {J.R. Hindley}, title = {Standard and Normal Reductions}, journal = tams, pages = {253--271}, year = 1978, month = jul, volume = 241 } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ctrs/Hintermeier94, author = {Claus Hintermeier}, title = {How to Transform Canonical Decreasing CTRSs into Equivalent Canonical TRSs.}, booktitle = {CTRS}, year = {1994}, pages = {186-205}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/ctrs/1994}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @proceedings{DBLP:conf/ctrs/1994, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz and Naomi Lindenstrauss}, title = {Conditional and Typed Rewriting Systems, 4th International Workshop, CTRS-94, Jerusalem, Israel, July 13-15, 1994, Proceedings}, booktitle = {CTRS}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {968}, year = {1995}, isbn = {3-540-60381-6}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @article{HiLo80, author = {J.R. Hindley and G. Longo}, title = {Lambda-Calculus Models and Extensionality}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik}, pages = {289--310}, year = 1980, volume = 26 } @book{HiSe86, author = {J.R. Hindley and {Jonathan P.} Seldin}, title = {Introduction to Combinators and $\lambda$-Calculus}, year = 1986, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, volume = 1, series = {London Mathematical Society Students Texts} } @article{Ho69, author = {C.A.R.\ Hoare}, title = {An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming}, journal = jacm, pages = {576--580}, year = 1969, volume = 12, number = 10 } @inproceedings{Ho83, author = {H.-J. Hoehnke}, title = {Fully Invariant Closure Systems of Congruences and Quasi Varieties of Algebras}, booktitle = {Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai}, pages = {189--207}, year = 1983, address = {Szeged, Hungary}, volume = 43, series = {Lectures in Universal Algebra} } @book{Ho85, author = {C.A.R.\ Hoare}, title = {Communicating Sequential Processes}, year = 1985, publisher = {Prentice-Hall} } @Book{Ho89, author = {Steffen H{\"o}lldobler}, title = {Foundations of Equational Logic Programming}, publisher = springer, year = 1989, volume = 353, series = lnai } @inproceedings{Ho95, author = {Charles Hoot}, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz and Naomi Lindenstrauss}, title = {Termination for Restricted Derivations and Conditional Rewrite Systems}, booktitle = ctrs4, pages = {206--222}, year = 1995, publisher = springer, volume = 968, series = lncs } @InProceedings{HoKu88, author = {Dieter Hofbauer and Ralf-Detlef Kutsche}, title = {Proving Inductive Theorems Based on Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = alp88, pages = {180--190}, year = 1988, editor = {Jan Grabowski and Pierre Lescanne and Wolfgang Wechler}, volume = 343, series = lncs, month = nov, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-50667-5} } @inproceedings{HoOD79, author = {C.M. Hoffmann and M.J. O'Donnell}, title = {Interpreter Generation using Tree Pattern Matching}, booktitle = popl6, year = 1979, month = jan, address = {San Antonio} } @article{HoOD82, author = {C.M. Hoffmann and M.J. O'Donnell}, title = {Programming with Equations}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems}, pages = {83--112}, year = 1982, month = jan, volume = 4, number = 1 } @article{HsKiLeRu92, author = {Jieh Hsiang and H\`el\'ene Kirchner and Pierre Lescanne and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, title = {The term rewriting approach to automated theorem proving}, journal = jlp, pages = {71--99}, year = {1992}, volume = {14}, number = {1/2} } @inproceedings{HsRu87, author = {Jieh Hsiang and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, title = {On Word Problems In Equational Theories}, booktitle = {Proc. of {ICALP} 87}, pages = {54--71}, year = {1987} } @Article{Hu00, author = {Dieter Hutter}, title = {Annotated Reasoning}, journal = amai, year = 2000, volume = 29, number = {1--4}, pages = {283--222}, note = {Special Issue on Strategies in Automated Deduction, ed.\ by Bernhard Gramlich, H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner, and Frank Pfenning} } @Article{Hu03, author = {Dieter Hutter}, title = {Deduction as an Engineering Science}, journal = entcs, year = 2003, volume = 86, number = 1, month = jun, note = {Final Proc. of 4th International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving (FTP 2003), June 12-14, 2003, Valencia, Spain} } @InProceedings{Hu03a, author = {Dieter Hutter}, title = {Deduction as an Engineering Science}, booktitle = ftp03, OPTcrossref = {}, OPTkey = {}, OPTpages = {}, OPTyear = {}, OPTeditor = {}, OPTvolume = {}, OPTnumber = {}, OPTseries = {}, OPTaddress = {}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTorganization = {}, OPTpublisher = {}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} } @InProceedings{Hu05, author = {G{\`e}rard Huet}, title = {Before RTA: Early Days in Rewriting Research}, booktitle = rta05, pages = {???--???}, year = 2005, editor = {J{\"u}rgen Giesl}, volume = {???}, series = lncs, month = apr, publisher = springer, annote = {in: Anniversary Session -- 20 Years of RTA: The History and Future of Rewriting} } @phdthesis{Hu76, author = {G\'erard Huet}, title = {R{\'e}solution D'Equations dans des Langages D'Ordre $1,2,\ldots,\omega$}, year = 1976, school = {Universit\'e de Paris VII} } @article{Hu78, author = {G\'erard Huet}, title = {An Algorithm to Generate the Basis of Solutions to Homogeneous Linear Diophantine Equations}, journal = ipl, pages = {144--147}, year = 1978, volume = 7, number = 3 } @InProceedings{Hu80, author = {Jean-Marie Hullot}, title = {Canonical Forms and Unification}, booktitle = cade5, pages = {318--334}, year = 1980, editor = {???}, volume = 87, series = lncs, publisher = springer } @article{Hu80a, author = {G{\'e}rard Huet}, title = {Confluent Reductions: Abstract Properties and Applications to Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = jacm, pages = {797--821}, year = {1980}, month = oct, volume = {27}, number = {4} } @techreport{Hu80b, author = {Jean-Marie Hullot}, title = {A Catalogue Of Canonical Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = {{SRI}-International}, year = {1980}, month = apr, number = {{CSL}-113} } @article{Hu81, author = {G{\'e}rard Huet}, title = {A complete proof of correctness of the {Knuth-Bendix} completion algorithm}, journal = jcss, pages = {11--21}, year = 1981, volume = 23, number = 1 } @techreport{Hu85, author = {Heinrich Hussmann}, title = {Unification in Conditional-Equational Theories}, institution = {Univ. Passau}, year = 1985, month = jan, address = {Passau}, number = {MIP-8502}, note = {(Corrigenda 1988)} } @inproceedings{Hu85a, author = {Heinrich Hussmann}, title = {Unification in Conditional-Equational Theories}, booktitle = {Proc. EUROCAL '87 (?)}, pages = {543--553}, year = 1985, month = apr, publisher = springer, address = {Linz, Austria}, series = lncs, annote = {EUROCAL ???} } @inproceedings{Hu90, author = {Dieter Hutter}, editor = {M.E. Stickel}, title = {Guiding Induction Proofs}, booktitle = cade10, pages = {147--161}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {449}, series = lnai } @InProceedings{Hu92, author = {Dieter Hutter}, title = {Adapting a Resolution Calculus for Inductive Proofs}, booktitle = ecia92, pages = {65--69}, year = 1992, editor = {Bernd Neumann}, month = aug, publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, Chichester} } @InProceedings{Hu94, author = {Dieter Hutter}, title = {Synthesis of Induction Orderings for Existence Proofs}, booktitle = cade94, pages = {29--41}, year = 1994, editor = {Alan Bundy}, volume = 814, series = lnai, publisher = springer, isbn = {3-540-58156-1} } @InProceedings{Hu96, author = {Dieter Hutter}, title = {Using Rippling for Equational Reasoning}, booktitle = ki96, pages = {121--133}, year = 1996, editor = {G{\"u}ntherer G{\"o}rz and Steffen H{\"o}lldobler}, volume = 1137, series = lncs, month = sep, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-61708-6} } @Article{Hu96, author = {Dieter Hutter}, title = {Using Rippling for Equational Reasoning}, journal = {}, year = {}, OPTkey = {}, OPTvolume = {}, OPTnumber = {}, OPTpages = {}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} } @article{Hu97, author = {Dieter Hutter}, title = {Coloring Terms to Control Equational Reasoning}, journal = jar, pages = {399--442}, year = {1997}, month = jun, volume = {18}, number = {3} } @Proceedings{Hu99, title = {Proc.\ FLoC'02 Workshop on Automation of Proofs by Mathematical Induction (IND-WS'99), July 6, 1999, Trento, Italy}, year = 1999, editor = {Dieter Hutter} } @InProceedings{HuBu99, author = {Dieter Hutter and Alan Bundy}, title = {The Design of the {CADE}-16 Inductive Theorem Prover Contest}, booktitle = cade99, pages = {374--377}, year = 1999, editor = {Harald Ganzinger}, volume = 1632, series = lnai, month = jul, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-66222-7} } @inproceedings{HuHu80, author = {G{\'e}rard Huet and Jean-Marie Hullot}, title = {Proofs by Induction in Equational Theories with Constructors}, booktitle = focs21, pages = {96--107}, year = {1980}, note = {also in JCSS 25(2), pp. 239--266, 1982} } @Article{HuHu82, author = {G{\'e}rard Huet and Jean-Marie Hullot}, title = {Proofs by Induction in Equational Theories with Constructors}, journal = jcss, year = 1982, volume = 25, number = 2, pages = {239--266}, month = oct } @inproceedings{HuKo97, author = {Dieter Hutter and Michael Kohlhase}, editor = {W.\ McCune}, title = {A Coloured Version of the $\lambda$-Calculus}, booktitle = cade14, pages = {291--305}, year = {1997}, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {Townsville, North Queensland, Australia}, series = lnai } @Article{HuKo00, author = {Dieter Hutter and Michael Kohlhase}, title = {Managing Structural Information by Higher-Order Colored Unification}, journal = jar, year = 2000, volume = 25, number = 2, pages = {123--164} } @techreport{HuLa78, author = {G{\'e}rard Huet and Dallas Lankford}, title = {On the Uniform Halting Problem for Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = {INRIA}, year = {1978}, number = {283} } @InProceedings{HuLaSeSiStWo96, author = {Dieter Hutter nad Bruno Langenstein and Claus Sengler and J{\"o}rg H.\ Siekmann and Werner Stephan and Andreas Wolpers}, title = {Deduction in the Verification Support Environment ({VSE})}, booktitle = fme96, pages = {268--286}, year = 1996, editor = {Marie-Claude Gaudel and Jim Woodcock}, volume = 1051, series = lncs, month = mar, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-60973-3} } @techreport{HuLe79, author = {G{\'e}rard Huet and Jean-Jacques L{\'e}vy}, title = {Call-by-Need Computations in Non-Ambiguous Linear Term Rewritig Systems}, institution = {INRIA}, year = {1979}, number = {359}, note = {also as ``Computations in Orthogonal Term Rewriting Systems'' in: Computational Logic: Essays in Honour of Alan Robinson, eds. J.-L. Lassez and G. Plotkin} } @techreport{HuLe79a, author = {G{\'e}rard Huet and Jean-Jacques L{\'e}vy}, title = {Computations in Nonambiguous Linear Rewriting Systems}, institution = {INRIA}, year = 1979, annote = {37 pages} } @incollection{HuLe91, author = {G{\'e}rard Huet and Jean-Jacques L{\'e}vy}, editor = {Jean-Louis Lassez and Gordon Plotkin}, title = {Computations in Orthogonal Rewriting Systems, I}, booktitle = {Computational Logic: Essays in Honour of Alan Robinson}, chapter = 11, pages = {395--414}, year = 1991, publisher = mit, address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts} } @incollection{HuLe91a, author = {G{\'e}rard Huet and Jean-Jacques L{\'e}vy}, editor = {Jean-Louis Lassez and Gordon Plotkin}, title = {Computations in Orthogonal Rewriting Systems, II}, booktitle = {Computational Logic: Essays in Honour of Alan Robinson}, chapter = 12, pages = {415--443}, year = 1991, publisher = mit, address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts} } @incollection{HuOp80, author = {G{\'e}rard Huet and Derek C.~ Oppen}, editor = {Ronald V. Book}, title = {Equations And Rewrite Rules: A Survey}, booktitle = {Formal Languages, Perspectives And Open Problems}, pages = {349--405}, year = {1980}, publisher = {Academic Press} } @InProceedings{HuRoSiStVo00, author = {Dieter Hutter and Georg Rock and J{\"o}rg H.\ Siekmann and Werner Stephan and Roland Vogt}, title = {Formal Software Development in the Verification Support Environment ({VSE})}, booktitle = flairs00, pages = {367--376}, year = 2000, editor = {James N.\ Etheredge and Bill Z.\ Manaris}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, annote = {ISBN 1-57735-113-4} } @InProceedings{HuSe96, author = {Dieter Hutter and Claus Sengler}, title = {{INKA}: The Next Generation}, booktitle = cade96, pages = {288--292}, year = 1996, editor = {{Michael A.} McRobbie and {John K.} Slaney}, volume = 1104, series = lnai, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-61511-3} } @techreport{IdNa94, author = {Tetsuo Ida and Koichi Nakahara}, title = {Leftmost Outside-In Narrowing Calculi}, institution = {University of Tsukuba}, year = 1994, number = {ISE-TR-94-107}, note = {To appear in the Journal of Functional Programming} } @Article{In61, author = {Ingerman, Peter Zilahy}, title = {Thunks: A Way of Compiling Procedure Statements with Some Comments on Procedure Declarations}, journal = {Communications of the ACM}, year = 1961, volume = 4, pages = {55--58} } @ARTICLE{InSaSo00, AUTHOR = {Intrigila, B. and Salvo, I. and Sorgi, S.}, TITLE = {A Characterization of Weakly Church-Rosser Abstract Reduction Systems not Church-Rosser}, JOURNAL = {Information and Computation}, note = {To appear}, YEAR = {In corso di revisione per la pubblicazione} } @InProceedings{Ir92, author = {Andrew Ireland}, title = {The Use of Planning Critics in Mechanizing Inductive Proofs}, booktitle = lpar92, pages = {178--189}, year = 1992, editor = {Andrei Voronkov}, volume = 624, series = lncs, month = jul, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-55727-X} } @Article{Ir96, author = {Andrew Ireland}, title = {Productive Use of Failure in Inductive Proof}, journal = jar, year = 1996, volume = 16, number = {1--2}, pages = {79--111}, month = mar } @InProceedings{IrBu96, author = {Andrew Ireland and Alan Bundy}, title = {Extensions to a Generalization Critic for Inductive Proof}, booktitle = cade96, pages = {47--61}, year = 1996, editor = {{Michael A.} McRobbie, {John K.} Slaney}, volume = 1104, series = lnai, isbn = {3-540-61511-3}, publisher = springer } @Article{IrBu99, author = {Andrew Ireland and Alan Bundy}, title = {Automatic Verification of Functions with Accumulating Parameters}, journal = jfp, year = 1999, volume = 9, number = 2, pages = {225--45} } @Article{IrJaRe99, author = {Andrew Ireland and Michael Jackson and Gordon Reid}, title = {Interactive Proof Critics}, journal = fac, year = 1999, volume = 11, number = 3, pages = {302--325} } @book{Ja88, author = {Matthias Jantzen}, title = {Confluent String Rewriting}, year = {1988}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, volume = {14}, series = {EATCS Monographs on Theoretical Computer Science} } @Article{IwSaTo98, author = {Munehiro Iwami and Masahiko Sakai and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {An Improved Recursive Decomposition Ordering for Higher-Order Rewrite Systems}, journal = {Trans.\ of IEICE}, year = 1998, volume = {E81-D}, number = 9, pages = {988--996} } @Article{IwTo99, author = {Munehiro Iwami and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {Simplification Ordering for Higher-Order Rewrite Systems}, journal = {IPSJ Trans.\ on Programming}, year = 1999, volume = 40, number = {SIG 4 (PRO 3)}, pages = {1--10} } @Article{JaBu02, author = {Predrag Janicic and Alan Bundy}, title = {A General Setting for Flexibly Combining and Augmenting Decision Procedures}, journal = jar, year = 2002, volume = 28, number = 3, pages = {257--305}, month = apr } @InProceedings{JaSi86, author = "Bharat Jayaraman and {Frank S.~K.} Silbermann", title = "Equations, Sets, and Reduction Semantics for Functional and Logic Programming", pages = "320--331", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming", year = 1986, publisher = "ACM Press", address = "Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA", note = aug } @incollection{Je77, author = {T.J. Jech}, editor = {J. Barwise et~al.}, title = {About the Axiom of Choice}, booktitle = {Handbook of Mathematical Logic}, chapter = {B.2.}, pages = {345--370}, year = 1977, publisher = {North Holland}, address = {Amsterdam, New York, Oxford}, volume = 90, series = {Studies in Logic and The Foundations of Mathematics} } @article{Je82, author = {J. Je{\v{z}}ek}, title = {Free Groupoids in Varieties Determined by a Short Equation}, journal = {Acta Universitatis Carolinae -- Mathematica et Physica}, pages = {3--24}, year = 1982, volume = 23 } @article{JeMc95, author = {J. Je{\v{z}}ek and G. McNulty}, title = {The Existence of Finitely Based Lower Covers for Finitely Based Equational Theories}, journal = jsl, year = 1995, note = {To appear} } @book{Jo86, author = {{Cliff B.} Jones}, title = {Systematic Software Development Using {VDM}}, year = 1986, publisher = {Prentice-Hall} } @inproceedings{Jo90, author = {Jean-Pierre Jounnaud}, title = {Syntactic Theories}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science}, pages = {15--25}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag} } @incollection{Jo95, author = {Jean-Pierre Jounnaud}, editor = {Helmut Schwichtenberg}, title = {Rewrite Proofs and Computations}, booktitle = {Proof and Computation}, pages = {173--218}, year = 1995, publisher = springer, volume = 139, series = {NATO series F: Computer and System Sciences} } @InProceedings{Jo04, author = {Jean-Pierre Jounnaud}, title = {Theorem Proving Languages for Verification}, booktitle = atva04, pages = {11--14}, year = 2004, editor = {Farn Wang}, volume = 3299, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {SBN 3-540-23610-4} } @InProceedings{Jo05, author = {Jean-Pierre Jounnaud}, title = {Twenty Years Later}, booktitle = rta05, pages = {???--???}, year = 2005, editor = {J{\"u}rgen Giesl}, volume = {???}, series = lnsc, month = apr, publisher = springer, annote = {Anniversary Session -- 20 Years of RTA: The History and Future of Rewriting} } @article{JoKi86, author = {Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner}, title = {Completion Of A Set Of Rules Modulo A Set Of Equations}, journal = {{SIAM} Journal of Computing}, pages = {1155--1194}, year = {1986}, month = nov, volume = {15}, number = {4} } @incollection{JoKi91, author = {Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Claude Kirchner}, editor = {J.-L. Lassez and G. Plotkin}, title = {Solving Equations in Abstract Algebras: A Rule-Based Survey on Unification}, booktitle = {Computational Logic: Essays in Honour of A. Robinson}, year = 1991, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA} } @inproceedings{JoKiRe83, author = {Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Jean-Luc R{\'e}my}, title = {{Church-Rosser} Properties of Weakly Terminating Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {Proc.~8th IJCAI}, pages = {909--915}, year = 1983, month = aug, volume = 2, annote = {editors ???} } @inproceedings{JoKo86, author = {Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Emmanuel Kounalis}, title = {Automatic Proofs by Induction in Equational Theories Without Constructors}, booktitle = {Proc. Symposium on Logic in Computer Science}, organization = {{IEEE}}, pages = {358--366}, year = {1986}, note = {also in Information and Computation, vol. 82(1), pp. 1--33, 1989} } @article{JoKo89, author = {Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Emmanuel Kounalis}, title = {Automatic Proofs by Induction in Theories without Constructors}, journal = infcom, pages = {1--33}, year = 1989, month = jul, volume = 82 } @article{JoLe82, author = {Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Pierre Lescanne}, title = {On Multiset Orderings}, journal = ipl, pages = {57--63}, year = 1982, month = sep, volume = 15, number = 2 } @article{JoLe87, author = {Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Pierre Lescanne}, title = {Rewriting Systems}, journal = {Technology and Science of Informatics}, pages = {181--199}, year = 1987, volume = 6, number = 3 } @inproceedings{JoOk91, author = {Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Mitsuhiro Okada}, title = {A computation Model for Executable Higher-Order Algebraic Specification Languages}, booktitle = lics6, pages = {350--361}, year = 1991, month = jul, publisher = ieee, address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, annote = {alternative title: Executable Higher-Order Specification Languages ???} } @inproceedings{JoOk91a, author = {Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Mitsuhiro Okada}, editor = {J.~L.~Albert et al.}, title = {Satisfiability of Systems of Ordinal Notations with the Subterm Property is Decidable}, booktitle = icalp18, pages = {455--468}, year = 1991, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {Madrid, Spain}, volume = 510, series = lncs } @inproceedings{JoWa86, author = {Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Bernard Waldmann}, title = {Reductive Conditional Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd {IFIP} Working Conference on Formal Description of Programming Concepts}, pages = {223--244}, year = {1986}, publisher = {North-Holland} } @unpublished{KR92, author = {M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}}, title = {Modular Proofs for Completeness of Hierarchical Systems, {Computer Science Group, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India}}, year = {1992}, month = dec, note = {Draft} } @inproceedings{KR93, author = {M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}}, editor = {{R.~K.} Shyamasundar}, title = {Completeness of Hierarchical Combinations of Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = fsttcs13, pages = {125--138}, year = {1993}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {761}, series = lncs } @inproceedings{KR94, author = {M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}}, title = {Simple Termination of Hierarchical Combinations of Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = tacs94, pages = {203--223}, year = {1994}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {789}, series = lncs } @article{KR95c, author = {M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}}, title = {Modular Proofs for Completeness of Hierarchical Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = tcs, pages = {487--512}, year = 1995, month = nov, volume = 151, number = 2 } @inproceedings{KR95, author = {M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}}, editor = {{Peter D.} Mosses and Mogens Nielsen and {Michael I.} Schwartzbach}, title = {Semi-Completeness of Hierarchical and Super-hierarchical Combinations of Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = tapsoft95, pages = {379--393}, year = 1995, month = aug, publisher = springer, volume = 915, series = lncs } @unpublished{KR95a, author = {M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}}, title = {Relating Confluence, Innermost-confluence and Outermost-confluence Properties of Term Rewriting Systems}, year = 1994, month = oct, note = {Draft} } @inproceedings{KR95b, author = {M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}}, editor = {J. Wiedermann and P. H{\'a}jek}, title = {Graph Reducibility of Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = mfcs-20-95, pages = {371--381}, year = 1995, month = {August/September}, publisher = springer, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, volume = 969, series = lncs } @article{KR95c, author = {M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}}, title = {Modular Proofs for Completeness of Hierarchical Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = tcs, pages = {487--512}, year = 1995, month = nov, volume = 151, number = 2 } @inproceedings{KR96a, author = {M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}}, editor = {J.~Wiedermann and P.~H{\'a}jek}, title = {Graph Reducibility of Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = mfcs-21-96, pages = {371--381}, year = {1996}, month = aug, publisher = springer, address = {Prague, Czech Republic}, series = lncs } @inproceedings{KR96b, author = {M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}}, editor = {M.~Maher}, title = {Completeness Results for Basic Narrowing in Non-Copying Implementations}, booktitle = {Logic Programming, JICSLP'96}, pages = {393--407}, year = {1996}, month = sep, publisher = springer, address = {Bonn, Germany}, series = lncs } @inproceedings{KR96c, author = {M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}}, editor = {H.~Ganzinger}, title = {Modularity of Termination in Term Graph Rewriting}, booktitle = rta7-96, pages = {230--244}, year = {1996}, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {New Brunswick, NJ, USA}, series = lncs } @article{KR96d, author = {M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}}, title = {Relating Confluence, Innermost-Confluence and Outermost-Confluence Properties of Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = {Acta Informatica}, pages = {595--606}, year = {1996}, volume = {33} } @InProceedings{KR96e, author = "M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}", title = "Some Characteristics of Strong Innermost Normalization", editor = "Martin Wirsing and Maurice Nivat", volume = 1101, series = lncs, pages = "406--420", booktitle = amast96, year = 1996, publisher = springer, address = "Munich, Germany", month = jul, annote = "ISBN 3-540-61463-X" } @Article{KR98, author = "M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}", title = "Modular Aspects of Term Graph Rewriting", journal = tcs, year = 1998, volume = 208, number = "1--2", pages = "59--86" } @Article{KR00, author = {M.R.K.~ {Krishna Rao}}, title = {Some Characteristics of Strong Innermost Normalization }, journal = tcs, year = 2000, volume = 239, number = 1, pages = {141--164}, month = may, annote = {17 May 2000, journal version of \cite{KR96e}} } @InProceedings{KRKaSh92, author = "M.~R.~K. {Krishna Rao} and Deepak Kapur and {R.~K.} Shyamasundar", title = "A Transformational Methodology for Proving Termination of Logic Programs", OPTeditor = "Egon B{\"o}rger and Gerhard J{\"a}ger and Hans {Kleine B{\"u}ning} and {Michael M.} Richter", volume = 626, series = lncs, pages = "213--226", booktitle = "Computer Science Logic, 5th Workshop, CSL'91", year = 1992, publisher = springer, address = " Berne, Switzerland", month = oct, annote = "ISBN 3-540-55789-X" } @InProceedings{KRKaSh93, author = "M.~R.~K. {Krishna Rao} and Deepak Kapur and {R.~K.} Shyamasundar", title = "Proving Termination of {GHC} Programs", editor = "{David Scott} Warren", pages = "720--736", booktitle = iclp93, year = 1993, publisher = "MIT Press", address = "Budapest, Hungary", month = jun, annote = "ISBN 0-262-73105-3" } @Article{KRKaSh97, author = "M.~R.~K. {Krishna Rao} and Deepak Kapur and {R.~K.} Shyamasundar", title = "Proving Termination of {GHC} Programs", journal = "New Generation Computing ", year = 1997, volume = 15, number = 3, pages = "293--338" } @Article{KRKaSh98, author = "M.~R.~K. {Krishna Rao} and Deepak Kapur and {R.~K.} Shyamasundar", title = "Transformational Methodology for Proving Termination of Logic Programs", journal = jlp, year = 1998, volume = 34, number = 1, pages = "1--41" } @InProceedings{KRSh95, author = "M.~R.~K. {Krishna Rao} and {R.~K.} Shyamasundar", title = "Unification-Free Execution of Well-Moded and Well-Typed Prolog Programs", editor = "Alan Mycroft", volume = 983, series = lncs, pages = "243--260", booktitle = sas95, year = 1995, publisher = springer, address = "Glasgow, UK", month = sep, annote = "ISBN 3-540-60360-3" } @article{Ka84, author = {St{\'e}phane Kaplan}, title = {Conditional Rewrite Rules}, journal = tcs, pages = {175--193}, year = {1984}, volume = {33} } @inproceedings{Ka85, author = {Deepak Kapur}, editor = {J{\"u}rgen Avenhaus and Klaus Madlener}, title = {Use of Rewriting Techniques in Computational Algebra and Logic}, booktitle = {Proc.~Combinatorial Algorithms in Algebraic Structures}, organization = {Fachbereich Informatik, Universit{\"a}t Kaiserslautern}, year = {1985} } @article{Ka87, author = {St{\'e}phane Kaplan}, title = {Simplifying Conditional Term Rewriting Systems: Unification, Termination and Confluence}, journal = jsc, pages = {295--334}, year = {1987}, volume = {4} } @inproceedings{Ka87a, author = {St{\'e}phane Kaplan}, editor = {St{\'e}phane Kaplan and J.-P.~Jouannaud}, title = {Positive/Negative Conditional Rewriting}, booktitle = ctrs1, pages = {129--143}, year = {1987}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {308}, series = lncs, journal = jsc } @InProceedings{Ka88, author = {Matt Kaufmann}, title = {An Interactive Enhancement to the Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover}, booktitle = cade88, pages = {735--736}, year = 1988, editor = {{Ewing L.} Lusk and {Ross A.} Overbeek}, volume = 310, series = lncs, month = may, publisher = springer } @InProceedings{Ka91, author = {Matt Kaufmann}, title = {An Informal Discussion of Issues in Mechanically-Assisted Reasoning}, booktitle = {Proceedings 4th International Workshop on the HOL Theorem Proving System and its Applications, August 1991, Davis, California, USA}, pages = {318--337}, year = 1991, editor = {Myla Archer and {Jeffrey J.} Joyce and {Karl N.} Levitt and {Phillip J.} Windley}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society} } @Article{Ka91a, author = {Matt Kaufmann}, title = {Generalization in the Presence of Free Variables: A Mechanically-Checked Correctness Proof for one Algorithm}, journal = jar, year = 1991, volume = 7, number = 1, pages = {109--158}, month = mar } @Article{Ka92, author = {Matt Kaufmann}, title = {An Extension of the Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover to Support First-Order Quantification}, journal = jar, year = 1992, volume = 9, number = 3, pages = {355--372} } @inproceedings{Ka93, author = {Stefan Kahrs}, editor = {M. Rusinowitch and J.L. Remy}, title = {Context Rewriting}, booktitle = ctrs3, pages = {21--35}, year = 1993, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {Pont-{\`a}-Mousson, France}, volume = 656, series = lncs } @inproceedings{Ka93a, author = {Stefan Kahrs}, editor = {Jan Heering and Karl Meinke and Bernhard M{\"o}ller and Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Compilation of Combinatory Reduction Systems}, booktitle = hoa1, pages = {169--188}, year = 1993, month = sep, publisher = springer, address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, volume = 816, series = lncs } @InProceedings{Ka94, author = {Deepak Kapur}, title = {An Automated Tool for Analyzing Completeness of Equational Specifications}, booktitle = issta94, pages = {28--43}, year = 1994, editor = {{Thomas J.} Ostrand}, volume = {Special Issue}, series = {Software Engineering Notes}, month = aug } @inproceedings{Ka95, author = {Stefan Kahrs}, editor = {Jieh Hsiang}, title = {Towards a Domain Theory for Termination Proofs}, booktitle = rta6, pages = {241--255}, year = {1995}, month = apr, publisher = springer, address = {Kaiserslautern, Germany} } @misc{Ka95a, author = {Stefan Kahrs}, title = {Rewriting-list contribution 388: Semi-Completeness and Reduced {TRS}s}, year = {1995}, month = {May 18,}, howpublished = {ftp://ftp.loria.fr\-/pub\-/loria\-/eureca\-/rewriting.list\linebreak/388\_Semi\_completeness\_and\_reduced\_TRS.gz}, annote = {full addr.: ftp://ftp.loria.fr/pub/loria/eureca/rewriting.list/388\_Semi\_completeness\_and\_reduced\_TRS.gz} } @misc{Ka95b, author = {Stefan Kahrs}, title = {Rewriting-list contribution 388: Semi-Completeness and Reduced {TRS}s}, year = {1995}, month = {May 18,}, howpublished = {file: 388\_Semi\_completeness\_and\_reduced\_TRS.gz at internet-address: http://www.ens-lyon.fr/$\sim$plescann/CONTRIBUTIONS/}, annote = {address has changed} } @inproceedings{Ka97, author = {Deepak Kapur}, editor = {Hubert Comon}, title = {Shostak's Congruence Closure as Completion}, booktitle = rta8, pages = {23--37}, year = 1997, month = jun, publisher = springer, address = {Sitges, Spain}, volume = 1232, series = lncs } @InProceedings{Ka97a, author = {Deepak Kapur}, title = {Rewriting, Decision Procedures and Lemma Speculation for Automated Hardware Verification}, booktitle = tphols97, pages = {171--182}, year = 1997, editor = {{Elsa L.} Gunter and {Amy P.} Felty}, volume = 1275, series = lncs, month = aug, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-63379-0} } @InProceedings{Ka98, author = {Matt Kaufmann}, title = {ACL2 Support for Verification Projects (Invited Talk)}, booktitle = cade98, pages = {220--238}, year = 1998, editor = {Claude Kirchner and H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner}, volume = 1421, series = lnai, month = jul, publisher = springer } @article{KaCh86, author = {St{\'e}phane Kaplan and Marianne Choquer}, title = {On The Decidability Of Quasi-Reducibility}, journal = {{EATCS}-Bulletin}, year = {1986}, volume = {28} } @techreport{KaKa84a, author = {A.~ Kandri-Rody and Deepak Kapur}, title = {An Algorithm for Computing the Gr{\"{o}}bnerbasis of a Polynomial Ideal Over An Euclidian Ring}, institution = {General Electric}, year = {1984}, number = {84CRD045} } @inproceedings{KaKa84b, author = {A.~ Kandri-Rody and Deepak Kapur}, editor = {V.E. Golden and M.A. Hussain}, title = {Computing the {Gr\"{o}bner} Basis of an Ideal in Polynomial Rings Over the Integers}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third {MACSYMA} User's Conference}, year = {1984}, month = jul, note = {revised version} } @inproceedings{KaKaNa85, author = {A.~ Kandri-Rody and Deepak Kapur and Paliath Narendran}, editor = {Buchberger}, title = {An Ideal-theoretic Approach to Word Problems and Unification Problems over Finitely Presented Commutative Algebras}, booktitle = {Rewriting Techniques and Applications}, year = {1985}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {New York, Heidelberg, Berlin}, note = {{LNCS} 202} } @unpublished{KaLe80, author = {Sam Kamin and Jean-Jacques L{\'e}vy}, title = {Two Generalizations of Recursive Path Orderings}, year = {1980}, note = {Unpublished note, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois} } @Book{KaMaMo00, author = {Matt Kaufmann and Panagiotis Manolios and {J Strother} Moore}, title = {Computer-Aided Reasoning: An Approach}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, year = 2000, month = jun, annote = {ISBN 0-7923-7744-3, http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/publications/acl2-books/car/index.html} } @Book{KaMaMo00a, author = {Matt Kaufmann and Panagiotis Manolios and {J Strother} Moore}, title = {Computer-Aided Reasoning: ACL2 Case Studies}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, year = 2000, month = jun, note = {ISBN 0-7923-7849-0, http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/publications/acl2-books/acs/index.html} } @Article{KaMo01, author = {Matt Kaufmann and {J Strother} Moore}, title = {Structured Theory Development for a Mechanized Logic}, journal = jar, year = 2001, volume = 26, number = 2, pages = {161--203} } @techreport{KaMo94, author = {Matt Kaufmann and J Moore}, title = {Design Goals of ACL2}, institution = {Computational Logic, Inc.}, year = 1994, number = 101, type = {CLI Technical Report} } @article{KaMo97, author = {Matt Kaufmann and J Moore}, title = {An Industrial Strength Theorem Prover for a Logic Based on {C}ommon {L}isp}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, pages = {203--213}, year = 1997, month = apr, volume = 23, number = 4 } @inproceedings{KaMu86, author = {Deepak Kapur and D.R.~ Musser}, title = {Inductive Reasoning with Incomplete Specifications. Preliminary Report}, booktitle = {Proc. of 1st {IEEE} Symposium on Logic in Computer Science}, year = {1986}, address = {Cambridge, {MA}}, journal = {Artifial Intelligence} } @article{KaMu87, author = {Deepak Kapur and D.R.~ Musser}, title = {Proof By Consistency}, journal = {Artifial Intelligence}, pages = {125--157}, year = {1987}, volume = {31} } @article{KaMuNa88, author = {Deepak Kapur and D.R.~ Musser and Paliath Narendran}, title = {Only Prime Superpositions Need be Considered in the {Knuth-Bendix} Completion Procedure}, journal = jsc, pages = {19--36}, year = 1988, volume = 1988, number = 6 } @article{KaMuNaSt91, author = {Deepak Kapur and David Musser and Paliath Narendran and Jonathan Stillman}, title = {Semi-unification}, journal = tcs, pages = {169--187}, year = {1991}, volume = {81}, number = {2} } @unpublished{KaMuNi91, author = {Deepak Kapur and D.R.~ Musser and Xumin Nie}, title = {The {TECTON} Proof System and Its Programmed Hypertext Interface}, year = {1991}, note = {draft version} } @InProceedings{KaMuNi92, author = {Deepak Kapur and {David R.} Musser and Xumin Nie}, title = {The {Tecton} Proof System}, booktitle = {Formal Methods in Databases and Software Engineering, Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Methods in Databases and Software Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 15-16 May 1992}, pages = {54--79 }, year = 1993, editor = {{Vangalur S.} Alagar and {Laks V. S.} Lakshmanan and Fereidoon Sadri}, series = {Workshops in Computing}, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-19812-1} } @Article{KaMuNi94, author = {Deepak Kapur and {David R.} Musser and Xumin Nie}, title = {An Overview of the {Tecton} Proof System}, journal = tcs, year = 1994, volume = 133, number = 2, pages = {307--339} } @article{KaNa85a, author = {Deepak Kapur and Paliath Narendran}, title = {A Finite {T}hue System With Decidable Word Problem and Without Equivalent Finite Canonical System}, journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, pages = {337--344}, year = {1985}, volume = {35} } @inproceedings{KaNa85b, author = {Deepak Kapur and Paliath Narendran}, editor = {{J\"{u}rgen} Avenhaus and Klaus Madlener}, title = {Constructing a {Gr\"{o}ner} Basis for a Polynomial Ideal}, booktitle = {Proc. Combinatorial Algorithms in algebraic structures}, organization = {Fachbereich Informatik, {Universit\"{a}t} Kaiserslautern}, year = {1985} } @inproceedings{KaNa86, author = {Deepak Kapur and Paliath Narendran}, editor = {J\"org H.~Siekmann}, title = {NP-completeness of the set unification and matching problems}, booktitle = cade8, pages = {489--495}, year = {1986}, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {Oxford, England}, series = lncs } @article{KaNa87, author = {Deepak Kapur and Paliath Narendran}, title = {Matching, Unification and Complexity}, journal = {SIGSAM Bulletin}, pages = {6--9}, year = {1987}, volume = {21}, number = {4} } @article{KaNa92, author = {Deepak Kapur and Paliath Narendran}, title = {Complexity of unification problems with associateive-commutative operators}, journal = jar, pages = {261--288}, year = {1992}, volume = {9}, number = {2} } @article{KaNaRoZh91, author = {Deepak Kapur and Paliath Narendran and {Rosenkrantz, Daniel J.} and Hanta Zhang}, title = {Sufficient-completeness, ground-reducibility and their complexity}, journal = {Acta Informatica}, pages = {311--350}, year = {1991}, volume = {28}, number = {4} } @Article{KaNaZh87, author = {Deepak Kapur and Paliath Narendran and Hanta Zhang}, title = {On Sufficient Completeness and Related Properties of Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = {Acta Informatica}, year = 1987, volume = 24, pages = {395--415} } @InProceedings{KaNaZh86, author = {Deepak Kapur and Paliath Narendran and Hantao Zhang}, title = {Proof By Induction Using Test Sets}, booktitle = cade88, pages = {99--117}, year = 1986, editor = {{J{\"o}rg H.} Siekmann}, volume = 230, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-16780-3} } @article{KaNaZh91, author = {Deepak Kapur and Paliath Narendran and Hantao Zhang}, title = {Automating inductionless induction using test sets}, journal = jsc, pages = {83--111}, year = {1991}, volume = {11}, number = {1/2} } @Article{KaNiMu94, author = {Deepak Kapur and Xumin Nie and {David R.} Musser:}, title = {An Overview of the {Tecton} Proof System}, journal = tcs, year = 1994, volume = 133, number = 2, pages = {307--339}, month = oct } @Article{KaPe96, author = {Matt Kaufmann and Paolo Pecchiari}, title = {Interaction with the Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover: A Tutorial Study Using the Arithmetic-Geometric Mean Theorem}, journal = jar, year = 1996, volume = 16, number = 3, month = jun } @inproceedings{KaRe87, author = {St{\'e}phane Kaplan and Jean-Luc R{\'e}my}, title = {Completion Algorithms For Conditional Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = creas, year = {1987}, address = {Austin, Texas} } @article{KaRe89, author = {P.C. Kanellakis and P.Z. Revesz}, title = {On the Relationship of Congruence Closure and Unification}, journal = jsc, pages = {427--444}, year = 1989, volume = 7 } @InProceedings{KaSa03, author = {Deepak Kapur and {Nikita A.} Sakhanenko}, title = {Automatic Generation of Generalization Lemmas for Proving Properties of Tail-Recursive Definitions}, booktitle = tphols03, pages = {136--154}, year = 2003, editor = {{David A.} Basin and Burkhart Wolff}, volume = 2758, series = lncs, month = sep, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-40664-6} } @InProceedings{KaSu94, author = {Deepak Kapur and Mahadevan Subramaniam}, title = {Using Linear Arithmetic Procedure for Generating Induction Schemes}, booktitle = fsttcs94, pages = {438--449}, year = 1994, editor = {{P.~S.} Thiagarajan}, volume = 880, series = lncs, month = dec, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-58715-2} } @InProceedings{KaSu96, author = {Deepak Kapur and Mahadevan Subramaniam}, title = {Automating Induction over Mutually Recursive Functions}, booktitle = amast96, pages = {117--131 }, year = 1996, editor = {Martin Wirsing and Maurice Nivat}, volume = 1101, series = lncs, month = jul, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-61463-X} } @InProceedings{KaSu96a, author = {Deepak Kapur and Mahadevan Subramaniam}, title = {Lemma Discovery in Automated Induction}, booktitle = cade96, pages = {538--552}, year = 1996, editor = {{Michael A.} McRobbie and {John K.} Slaney}, volume = 1104, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-61511-3} } @Article{KaSu96b, author = {Deepak Kapur and Mahadevan Subramaniam}, title = {New Uses of Linear Arithmetic in Automated Theorem Proving by Induction}, journal = jar, year = 1996, volume = 16, number = {1--2}, pages = {39--78}, month = mar } @InProceedings{KaSu00, author = {Deepak Kapur and Mahadevan Subramaniam}, title = {Extending Decision Procedures with Induction Schemes}, booktitle = cade00, pages = {324--345}, year = 2000, editor = {{David A.} McAllester}, volume = 1831, series = lnai, month = jun, publisher = springer } @InProceedings{KaSu03, author = {Deepak Kapur and {M.} Subramaniam}, title = {Automatic Generation of Simple Lemmas from Recursive Definitions Using Decision Procedures -- Preliminary Report}, booktitle = asian03, pages = {125--145}, year = 2003, editor = {{Vijay A.} Saraswat}, volume = 2896, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {SBN 3-540-20632-9} } @techreport{KaWe88, author = {A. Kandri-Rody and Volker Weispfennig}, title = {Non-commutative Groebner Bases in Algebras of Solvable Type}, institution = {{Fakult\"{a}t} {f\"{u}r} Mathematik und Informatik, {Universit\"{a}t} Passau}, year = {1988}, number = {{MIP}8807} } @techreport{KaZh89, author = {Deepak Kapur and Hantao Zhang}, title = {A Case Study Of The Completion Procedure: Proving Ring Commutativity Problems}, institution = {Dept. of Computer Science, University at Albany, State University of New York}, year = {1989}, number = {89--25} } @inproceedings{KaZh89a, author = {Deepak Kapur and Hantao Zhang}, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {An Overview of {RRL}: Rewrite Rule Laboratory}, booktitle = rta3, pages = {513--529}, year = {1989}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {355}, series = lncs } @article{KaZh95, author = {Deepak Kapur and Hantao Zhang}, title = {An overview of the rewrite rule laboratory}, journal = {Journal of Computer and Mathematics with Applications}, pages = {91--114}, year = 1995, volume = 29, number = 2 } @TechReport{Ke92, author = {Richard Kennaway}, title = {On Transfinite Abstract Reduction Systems}, institution = cwi, year = 1992, type = {Technical Report}, number = {CS-R9205} } @Article{KeKlSlVr95, author = {Richard Kennaway and Klop, Jan Willem and Ronan Sleep and Vries, Fer-Jan de}, title = {Transfinite Reductions in Orthogonal Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = ic, year = 1995, volume = 119, number = 1, pages = {18--38}, month = may } @Misc{Ki85, author = "H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner", title = "Preuves par Compl{\'e}tion dans les Vari{\'e}t{\'e}s d'alg{\`e}bres", howpublished = "Th{\`e}se de doctorat d'Etat, Universit{\'e} de Nancy I", year = 1985 } @InProceedings{Ki87, author = "H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner", title = "Schematization of Infinite Sets of Rewrite Rules. {A}pplication to the Divergence of Completion Processes", editor = "Pierre Lescanne", volume = 256, series = lncs, pages = "180--191", booktitle = rta87, year = 1987, publisher = springer, address = "Bordeaux, France", month = may } @book{Ki90, editor = {Claude Kirchner}, title = {Unification}, year = {1990}, publisher = acad, annote = {collection of papers reprinted from JSC 7(3-4) March/April 1989, JSC 8(1-2) July/August 1989, JSC 8(4-5) October 1989} } @inproceedings{Ki91, author = {H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner}, editor = {R.V. Book}, title = {Proofs in Parameterized Specifications}, booktitle = rta4, pages = {174--187}, year = {1991}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {488}, series = lncs } @incollection{Ki99, author = {H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner}, editor = {E.\ Astesiano and H.-J.\ Kreowski and B.\ Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner}, title = {Term Rewriting}, booktitle = {Algebraic Foundations of Systems Specification}, year = 1999, publisher = springer, series = {IFIP State-of-the-Art Reports}, annote = {IFIP WG 1.3} } @Article{Ki00, author = {H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner}, title = {Combining assisted and automated deduction}, journal = ai, year = 2000, volume = 28, number = {1--4}, pages = {21--26} } @techreport{KiHe89, author = {H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Miki Hermann}, title = {Computing Meta-rules From Crossed Rewrite Systems}, institution = {{CRIN}, Nancy}, year = {1989} } @InProceedings{KiHe90, author = "H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Miki Hermann", title = "Meta-rule Synthesis from Crossed Rewrite Systems", editor = "Stephane Kaplan and Mitsuhiro Okada", volume = 516, series = lncs, pages = "143--154", booktitle = ctrs90, year = 1990, publisher = springer, address = "Montreal, Canada", month = jun } @Article{KiPa82, author = {Laurie A.\ S.\ Kirby and Jeff Paris}, title = {Accessible Independence Results for {P}eano Arithmetic}, journal = {Bull.\ Lond.\ Math.\ Soc.}, year = 1982, volume = 14, pages = {285--293} } @article{Kl59, author = {S.C. Kleene}, title = {Recursive Functionals and Quantifiers of FiniteTypes {I}}, journal = tams, pages = {1--52}, year = 1959, volume = 91 } @Article{KiRi98, author = {Claude Kirchner and Christophe Ringeissen}, title = {Rule-Based Constraint Programming}, journal = fi, year = 1998, volume = 34, number = 3, pages = {225--262} } @Proceedings{KiRi00, title = {Frontiers of Combining Systems, Third International Workshop, FroCoS 2000, Nancy, France, March 22-24, 2000, Proceedings}, year = 2000, editor = {H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Christophe Ringeissen}, volume = 1794, series = lnai, publisher = springer, note = {291 pp., ISBN: 3-540-67281-8}, abstract = {This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems, FroCoS 2000, held in Nancy, France in March 2000. The 14 revised full papers presented together with four invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 31 submissions. Among the topics covered are constraint processing,intervall narrowing, rewriting systems, proof planning, sequent calculus, type systems, model checking, theorem proving, declarative programming, logic programming, and equational theories.}, keywords = {Automated deduction, constraint solving, declarative programming, mathematical logics, AI logics } } @phdthesis{Kl80, author = {Jan Willem Klop}, title = {Combinatory Reduction Systems}, year = {1980}, address = {Amsterdam}, school = {Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science}, type = {Mathematical {C}entre {T}racts 127} } @book{Kl83, author = {J.B. Klaeren}, title = {Algebraische Spezifikation}, year = 1983, publisher = springer } @article{Kl84, author = {H.A. Klaeren}, title = {A Constructive Method for Abstract Algebraic Software Specification}, journal = tcs, pages = {139--204}, year = 1984, volume = 30 } @article{Kl87, author = {Jan Willem Klop}, title = {Term rewriting Systems: A Tutorial}, journal = eatcs, pages = {143--182}, year = {1987}, volume = {32} } @incollection{Kl92, author = {Jan Willem Klop}, editor = {S. Abramsky and D. Gabbay and T. Maibaum}, title = {Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {Handbook of Logic in Computer Science}, chapter = {1}, pages = {2--117}, year = {1992}, publisher = {Clarendon Press, Oxford}, volume = {2} } @article{KlMiToVr94, author = {Jan Willem Klop and Aart Middeldorp and Yoshihito Toyama and {Roel de} Vrijer}, title = {Modularity of Confluence: A Simplified Proof}, journal = ipl, pages = {101--109}, year = 1994, volume = 49 } @article{KlOoRa93, author = {{Vincent van} Oostrom and {Jan Willem} Klop and {Femke van} Raamsdonk}, title = {Combinatory Reduction Systems: Introduction and Survey.}, journal = tcs, pages = {279--308}, year = {1993}, month = dec, volume = {121}, number = {1--2} } @article{KlVr89, author = {{Jan Willem} Klop and {Roel C.~de} Vrijer}, title = {Unique Normal Forms for Lambda Calculus with Surjective Pairing}, journal = infcom, pages = {97--113}, year = {1989}, volume = {80} } @book{Kn69, author = {Donald E.~ Knuth}, title = {The Art of Computer Programming}, year = {1969}, publisher = {Addison Wesley}, volume = {2} } @incollection{KnBe70, author = {Donald E.~ Knuth and Peter B.~ Bendix}, editor = {J. Leech}, title = {Simple Word Problems in Universal Algebra}, booktitle = {Computational Problems in Abstract Algebra}, pages = {263--297}, year = {1970}, publisher = {Pergamon Press, Oxford, U. K.}, note = {Reprinted 1983 in ``Automation of Reasoning 2'', Springer, Berlin, pp. 342--376} } @article{KnMoPr77, author = {{Donald E.} Knuth and J. Morris and V. Pratt}, title = {Fast Pattern Matching in Strings}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Computing}, pages = {323--350}, year = 1977, volume = 6, number = 2 } @article{Ko26, author = {D. K{\"o}nig}, title = {Sur les Correspondences Multivoques des Ensembles}, journal = {Fundamenta Mathematicae}, pages = {114--134}, year = 1926, volume = 8, annote = {Fundamenta Mathematicae ???} } @inproceedings{Ko77, author = {Dexter Kozen}, title = {Complexity of Finitely Presented Algebras}, booktitle = stoc9, pages = {164--177}, year = 1977 } @unpublished{Ko89, author = {Emmanuel Kounalis}, title = {Pumping Lemmas for Tree Languages Generated by Rewriting Systems}, year = {1989}, note = {draft} } @inproceedings{Ko90, author = {Emmanuel Kounalis}, title = {Pumping Lemmas for Tree Languages Generated by Rewrite Systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science}, pages = {369--377}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag} } @article{Ko92, author = {Yuji Kobayashi}, title = {Note on Compatible Well Orders on a Free Monoid}, journal = {Semigroup Forum}, pages = {23--25}, year = 1992, volume = 45 } @Article{Ko92a, author = {Emmanuel Kounalis}, title = {Testing for the Ground (Co-)Reducibility Property in Term-Rewriting Systems}, journal = tcs, year = 1992, key = 106, volume = 1, pages = {87--117} } @TechReport{Ko96, author = "Thomas Kolbe", title = "Challenge Problems for Automated Termination Proofs of Term Rewriting Systems", institution = "FB Informatik, TU Darmstadt, Germany", year = 1997, type = "Technical Report", number = "IBN 96/42" } @Article{KoKaST01, author = {Yuji Kobayashi and Masashi Katsura and Kayoko Shikishima-Tsuji}, title = {Termination and Derivational Complexity of Confluent One-Rule String-Rewriting Systems}, journal = tcs, year = 2001, volume = 262, number = {1--2}, pages = {583--632}, note = {Received 15 May 1997; received in revised form 15 May 2000; accepted 7 August 2000; Communicated by G. Rozenberg} } @inproceedings{KoLuPo91, author = {Emmanuel Kounalis and Denis Lugiez and Loic Pottier}, editor = {Andrzej Tarlecki}, title = {A Solution of the Complement Problem in Associative-Commutative Theories}, booktitle = mfcs-16-91, pages = {287--297}, year = {1991}, month = sep, publisher = springer, address = {Kazimierz Dolny, Poland}, volume = 520, series = lncs } @inproceedings{KoRu88, author = {Emmanuel Kounalis and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, editor = {E. Lusk and R. Overbeek}, title = {On Word Problems in {H}orn Theories}, booktitle = cade9, pages = {527--535}, year = {1988}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {310}, series = lncs } @inproceedings{KoRu90, author = {Emmanuel Kounalis and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, title = {Mechanizing Inductive Reasoning}, booktitle = {Proc. 8th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, organization = {American Association For Artificial Intelligence}, pages = {240--245}, year = {1990}, publisher = {{MIT} Press} } @Article{KoRu90a, author = {Emmanuel Kounalis and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, title = {Mechanizing inductive reasoning}, journal = beatcs, year = 1990, volume = 41, pages = {216--226}, month = jun } @Article{KoTo00, author = {H.Koike and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {Comparison between Inductionless Induction and Rewriting Induction}, journal = {JSSST Computer Software}, year = 2000, volume = 17, number = 6, pages = {1--12}, annote = {in Japanese)} } @InProceedings{KoUr99, author = {Emmanuel Kounalis and Pascal Urso}, title = {Generalization Discovery for Proofs by Induction in Conditional Theories}, booktitle = flairs99, pages = {250--256}, year = 1999, editor = {{Amruth N.} Kumar and Ingrid Russell}, month = may, publisher = {AAAI Press}, note = {ISBN 1-57735-080-4} } @InProceedings{KoWa94, author = {Thomas Kolbe and Christoph Walther}, title = {Reusing Proofs}, booktitle = ecai94, pages = {80--84}, year = 1994, editor = {{Anthony G.} Cohn}, month = aug, publisher = {John Wiley and Sons} } @InProceedings{KoWa95, author = {Thomas Kolbe and Christoph Walther}, title = {Patching Proofs for Reuse (Extended Abstract)}, booktitle = ecml95, pages = {303--306}, year = 1995, editor = {Nada Lavrac and Stefan Wrobel}, volume = 912, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-61511-3} } @InProceedings{KoWa96, author = {Thomas Kolbe and Christoph Walther}, title = {Termination of Theorem Proving by Reuse}, booktitle = cade96, pages = {106--120}, year = 1996, editor = {{Michael A.} McRobbie and {John K.} Slaney}, volume = 1104, series = lncs, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-61511-3} } @article{Kr60, author = {J.B.~ Kruskal}, title = {Well-Quasi-Ordering, the Tree Theorem, and Vazsonyi's Conjecture}, journal = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, pages = {210--225}, year = 1960, volume = 95 } @InCollection{Kr65, author = {Georg Kreisel}, title = {Mathematical Logic}, booktitle = {Lectures on Modern Mathematics}, pages = {95--195}, publisher = {J.~Wiley \& Sons}, year = 1965, editor = {T.\ Saaty}, volume = 3 } @article{Kr72, author = {J.B.~ Kruskal}, title = {The Theory of Well-Quasi-Ordering: A Frequently Discovered Concept}, journal = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory (A)}, pages = {297--305}, year = 1972, volume = 13 } @phdthesis{Kr93a, author = {J.L. Krivine}, title = {Lambda-Calculus, Types and Models}, year = 1993, school = {Masson} } @InProceedings{Kr97, author = {Ina Kraan}, title = {Using the Rippling Heuristic in Set Membership Proofs}, booktitle = zum97, year = 1997, editor = {Jonathan P.\ Bowen and Michael G.\ Hinchey and David Till}, volume = 1212, series = lncs, month = apr, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-62717-0} } @InProceedings{KrBaBu93, author = {Ina Kraan and {David A.} Basin and Alan Bundy}, title = {Middle-Out Reasoning for Logic Program Synthesis}, booktitle = iclp93, pages = {441--455}, year = 1993, editor = {{David Scott} Warren}, publisher = {MIT Press}, note = {SBN 0-262-73105-3} } @Article{KrBaBu96, author = {Ina Kraan and {David A.} Basin and Alan Bundy}, title = {Middle-Out Reasoning for Synthesis and Induction}, journal = jar, year = 1996, volume = 16, number = {1--2}, pages = {113--145} } @techreport{KrWe88, author = {H. Kredel and Volker Weispfennig}, title = {Computing Dimension and Independent Sets for Polynomial Ideals}, institution = {{Fakult\"{a}t} {f\"{u}r} Mathematik und Informatik, {Universit\"{a}t} Passau}, year = {1988}, number = {{MIP}8809} } @inproceedings{Ku85, author = {Wolfgang K{\"u}chlin}, editor = {B. Caviness}, title = {A Confluence Criterion Based on the Generalized {Newman} Lemma}, booktitle = {Proc. EUROCAL'85}, pages = {390--399}, year = 1985, publisher = springer, volume = 204, series = lncs } @inproceedings{Ku87, author = {Wolfgang K{\"u}chlin}, title = {Inductive Completion by Ground Proof Transformation}, booktitle = creas, year = {1987} } @phdthesis{Ku90, author = {Winfried Kurth}, title = {{T}ermination und {K}onfluenz von Semi-Thue-Systemen mit nur einer Regel}, year = 1990, month = jun, school = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Clausthal, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakult{\"a}t}, note = {(In German)} } @mastersthesis{Ku91, author = {Ulrich K{\"u}hler}, title = {Ein funktionaler und struktureller Vergleich verschiedener Induktionsbeweiser}, year = {1991}, school = fbinf } @phdthesis{Ku99, author = {Ulrich K{\"u}hler}, title = {A Tactic-Based Inductive Theorem Prover for Data Types with Partial Operations}, year = 1999, school = fbinf, note = {In German, forthcoming} } @PhdThesis{Ku00, author = {Ulrich K{\"u}hler}, title = {A Tactic-Based Inductive Theorem Prover for Data Types with Partial Operations}, school = fbinf, year = 2000, address = {Infix, Sankt Augustin} } @Article{Ku01, author = {Keiichirou Kusakari}, title = {On Proving Termination of Term Rewriting Systems with Higher-Order Variables}, journal = {IPSJ Transactions on Programming}, year = 2001, annote = {11pages, to appear} } @article{KuKa88, author = {Masahito Kurihara and Ikuo Kaji}, title = {Modular Term Rewriting Systems: Termination, Confluence and Strategies}, journal = ieice, pages = {57--66}, year = 1988, note = {Tech. Report COMP88 (143)} } @article{KuKa90, author = {Masahito Kurihara and Ikuo Kaji}, title = {Modular Term Rewriting Systems and the Termination}, journal = ipl, pages = {1--4}, year = {1990}, volume = {34} } @techreport{KuMa89, author = {Norbert Kuhn and Klaus Madlener}, title = {Applications Of Rewriting Techniques To Solve The Generalized Word Problem In Groups}, institution = {Fachbereich Informatik, {Universit\"{a}t} Kaiserslautern}, year = {1989}, number = {189/89}, type = {Interner Bericht} } @techreport{KuMaOt90, author = {Norbert Kuhn and Klaus Madlener and Friedrich Otto}, title = {A Test For $\lambda$-Confluence For Certain Prefix Rewriting Systems With Applications To The Generalized Word Problem}, institution = {Fachbereich Informatik, {Universit\"{a}t} Kaiserslautern}, year = {1990}, number = {197/90}, type = {Interner Bericht} } @InProceedings{KuNaTo99, author = {Keiichirou Kusakarai and Masaki Nakamura and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {Argument Filtering Transformation}, booktitle = ppdp99, pages = {47--61}, year = 1999, editor = {Gopalan Nadathur}, volume = 1702, series = lncs, address = {Paris, France}, month = {September 29 -- October 1}, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-66540-4} } @article{KuOh90, author = {Masahito Kurihara and Azuma Ohuchi}, title = {Modularity of Simple Termination of Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = {Journal of IPS, Japan}, pages = {632--642}, year = {1990}, volume = {34} } @techreport{KuOh90a, author = {Masahito Kurihara and Azuma Ohuchi}, title = {Modularity of Simple Termination of Term Rewriting Systems with Shared Constructors}, institution = {Hokkaido University}, year = {1990}, address = {Sapporo}, number = {SF-36}, annote = {Also in {TCS} 103, pp. 273--282, 1992} } @article{KuOh91, author = {Masahito Kurihara and Azuma Ohuchi}, title = {Modular Term Rewriting Systems with Shared Constructors}, journal = jips, pages = {357--358}, year = {1991}, volume = {14}, number = {3} } @article{KuOh92, author = {Masahito Kurihara and Azuma Ohuchi}, title = {Modularity of Simple Termination of Term Rewriting Systems with Shared Constructors}, journal = tcs, pages = {273--282}, year = {1992}, volume = {103}, annote = {(Journal version of \cite{KuOh90a})}, address = {Sapporo}, institution = {Hokkaido University} } @techreport{KuOh93, author = {Masahito Kurihara and Azuma Ohuchi}, title = {Noncopying Term Rewriting and Modularity of Termination}, institution = {Dept.~of Information Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan}, year = 1993 } @inproceedings{KuOh94, author = {Masahito Kurihara and Azuma Ohuchi}, title = {Termination of Combination of Composable Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = ajcai7, year = 1994, month = nov } @article{KuOh95, author = {Masahito Kurihara and Azuma Ohuchi}, title = {Modularity in Noncopying Term Rewriting}, journal = tcs, pages = {139--169}, year = 1995, month = dec, volume = 152, number = 1, annote = {journal version of KuOh93} } @article{KuOh95a, author = {Masahito Kurihara and Azuma Ohuchi}, title = {Decomposable Termination of Composable Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = ieice, pages = {314--320}, year = 1995, month = apr, volume = {E78--D}, number = 4 } @article{KuRu95, author = {Gregory Kucherov and Micha\"{e}l Rusinowitch}, title = {Undecidability of ground reducibility for word rewriting systems with variables}, journal = ipl, pages = {209--215}, year = {1995}, volume = {53} } @inproceedings{KuSaTo96, author = {Keiichirou Kusakari and Masahiko Sakai and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {Church-Rosser property of Finite Ranked Terms of Non-Linear Term Rewriting Ssytems}, booktitle = {Proc.~LA Symposium}, pages = {160--165}, year = {1996}, month = jul } @TechReport{KuSaTo96a, author = {Keiichirou Kusakari and Masahiko Sakai and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {{C}hurch-{R}osser property of non-linear term rewriting systems}, institution = {Tech. Rep. of IEICE, COMP95-86(1996-01), pp. 123-129, 1996 (in japanese)}, year = 1996 } @TechReport{KuTo98, author = {Keiichirou Kusakari and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {On Proving {AC}-Termination by {AC}-Dependency Pairs}, institution = {School of Information Science, JAIST}, year = 1998, type = {Res. Rep.}, number = {IS-RR-98-0026F} } @TechReport{KuTo99, author = {Keiichirou Kusakari and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {On Proving AC-Termination by Argument Filtering Method}, institution = {School of Information Science, JAIST}, year = 1999, type = {Res. Rep.}, number = {IS-RR-99-0006F} } @Article{KuTo00, author = {Keiichirou Kusakari and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {On Proving AC-Termination by Argument Filtering Method}, journal = {IPSJ Transactions on Programming}, year = 2000, volume = 41, number = {SIG 4 (PRO 7)}, pages = {65--78} } @Article{KuTo01, author = {Keiichirou Kusakari and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {On Proving {AC}-Termination by {AC}-Dependency Pairs}, journal = {IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems}, year = 2001, volume = {E84-D}, number = 5, pages = {604--612} } @inproceedings{KuWi97, author = {Ulrich K{\"u}hler and Claus-Peter Wirth}, editor = {H.\ Comon}, title = {Conditional Equational Specifications of Data Types with Partial Operations for Inductive Theorem Proving}, booktitle = rta8, pages = {38--52}, year = {1997}, month = jun, publisher = springer, address = {Sitges, Spain}, volume = {1232}, series = lncs } @techreport{La75a, author = {Dallas S.~ Lankford}, title = {Canonical Algebraic Simplification in Computational Logic}, institution = {Univ. of Texas, Math. Dept., Automatic Theorem Proving Project, Austin, Texas}, year = 1975, number = {ATP-25}, type = {Memo} } @unpublished{La76, author = {M. Lauer}, title = {{K}anonische {Repr\"{a}sentanten} {f\"{u}r} die {R}estklassen nach einem {P}olynomideal}, year = {1976}, note = {Fachbereich Mathematik, {Universit\"{a}t} Kaiserslautern, {D}iplomarbeit} } @techreport{La77, author = {Dallas S.~ Lankford}, title = {Some Approaches to Equality for Computational Logic: A Survey and Assessment}, institution = {Univ. of Texas, Math. Dept., Automatic Theorem Proving Project, Austin, Texas}, year = 1977, number = {ATP-36}, type = {Memo} } @TechReport{La79, author = "Dallas Lankford", title = "On Proving Term Rewriting Systems are {N}oetherian", institution = "Louisiana Technical University, LA, USA", year = 1979, type = "Technical Report", number = "Memo MTP-3" } @techreport{La80, author = {Dallas S.~ Lankford}, title = {Some remarks on inductionless induction}, institution = {Math. Dept., Louisiana Tech. Univ., Ruston}, year = {1980}, number = {MTP-11} } @techreport{La81, author = {Dallas S.~ Lankford}, title = {A simple explanation of inductionless induction}, institution = {Math. Dept., Louisiana Tech. University, Ruston}, year = {1981} } @inproceedings{La89, author = {Steffen Lange}, editor = {K.P. Jantke}, title = {Towards a Set of Inference Rules for Solving Divergence in {K}nuth-{B}endix Completion}, booktitle = aii2, pages = {304--316}, year = {1989}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Reinhardsbrunn Castle, {GDR}}, volume = {397}, series = lnai } @article{LaLeTh90, author = {Azeddine Lazrek and Pierre Lescanne and Jean-Jacques Thiel}, title = {Tools for proving inductive equalities, relative completeness, and $\omega$-completeness}, journal = infcom, pages = {47--70}, year = {1990}, volume = {81}, number = {1} } @article{LaMa87, author = {Jean-Louis Lassez and Kim Marriott}, title = {Explicit Representation of Terms Defined by Counter Examples}, journal = jar, pages = {301--317}, year = {1987}, volume = {3}, number = {3} } @Unpublished{LaMu78, author = "{Dallas S.} Lankford and {David R.} Musser", title = "A Finite Termination Criterion", note = "cited i.e. in \cite{ArGi00}", year = "1998" } @article{LaNgSo82, author = {J.-L. Lassez and V.L. Nguyen and E.A. Sonenberg}, title = {Fixed Point Theorems and Semantics: A Folk Tale}, journal = ipl, pages = {112--116}, year = 1982, volume = 14 } @phdthesis{Le63, author = {B. Lercher}, title = {Strong Reduction and Recursion in Combinatory Logic}, year = 1963, school = {The Pennsylvania State University} } @phdthesis{Le78, author = {Jean-Jacques L\'evy}, title = {R\'eductions Correctes et Optimales dans le Lambda-Calcul}, year = 1978, school = {Universit\'e de Paris {VII}} } @book{Le86, author = {P. Le Chenadec}, title = {Canonical Forms in Finitely Presented Algebras}, year = 1986, publisher = {John Wiley}, address = {New York, Toronto} } @article{Le89, author = {Pierre Lescanne}, title = {Well quasi-ordering in a paper by Maurice Janet}, journal = eatcs, pages = {185--188}, year = {1989}, volume = {39} } @article{Le90, author = {Pierre Lescanne}, title = {On the recursive decomposition ordering with lexicographical status and other related orderings}, journal = jar, pages = {39--49}, year = {1990}, volume = {6}, number = {1} } @article{Le92, author = {Pierre Lescanne}, title = {Well rewrite orderings and well quasi-orderings}, journal = jsc, pages = {419--435}, year = {1992}, volume = {14}, number = {5} } @article{Le94, author = {Pierre Lescanne}, title = {On termination of one rule rewrite systems}, journal = tcs, pages = {395--401}, year = {1994}, volume = {132}, number = {1--2} } @article{Le95, author = {Pierre Lescanne}, title = {Termination of rewrite systems by elementary interpretations}, journal = fac, pages = {77--90}, year = {1995}, volume = {7}, number = {1} } @InProceedings{Le96, author = {Jordi Levy}, title = {Linear Second Order Unification}, booktitle = rta96, pages = {332--346}, year = 1996, editor = {Harald Ganzinger}, volume = 1103, series = lncs, address = {New Brunswick, NJ, USA}, month = jul, publisher = springer } @Book{Le97, author = {Alexander Leitsch}, title = {The Resolution Calculus}, publisher = springer, year = 1997, series = {Texts in Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS Series)}, annote = {ISBN 3-540-61882-1 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York} } @InProceedings{Le98, author = {Jordi Levy}, title = {Decidable and Undecidable Second-Order Unification Problems}, booktitle = rta98, pages = {47--60}, year = 1998, editor = {Tobias Nipkow}, volume = 1379, series = lncs, address = {Tsukuba, Japan}, month = {March/April}, publisher = springer } @Unpublished{Le99, author = {Jordi Levy}, title = {On the Undecidability of Second-Order Unification}, note = {24 pages, submitted to Information \& Computation}, year = 1999 } @InProceedings{LeVe98, author = {Jordi Levy and Margus Veanes}, title = {On Unification Problems in Restricted Second-Order Languages}, booktitle = {12th Int.\ Workshop on Computer Science Logic (preliminary proceedings}, year = 1998, editor = {Georg Gottlob and Etienne Grandjean and Kathrin Seyr}, address = {Brno, Czech Republic}, month = aug, annote = {not included in the refereed post-workshop proceedings of CSL'98, see LNCS 1584} } @InProceedings{LiRe97, author = {S{\'e}bastien Limet and Pierre R{\'e}ty}, title = {{E}-Unification by Means of Tree Tuple Synchronized Grammars}, booktitle = tapsoft97, pages = {429--440}, year = 1997, editor = {Max Dauchet and Michel Bidoit}, volume = 1214, series = lncs, address = {Lille, France}, month = apr, publisher = springer } @inproceedings{limet-salzer-ftp03-entcs-86-1, author = {S{\'e}bastien Limet and Gernot Salzer}, title = {Manipulating Tree Tuple Languages by Transforming Logic Programs}, booktitle = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (Proc. of FTP'03)}, volume = {86}, issue = {1}, publisher = {Elsevier}, editor = {Ingo Dahn and Laurent Vigneron}, year = {2003} } @InProceedings{LiSa98, author = {S{\'e}bastien Limet and Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Saubion}, title = {A General Framework for {$R$}-unification}, booktitle = {Proc.\ of the Joint International Symposia SAS'98 and PLILP/ALP'98}, pages = {266-281}, year = 1998, editor = {C. Palamidessi and H. Glaser and K. Meinke}, volume = 1490, series = lncs, address = {Pisa, Italy}, month = sep, publisher = springer } @book{Ll87, author = {J.W. Lloyd}, title = {Foundations of Logic Programming}, year = 1987, publisher = springer, note = {2nd edition} } @phdthesis{Lo93, author = {Carlos Lor{\'\i}a-S{\'a}enz}, title = {A Theoretical Framework for Reasoninng about Program Construction Based on Extensions of Rewrite Systems}, year = 1993, school = fbinf } @InProceedings{LoMo04, author = {Juan Carlos L{\'o}ez and Raul Monroy}, title = {A Rippling-Based Difference Reduction Technique to Automatically Prove Security Protocol Goals}, booktitle = iberamia04, pages = {364--374}, year = 2004, editor = {Christian Lema{\^i}tre and Carlos A.\ Reyes and Jes{\'u}ús A.\ Gonz{\'a}lez}, volume = 3315, series = lncs, month = nov, publisher = springer, annote = {SBN 3-540-23806-9 } } @inproceedings{Lu94, author = {Denis Lugiez}, editor = {Jean-Pierre Jouannaud}, title = {Higher Order Disunification: Some decidable cases}, booktitle = ccl1, pages = {121--135}, year = {1994}, month = sep, publisher = springer, address = {Munich, Germany}, series = lncs } @article{Lu95, author = {Denis Lugiez}, title = {Positive and Negative Results for Higher-Order Disunification}, journal = jsc, pages = {431--470}, year = {1995}, month = oct, volume = {20}, number = {4} } @InProceedings{Lu96a, author = {Salvador Lucas}, title = {Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting by Rewriting}, booktitle = {Proc.\ 23rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'96)}, pages = {122--133}, year = 1996, editor = {Friedhelm {Meyer auf der Heide} and Burkhard Monien}, volume = 1099, series = lncs, address = {Paderborn, Germany}, month = jul, publisher = springer } @Article{Lu98a, author = {Salvador Lucas}, title = {Context-Sensitive Computations in Functional and Functional Logic Programs}, journal = {Journal of Functional and Logic Programming}, year = 1998, volume = 1998, number = 1, month = jan, note = {The MIT Press} } @Article{Lu02, author = {Salvador Lucas}, title = {Context-Sensitive Rewriting Strategies}, journal = ic, year = 2002, volume = 178, number = 1, pages = {294--343}, annote = {Academic Press} } @TechReport{Lu03, author = {Salvador Lucas}, title = {Semantics of Programs with Strategy Annotations}, institution = {Universidad Polit{\'e}cnica de Valencia}, year = 2003, number = {DSIC II/8/03}, month = apr, annote = {41 pages} } @InProceedings{Lu04, author = {Salvador Lucas}, title = {Polynomials for Proving Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting}, booktitle = fossacs04, pages = {318--332}, year = 2004, editor = {Igor Walukiewicz}, volume = 2987, series = 2987, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN: 3-540-21298-1} } @Article{Lu05, author = {Salvador Lucas}, title = {Polynomials for Proving Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting: From Theory to Practice}, journal = {Theoretical Informatics and Applications}, year = 2005, volume = 39, number = 3, pages = {547--586}, month = {July--September}, note = {Special Issue: FOSSCAS'04, ed.\ by Igor Walukiewicz} } @Article{Lu06, author = {Salvador Lucas}, title = {Proving Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting by Transformation}, journal = ic, year = 2006, volume = {204}, number = {1}, pages = {1782--1846}, month = jan, annote = {journal version of RTA'02} } @Article{Lu06a, author = {Salvador Lucas}, title = {On the Relative Power of Polynomials with Real, Rational, and Integer Coefficients in Proofs of Termination of Rewriting}, journal = aaecc, year = 2006, volume = 90, number = 2, pages = {49--73}, month = apr, annote = { ISSN: 0938-1279 (Paper) 1432-0622 (Online); DOI: 10.1007/s00200-005-0189-5} } @Article{LoBuMc98, author = {Helen Lowe and Alan Bundy and Duncan McLean}, title = {The Use of Proof Planning for Co-operative Theorem Proving}, journal = jsc, year = 1998, volume = 25, number = 2, pages = {239--261} } @Article{LuMc93, author = {{Ewing L.} Lusk and William McCune}, title = {Uniform Strategies: The CADE-11 Theorem Proving Contest}, journal = jar, year = 1993, volume = 11, number = 3, pages = {317--331} } @inproceedings{LuMo93, author = {Denis Lugiez and J.L.\ Moysset}, editor = {Patrice Enjalbert and Alain Finkel and Klaus W.\ Wagner}, title = {Complement Problems and Tree Automata in AC-like Theories (Extended Abstract)}, booktitle = stacs10, pages = {515--524}, year = {1993}, month = feb, publisher = springer, address = {W\"urzburg, Germany}, volume = 665, series = lncs } @article{LuMo94, author = {Denis Lugiez and J.L.\ Moysset}, title = {Tree Automata Help One To Solve Equational Formulae In {AC}-Theories}, journal = jsc, pages = {297--318}, year = {1994}, volume = {18}, number = {4} } @book{MLBi79, author = {Saunders {Mac Lane} and Garrett Birkhoff}, title = {Algebra}, year = 1979, publisher = {MacMillan, second edition} } @article{MNRA92, author = {{Juan Jose} Moreno-Navarro and Mario Rodr\'{\i}guez-Artalejo}, title = {Logic Programming with Functions and Predicates: The Language {BABEL}}, journal = jlp, pages = {191--223}, year = 1992, volume = 12 } @PhdThesis{Ma00, author = {Robert Matzinger}, title = {Computational Representations of Models in First-Order Logic}, school = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Wien}, year = 2000 } @article{Ma67, author = {J.V.~ Matijasevic}, title = {Simple Examples Of Undecidable Associative Calculi}, journal = {Soviet Math. Dokl}, pages = {555--557}, year = {1967}, volume = {8}, number = {2} } @article{Ma76, author = {G. Markowsky}, title = {Chain-Complete Posets and Directed Sets with Applications}, journal = {Algebra Universalis}, pages = {53--68}, year = 1976, volume = 6 } @article{Ma77, author = {G.S. Makanin}, title = {The Problem of Solvability of Equations in a Free Semigroup}, journal = {Math. USSR Sbornik}, pages = {129--198}, year = 1977, volume = 32, note = {Russian version in Mat. Sb., Vol 103, No. 145, pp.~147--236} } @article{Ma78, author = {T.S.E.~ Maibaum}, title = {Pumping Lemmas for Term Languages}, journal = jcss, pages = {319--330}, year = {1978}, volume = {17} } @InProceedings{Ma90, author = {Luc Maranget}, title = {Optimal Derivations in Weak Lambda-calculi and in Orthogonal Terms Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = popl91, pages = {255-269}, year = 1991, month = jan, publisher = acm } @techreport{Ma94, author = {Massimo Marchiori}, title = {Modularity of $\mbox{UN}^\rightarrow$ for Left-Linear Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = cwi, year = 1994, month = may, number = {CS-R9433} } @mastersthesis{Ma94a, author = {Richard Mayr}, title = {Konfluenz bei Termersetzungssystemen auf $\lambda$-Termen}, year = 1994, school = {Institut f{\"u}r Informatik, Technische Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen} } @InProceedings{Ma94b, author = "Massimo Marchiori", title = "Localizations of Unification Freedom through Matching Directions", editor = "Maurice Bruynooghe", pages = "392--406", booktitle = "Logic Programming, Proceedings of the 1994 International Symposium", year = 1994, publisher = "MIT Press", month = nov, annote = "ISBN 0-262-52191-1" } @InProceedings{Ma94c, author = "Massimo Marchiori", title = "Logic Programs as term Rewriting Systems", editor = "Giorgio Levi and Mario Rodr{\'\i}guez-Artalejo", volume = 850, series = lncs, pages = "223--241", booktitle = alp94, year = 1994, publisher = springer, address = "Madid, Spain", month = sep, annote = "ISBN 3-540-58431-5 " } @inproceedings{Ma95, author = {Massimo Marchiori}, title = {Modularity of Completeness Revisited}, booktitle = rta6, year = 1995, note = {to appear} } @unpublished{Ma95a, author = {Massimo Marchiori}, title = {On the Modularity of Normal Forms in Rewriting}, year = 1995, month = feb, note = {Dept. of Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy (submitted)}, annote = {new version of [Ma94], accepted?, to appear?} } @inproceedings{Ma95b, author = {Massimo Marchiori}, editor = {Jieh Hsiang}, title = {Modularity of Completeness Revisited}, booktitle = rta6, pages = {2--10}, year = 1995, month = apr, publisher = springer, address = {Kaiserslautern, Germany}, volume = 914, series = lncs } @techreport{Ma95c, author = {Massimo Marchiori}, title = {Bubbles in Modularity}, institution = {Dept. of Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy}, year = {1995}, number = {5}, note = {submitted to TCS} } @InProceedings{Ma95d, author = "Massimo Marchiori", title = "The Functional Side of Logic Programming", pages = "55--65", booktitle = "Conference Record of FPCA'95 SIGPLAN-SIGARCH-WG2.8 Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture", year = 1995, publisher = "ACM Press", address = "La Jolla, CA, USA", month = jun, annote = "ISBN 0-89791-7" } @TechReport{Ma95e, author = {Massimo Marchiori}, title = {Unravelings and Ultra-Properties}, institution = {University of Padova, Italy}, year = 1995, number = 8, note = {37 pages, long version of \cite{Ma96}} } @inproceedings{Ma96, author = {Massimo Marchiori}, editor = {M.~Hanus and M.-R.~Artalejo}, title = {Unravelings and Ultra-properties}, booktitle = alp5, pages = {107--121}, year = 1996, month = sep, publisher = springer, volume = 1139, series = lncs } @article{Ma96a, author = {Massimo Marchiori}, title = {On the Modularity of Normal Forms in Rewriting}, journal = jsc, pages = {143--154}, year = {1996}, volume = {22}, number = {2} } @InProceedings{Ma96b, author = "Massimo Marchiori", title = "Proving Existential Termination of Normal Logic Programs", editor = "Martin Wirsing and Maurice Nivat", volume = 1101, series = lncs, pages = "375--390", booktitle = amast96, year = 1996, publisher = springer, address = "Munich, Germany", month = jul, annote = "ISBN 3-540-61463-X" } @InProceedings{Ma96c, author = {Robert Matzinger}, title = {Computational Representations of {H}erbrand Models Using Grammars}, booktitle = csl96, pages = {334--348}, year = 1997, editor = {Dirk {van Dalen} and Marc Bezem}, volume = 1258, series = lncs, address = {Utrecht, The Netherlands}, month = sep, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-63172-0} } @inproceedings{Ma97, author = {Massimo Marchiori}, editor = {Pierpaolo Degano and Robert Gorrieri and Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela}, title = {The Theory of Vaccines}, booktitle = icalp24, pages = {660--670}, year = {1997}, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {Bologna, Italy}, series = lncs } @InProceedings{Ma97a, author = "Massimo Marchiori", title = "On the Expressive Power of Rewriting", editor = "S.~Ramesh and G.~Sivakumar", volume = 1346, series = lncs, pages = "88--102", booktitle = fsttcs97, year = 1997, publisher = springer, address = "Kharagpur, India", month = dec, annote = "ISBN 3-540-63876-8" } @TechReport{Ma97b, author = "Massimo Marchiori", title = "On Deterministic Conditional Rewriting", institution = "MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA", year = 1997, type = "Technical Report", number = "MIT LCS CSG Memo n.405", month = oct, annote = "otherwise unpublished" } @InProceedings{Ma97c, author = {Robert Matzinger}, title = {Comparing Computational Representations of {H}erbrand Models}, booktitle = kgc97, pages = {203--218}, year = 1997, editor = {Georg Gottlob and Alexander Leitsch and Daniele Mundici}, volume = 1289, series = lncs, address = {Vienna, Austria}, month = aug, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-63385-5} } @Article{Ma98, author = "Massimo Marchiori", title = "Bubbles in Modularity", journal = tcs, year = 1998, volume = 192, number = 1, pages = "31--54" } @Article{MaBuSm99, author = {Peter Madden and Alan Bundy and Alan Smaill}, title = {Recursive Program Optimization Through Inductive Synthesis Proof Transformation}, journal = jar, year = 1999, volume = 22, number = 1, pages = {65--115} } @InProceedings{MaIrBu93, author = {Alistair Manning and Andrew Ireland and Alan Bundy}, title = {Increasing the Versatility of Heuristic Based Theorem Provers}, booktitle = lpar93, pages = {194--204}, year = 1993, editor = {Andrei Voronkov}, volume = 698, series = lncs, month = jul, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-56944-8} } @inproceedings{MaMe96, author = {Narciso Mart\'{\i}-Oliet and Jos\'e Meseguer}, editor = {Jos{\'e} Meseguer}, title = {Rewriting Logic as a Logical and Semantic Framework}, booktitle = {Proc. 1st Int. Workshop on Rewriting Logic}, year = 1996, month = sep, address = {Asilomar (California)}, volume = 4, series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science} } @Article{MaMo03, author = {Panagiotis Manolios and {J Strother} Moore}, title = {Partial Functions in {ACL2}}, journal = jar, year = 2003, volume = 31, number = 2 } @article{MaMo82, author = {Alberto Martelli and Ugo Montanari}, title = {An Efficient Unification Algorithm}, journal = {{ACM} Transactions on Programming Languages And Systems}, pages = {258--282}, year = {1982}, month = apr, volume = {4}, number = {2} } @Article{, author = {}, title = {}, journal = {}, year = {}, OPTkey = {}, OPTvolume = {}, OPTnumber = {}, OPTpages = {}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} } @InProceedings{MaMoRo86, author = "Alberto Martelli, Corrado Moiso, G.~F.~Rossi", title = "An Algorithm for Unification in Equational Theories", pages = "180--186", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Logic Programming (SLP'86)", year = 1986, publisher = "IEEE-CS", address = "Salt Lake City, Utah, USA", month = sep, note = "ISBN 0-8186-0728-9" } @incollection{MaMoRo89, author = {Alberto Martelli and C. Moiso and Francesca Rossi}, editor = {Hassan A{\"\i}t-Kaci and Maurice Nivat}, title = {Lazy Unification Algorithms for Canonical Rewrite Systems}, booktitle = {Resolution of Equations in Algebraic Structures}, chapter = 8, pages = {245--274}, year = 1989, publisher = acad, volume = {2: Rewriting Techniques} } @article{MaNe70, author = {Zohar Manna and S.~ Ness}, title = {On the Termination of {M}arkov Algorithms}, journal = jcss, pages = {789--792}, year = 1970, volume = 70 } @techreport{MaNi94, author = {Richard Mayr and Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Higher-Order Rewrite Systems and their Confluence}, institution = {TU M{\"u}nchen}, year = 1994, month = aug, number = {TUM-I9433} } @unpublished{MaOg95, author = {Ken Mano and Mizuhito Ogawa}, title = {A New Proof of Chew's Theorem}, year = 1995, month = may, note = {draft}, annote = {submitted for CSL'95} } @article{MaOt85, author = {Klaus Madlener and Friedrich Otto}, title = {Pseudo Natural Algorithms For The Word Problem For Finitely Presented Monoids And Groups}, journal = jsc, pages = {383--418}, year = {1985}, volume = {1} } @techreport{MaOt87, author = {Klaus Madlener and Friedrich Otto}, title = {About the Descriptive Power Of Certain classes Of Finite String Rewritng Systems}, institution = {Dept. of Computer Science, University at Albany, State University of New York}, year = {1987}, number = {87--29} } @inproceedings{MaOtSa92, author = {Klaus Madlener and Friedrich Otto and Andrea {Sattler-Klein}}, editor = {T. Ibaraki et al.}, title = {Generating Small Convergent Systems Can Be Extremely Hard}, booktitle = {3rd ISAAC, Nagoya, Japan}, pages = {299--308}, year = {1992}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {650}, series = lncs } @article{MaOyOhOg97, author = {Kunihiro Matsuura and Michio Oyamaguchi and Yoshikatsu Ohta and Mizuhito Ogawa}, title = {On the {E}-Overlapping Property of {E}-Nonlinear Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = {Trans. of IEICE}, pages = {847--855}, year = 1997, volume = {J80-D-I}, number = 11, note = {in Japanese}, abstract = {Church-Rosser is one of the important properties of term rewriting systems. Recently, it was reported that the non-E-overlapping property is closely related to Church-Rosser of nonlinear and nonterminating TRB's. But, the non-E-overlapping property is undecidable in general. In this paper, we first introduce the notion of depth-preserving and show that if a TRS is depth-preserving and non-w-overlapping, then it is non-E-overlapping. Since it is decidable whether a TRS is non-E-overlapping, we obtain some decidable sufficient conditions for Church-Rosser of TRS's. We also show that if we restrict to the class of right-ground TRS's, then the non-E-overlapping property is decidable. key words: term rewriting systems, depth-preserving, non-E-overlap, non-w-overlap, right-ground TRS} } @article{MaRe97, author = {Klaus Madlener and Birgit Reinert}, title = {A Generalization of Groebner Basis Algorithms to Nilpotent Group Rings}, journal = aaecc, pages = {103--123}, year = {1997}, volume = {8}, number = {2} } @InProceedings{MoRuSo03, author = {Leonardo Mendon{\c{c}}a de Moura and Harald Rue{\ss} and Maria Sorea}, title = {Bounded Model Checking and Induction: From Refutation to Verification (Extended Abstract, Category A)}, booktitle = cav03, pages = {14--26}, year = 2003, editor = {Hunt Jr., Warren A.\ and Fabio Somenzi}, series = lncs, month = jul, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-40524-0} } @inproceedings{MaSe96, author = {Yuri Matiyasevich and G\'eraud S\'enizergues}, title = {Decision Problems for {S}emi-{T}hue Systems with a Few Rules}, booktitle = lics11, pages = {523--531}, year = {1996}, month = jul, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, address = {New Brunswick, New Jersey} } @TechReport{MaTo99, author = {Toshimasa Matsumoto and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {On Confluence Conditions of Left-linear Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = {JAIST}, year = {1999}, OPTkey = {}, OPTtype = {Tech.\ Rep.\ of IEICE}, OPTnumber = {COMP99-62(1999-12), pp.\ 49-55}, OPTaddress = {}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {unpublished otherwise, yet} } @book{MaWa93, author = {Zohar Manna and Richard Waldinger}, title = {The Deductive Foundations of Computer Programming}, year = {1993}, publisher = {Addison Wesley} } @inproceedings{Mc62, author = {John McCarthy}, title = {Towards a Mathematical Science of Computation}, booktitle = {Infromation Processing '62, Proceedings of 1962 IFIP Congress}, pages = {21--28}, year = {1962}, publisher = {North-Holland} } @incollection{Mc63, author = {John McCarthy}, editor = {P. Braffort and D. Hirschberg}, title = {A Basis for a Mathematical Theory of Computation}, booktitle = {Computer Programming and Formal Systems}, pages = {33--70}, year = 1963, publisher = {North-Holland} } @article{Mc76, author = {G. McNulty}, title = {The Decision Problem for Equational Bases of Algebras}, journal = {Annals of Mathematical Logic}, pages = {193--259}, year = 1976, volume = 10, annote = {10 or 11 ???} } @article{Mc76a, author = {G. McNulty}, title = {Undecidable Properties of Finite Sets of Equations}, journal = jsl, pages = {589--604}, year = 1976, volume = 41 } @techreport{Mc89, author = {Robert Mc Naughton}, title = {The Development Of Formal Language Theory Since The Time Of Post}, institution = {Dept. of Computer Science, University at Albany, State University of New York}, year = {1989}, number = {89-29} } @article{Mc92, author = {G. McNulty}, title = {A Field Guide to Equational Logic}, journal = jsc, pages = {371--397}, year = 1992, volume = 14 } @Article{Mc97, author = {William McCune}, title = {Solution of the Robbins Problem}, journal = jar, year = 1997, volume = 19, number = 3, pages = {263--276} } @InProceedings{Mc97a, author = {William McCune}, title = {Well-Behaved Search and the Robbins Problem}, booktitle = rta97, pages = {1--7}, year = 1997, editor = {Hubert Comon}, volume = 1232, series = lncs, month = jun, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-62950-5} } @book{McMcTa87, author = {R. McKenzie and G. McNulty and G. Taylor}, title = {Algebras, Lattices, Varieties}, year = 1987, publisher = {Wadsworth \& Brooks/Cole}, address = {Monterey, CA}, volume = {I} } @article{McNaOt88, author = {Robert Mc Naughton and Paliath Narendran and Friedrich Otto}, title = {Church Rosser Thue Systems And Formal Languages}, journal = jacm, pages = {324--344}, year = {1988}, month = apr, volume = {35}, number = {2} } @InProceedings{McSh00, author = {William McCune and Olga Shumsky}, title = {System Description: IVY}, booktitle = cade00, pages = {401--405}, year = 2000, editor = {{David A.} McAllester}, volume = 1831, series = lncs, address = {Pittsburgh, PA, USA}, month = jun, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-67664-3 } } @book{Me75, author = {Kurt Meyberg}, title = {Algebra, Teil 1}, year = {1975}, publisher = {Carl Hansen Verlag}, address = {{M\"{u}nchen}, Wien} } @incollection{Me81, author = {Jos\'e Meseguer}, title = {A {B}irkhoff-like Theorem for Algebraic Classes of Program Schemes}, booktitle = {Formalization of Programming Concepts}, pages = {152--168}, year = 1981, publisher = springer, volume = 107, series = lncs } @article{Me83, author = {Yves M{\'e}tivier}, title = {About the Rewriting Systems Produced by the {Knuth-Bendix} completion algorithm}, journal = ipl, pages = {31--34}, year = {1983}, month = jan, volume = {16}, number = {1} } @article{Me92, author = {Jos\'e Meseguer}, title = {Conditional Rewriting Logic as a Unified Model of Concurrency}, journal = tcs, pages = {73--155}, year = 1992, volume = 96, number = 1 } @InProceedings{Me00, author = {Jos{\'e} Meseguer}, title = {Rewriting Logic and Maude: Concepts and Applications}, booktitle = rta00, pages = {1--26}, year = 2000, editor = {Leo Bachmair}, volume = 1833, series = lncs, address = {Norwich, UK}, month = jul, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-67778-X } } @incollection{MeGo85, author = {Jos\'e Meseguer and Joseph A.~ Goguen}, editor = {M. Nivat and J. C. Reynolds}, title = {Initiality, Induction and Computability}, booktitle = {Algebraic methods in semantics}, pages = {459--541}, year = {1985}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press} } @InProceedings{MeMe00, author = {Erica Melis and Andreas Meier}, title = {Proof Planning with Multiple Strategies}, booktitle = cl00, pages = {644--659}, year = 2000, editor = {{John W.} Lloyd and Ver{\'o}nica Dahl and Ulrich Furbach and Manfred Kerber and Kung-Kiu Lau and Catuscia Palamidessi and {Lu{\'\i}s Moniz} Pereira and Yehoshua Sagiv and {Peter J.} Stuckey}, volume = 1861, series = lncs, address = {London, UK}, month = jul, publisher = springer } @incollection{MeTu93, author = {Karl Meinke and J.V. Tucker}, title = {Universal Algebra}, booktitle = {Handbook of Logic for Computer Science}, pages = {189--411}, year = 1993, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, volume = {I} } @Article{MeWh99, author = {Erica Melis and Jon Whittle}, title = {Analogy in Inductive Theorem Proving}, journal = jar, year = 1999, volume = 22, number = 2, pages = {117--147} } @Article{MeSi99, author = {Erica Melis and J{\"o}rg Siekmann}, title = {Knowledge-Based Proof Planning}, journal = jar, year = 1999, volume = 115, number = 2, pages = {65--105} } @InProceedings{MeZiMu00, author = {Erica Meli and J{\"u}rgen Zimmer and Tobias M{\"u}ller}, title = {Integrating Constraint Solving into Proof Planning}, booktitle = frocos00, pages = {32--46}, year = 2000, editor = {H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner and Christophe Ringeissen}, volume = 1794, series = lncs, address = {Nancy, France}, month = mar, publisher = springer, note = {ISBN 3-540-67281-8 } } @article{Mi70, author = {Marvin Minsky}, title = {Form and Content in Computer Science}, journal = jacm, pages = {197--215}, year = 1970, month = apr, volume = 17, number = 2 } @phdthesis{Mi70a, author = {G. Mitschke}, title = {{Eine algebraische Behandlung von $\lambda-K$-Kalk\"ul und Kombinatorischer Logik}}, year = 1970, school = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm Universit{\"a}t Bonn} } @article{Mi73, author = {G. Mitschke}, title = {{Ein algebraischer Beweis f\"ur das Church-Roser Theorem}}, journal = {Arch. math. Logik}, pages = {146--157}, year = 1973, volume = 15 } @unpublished{Mi77, author = {G. Mitschke}, title = {Discrimininators in Combinatory Logic and $\lambda$-Calculus}, year = 1977, note = {Preprint 336, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt} } @article{Mi78, author = {G. Mitschke}, title = {Every Distributive Groupoid is Trimedial}, journal = {Algebra Universalis}, pages = {131--133}, year = 1978, volume = 8 } @inproceedings{Mi89, author = {Aart Middeldorp}, editor = {N. Dershowitz}, title = {Modular Aspects of Properties of Term Rewriting Systems Related to Normal Forms}, booktitle = {Proc.~3rd Int.~Conf.~on Rewriting Techniques and Applications}, pages = {263--277}, year = {1989}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {355}, series = lncs } @inproceedings{Mi89a, author = {Aart Middeldorp}, title = {A Sufficient Condition for the Termination of the Direct Sum of Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science}, pages = {396--401}, year = {1989}, address = {Pacific Grove} } @techreport{Mi89b, author = {Aart Middeldorp}, title = {Termination of Disjoint Unions of Conditional Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = cwi, year = {1989}, number = {CS-R8959} } @techreport{Mi89c, author = {Aart Middeldorp}, title = {Confluence of the Disjoint Union of Conditional Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = cwi, year = 1989, month = oct, number = {CS-R8944} } @inproceedings{Mi90a, author = {Aart Middeldorp}, editor = {S. Kaplan and M. Okada}, title = {Confluence of the Disjoint Union of Conditional Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = ctrs2, pages = {295--306}, year = {1990}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {516}, series = lncs } @techreport{Mi90b, author = {Aart Middeldorp}, title = {Unique Normal Forms for Disjoint Unions of Conditional Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = {Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam}, year = {1990}, type = {CS-R9003} } @phdthesis{Mi90c, author = {Aart Middeldorp}, title = {Modular Properties of Term Rewriting Systems}, year = {1990}, school = {Free University, Amsterdam} } @article{Mi91, author = {Dale Miller}, title = {A Logic Programming Language with Lambda-Abstractions, Function Variables, and Simple Unification}, journal = jlc, pages = {497--536}, year = 1991, volume = 1, number = 4 } @Misc{Mi92, author = {Aart Middeldorp}, title = {Personal Communication}, year = 1992, annote = {probably in 1992} } @inproceedings{Mi93, author = {Aart Middeldorp}, editor = {M. Rusinowitch and J.-L. R{\'e}my}, title = {Completeness of Combinations of Conditional Constructor Systems}, booktitle = ctrs3, pages = {82--96}, year = {1993}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {656}, series = lncs } @article{Mi93a, author = {Aart Middeldorp}, title = {Modular Properties of Conditional Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = {Information and Computation}, pages = {110--158}, year = {1993}, month = may, volume = {104}, number = {1}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, series = lncs } @phdthesis{Mi94, author = {Subrata Mitra}, title = {Semantic Unification for Convergent Systems}, year = 1994, school = {Uiversity of Illinois}, annote = {Supervisor: N. Dershowitz} } @article{Mi94a, author = {Aart Middeldorp}, title = {Completeness of Combinations of Conditional Constructor Systems}, journal = jsc, pages = {3--21}, year = {1994}, volume = {17}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Conditional Term Rewriting Systems, July 1992, Pont-{\`a}-Mousson}, editor = {M. Rusinowitch and J.L. Remy}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag} } @inproceedings{Mi97, author = {Aart Middeldorp}, title = {Call by Need Computations to Root-Stable Form}, booktitle = popl24, pages = {94--105}, year = {1997}, address = {Paris, France} } @misc{Mi97a, author = {Aart Middeldorp}, title = {Personal e-mail communication}, year = {1997}, month = mar } @InProceedings{Mi99, author = "Aart Middeldorp", title = "Term Rewriting (Tutorial)", editor = "J{\"o}rg Flum and Mario Rodr{\'\i}guez-Artalejo", volume = 1683, series = lncs, pages = 577, booktitle = csl99, year = 1999, publisher = springer, address = "Madrid, Spain", month = sep, annote = "ISBN 3-540-66536-6" } @inproceedings{MiGr93, author = {Aart Middeldorp and Bernhard Gramlich}, editor = {C. Kirchner}, title = {Simple Termination is Difficult}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications}, pages = {228--242}, year = {1993}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {690}, series = lncs } @article{MiGr95, author = {Aart Middeldorp and Bernhard Gramlich}, title = {Simple Termination is Difficult}, journal = aaecc, pages = {115--128}, year = 1995, volume = 6, annote = {journal version of \cite{MiGr93}} } @Article{MiHa94, author = {Aart Middeldorp and Eric Hamoen}, title = {Completeness results for Basic Narrowing}, journal = aaecc, year = 1994, volume = 5, number = {3--4}, pages = {213--253} } @inproceedings{MiOhZa96, author = {Aart Middeldorp and Hitoshi Ohsaki and Hans Zantema}, editor = {M.A.~McRobbie and J.K.~Slaney}, title = {Transforming Termination by Self-Labelling}, booktitle = cade13, pages = {373--387}, year = {1996}, publisher = springer, volume = {1104}, series = lnai } @Article{MiOh00, author = {Aart Middeldorp and Hitoshi Ohsaki}, title = {Type Introduction for Equational Rewriting}, journal = {Acta Informatica}, year = 2000, note = {25 pages, to appear} } @Article{MiOk98, author = "Aart Middeldorp and Satoshi Okui", title = "A Deterministic Lazy Narrowing Calculus", journal = jsc, year = 1998, volume = 25, number = 6, pages = "733--757" } @Article{MiOkId96, author = "Aart Middeldorp and Satoshi Okui and Tetsuo Ida", title = "Lazy Narrowing: Strong Completeness and Eager Variable Elimination", journal = tcs, year = 1996, volume = 167, number = "1\&2", pages = "95--130" } @InProceedings{MiSi91, author = "Subrata Mitra and G.~Sivakumar", title = "{AC}-Equation Solving", editor = "Somenath Biswas and Kesav, V. Nori", volume = 560, series = lncs, pages = "40--56", booktitle = fsttcs91, publisher = springer, address = "New Delhi, India", month = dec, note = "ISBN 3-540-54967-6" } @inproceedings{MiTo91, author = {Aart Middeldorp and Yoshihito Toyama}, editor = {R.V. Book}, title = {Completeness of Combinations of Constructor Systems}, booktitle = rta4, pages = {174--187}, year = {1991}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {488}, series = lncs } @article{MiTo93, author = {Aart Middeldorp and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {Completeness of Combinations of Constructor Systems}, journal = jsc, pages = {331--348}, year = {1993}, month = sep, volume = {15}, booktitle = rta4, editor = {R.V. Book}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, series = lncs } @inproceedings{MiZa94, author = {Aart Middeldorp and Hans Zantema}, editor = {A. Bundy}, title = {Simple Termination Revisited}, booktitle = cade12, pages = {451--465}, year = 1994, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = 814, series = lnai } @article{MiZa95, author = {Aart Middeldorp and Hans Zantema}, title = {Simple Termination of Rewrite Systems}, journal = {Bulletin of the Section of Logic}, pages = {31--36}, year = 1995, volume = 24, number = 1, annote = {polish journal} } @unpublished{MiZa95a, author = {Aart Middeldorp and Hans Zantema}, title = {Simple Termination of Rewrite Systems}, year = 1995, month = jul, note = {(revised and extended version of \cite{MiZa94})} } @Article{MiZa97, author = "Aart Middeldorp and Hans Zantema", title = "Simple Termination of Rewrite Systems", journal = tcs, year = 1997, volume = 175, pages = "127--158" } @InProceedings{Mo02, author = {{J Strother} Moore}, title = {A Grand Challenge Proposal for Formal Methods: A Verified Stack}, booktitle = {10th Anniversary Colloquium of UNU/IIST 2002: Lisbon, Portugal, March 18-20, 2002}, pages = {161--172}, year = 2002, editor = {{Bernhard K.} Aichernig, {T.~S.~E.} Maibaum}, volume = 2757, series = lncs, month = mar, publisher = springer } @Article{Mo79, author = {{J Strother} Moore}, title = {A Mechanical Proof of the Termination of Takeuchi's Function}, journal = ipl, year = 1979, volume = 9, number = 4, pages = {176--181} } @phdthesis{Mo96, author = {Maximilian Moser}, title = {Goal-Directed Reasoning in Clausal Logic with Equality}, year = 1996, school = {TU M{\"u}nchen, CS Press, M{\"u}nchen} } @InProceedings{Mo89, author = {{Chilukuri K.} Mohan}, title = {Priority Rewriting: Semantics, Confluence, and Conditional}, booktitle = rta3, pages = {278--291}, year = 1989, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz}, volume = 355, series = lncs, address = {Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA}, month = apr, publisher = springer } @Article{Mo89a, author = {{J Strother} Moore}, title = {A Mechanically Verified Language Implementation}, journal = jar, year = 1989, volume = 5, number = 4, pages = {461--492}, month = dec } @InProceedings{Mo91, author = {{Chilukuri K.} Mohan}, title = {Equivalences of Rewrite Programs}, booktitle = ctrs90, pages = {92--97}, year = 1990, editor = {St{\'e}phane Kaplan and Mitsuhiro Okada}, volume = 516, series = lncs, address = {Montreal, Canada}, month = jun, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-54317-1} } @InProceedings{Mo91a, author = {{Chilukuri K.} Mohan}, title = {Fitting Semantics for Conditional Term Rewriting}, booktitle = ijcai91, pages = {857--862}, year = 1991, editor = {John Mylopoulos and Raymond Reiter}, volume = 2, address = {Sydney, Australia}, month = aug, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann} } @Article{MoBuGr00, author = {Raul Monroy and Alan Bundy and Ian Green}, title = {Planning Proofs of Equations in CCS}, journal = ase, year = 2000, volume = 7, number = 7, pages = {263--304} } @InProceedings{MoBuIr94, author = {Raul Monroy and Alan Bundy and Andrew Ireland}, title = {Proof Plans for the Correction of False Conjectures}, booktitle = lpar94, pages = {54--68}, year = 1994, editor = {Frank Pfenning}, volume = 822, series = lnai, publisher = springer, isbn = {3-540-58216-9} } @InProceedings{MoOwRuRuShSoTi04, author = {Leonardo Mendon\c{c}a de Moura and Sam Owre and Harald Rue{\ss} and John M.\ Rushby and Natarajan Shankar and Maria Sorea and Ashish Tiwari}, title = {{SAL} 2}, booktitle = cav04, pages = {496--500}, year = 2004, editor = {Rajeev Alur and Doron Peled}, volume = 3114, series = lncs, month = jul, publisher = springer, annote = {SBN 3-540-22342-8} } @InProceedings{MoOwRuRuSh04, author = {Leonardo Mendon\c{a}a de Moura and Sam Owre and Harald Rue{\ss} and John M.\ Rushby and Natarajan Shankar}, title = {The {ICS} Decision Procedures for Embedded Deduction}, booktitle = ijcar04, pages = {218--222}, year = 2004, editor = {David A.\ Basin and Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch}, volume = 3097, series = lncs, month = jul, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-22345-2} } @Article{MoSr86, author = {{Chilukuri K.} Mohan and {Mandayam K.} Srivas}, title = {Function Definitions in Term Rewriting and Applicative Programming}, journal = {Information and Control}, year = 1986, volume = 71, number = 3, pages = {186--217} } @inproceedings{MoSr87, author = {{Chilukuri K.} Mohan and {Mandayam K.} Srivas}, editor = {St{\'e}phane Kaplan and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud}, title = {Conditional Specifications with Inequational Assumptions}, booktitle = ctrs1, address = {Orsay, France}, pages = {161--178}, year = {1988}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {308}, series = lncs } @inproceedings{MoSr89, author = {{Chilukuri K.} Mohan and {Mandayam K.} Srivas}, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Negation with Logical Variables in Conditional Rewriting}, booktitle = rta3, address = {Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA}, pages = {292--310}, year = {1989}, month = apr, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {355}, series = lncs } @InProceedings{MoSrKa87, author = {{Chilukuri K.} Mohan and {Mandayam K.} Srivas and Deepak Kapur}, title = {Reasoning in Systems of Equations and Inequations}, booktitle = fsttcs87, pages = {305--325}, year = 1987, editor = {{Kesav V.} Nori}, volume = 287, series = lncs, address = {Pune, India}, month = dec, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-18625-5} } @Article{MoSrKa90, author = {{Chilukuri K.} Mohan and {Mandayam K.} Srivas and Deepak Kapur}, title = { Inference Rules and Proof Procedures for Inequations}, journal = jlp, year = 1990, volume = 9, number = 1, pages = {75--104} } @InProceedings{moser-weiermann-rta03, author = {Georg Moser and Andreas Weiermann}, title = {Relating Derivation Lengths with the Slow-Growing Hierarchy Directly}, booktitle = rta03, pages = {296--310}, year = 2003, editor = {Robert Nieuwenhuis}, volume = 2706, series = lncs, month = june, publisher = springer } @article{Mu67, author = {V.L.~ Murski\u{i}}, title = {Isomorphic Embeddability of Semigroups with Countable Sets of Defining Relations in Finitely Defined Semigroups}, journal = {Matematicheskii Zametki}, pages = {217--224}, year = {1967}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, note = {English translation} } @article{Mu71, author = {V.L. Murski\u{i}}, title = {Nondiscernible Properties of Finite Systems of Identity Relations}, journal = {Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR}, pages = {520--522}, year = 1971, volume = 196, note = {(In Russian). (English translation: Soviet Math. Dokl. {\bf 12}, pp. 183--186} } @article{Mu75, author = {David R.~ Musser}, title = {Multivariate Polynomial Factorization}, journal = jacm, pages = {291--308}, year = {1975}, month = apr, volume = {22}, number = {2} } @article{Mu78, author = {David R.~ Musser}, title = {On the Efficiency of a Polynomial Irreducibility Test}, journal = jacm, pages = {271--282}, year = {1978}, month = apr, volume = {25}, number = {2} } @inproceedings{Mu80, author = {David R.~ Musser}, title = {On proving properties of abstract data types}, booktitle = popl7, pages = {154--162}, year = {1980} } @article{Mu92, author = {Fritz M{\"u}ller}, title = {Confluence of the lambda Calculus with Left-Linear Algebraic Rewriting}, journal = ipl, pages = {293--299}, year = 1992, month = apr, volume = 41 } @article{Mu97, author = {David R.~ Musser}, title = {Introspective Sorting and Selection Algorithms}, journal = {Software --- Practice and Experience}, pages = {8}, year = {1997}, month = aug, volume = {27} } @article{Na63, author = {C.St.J.A.~ Nash-Williams}, title = {On Well-Quasi-Ordering Finite Trees}, journal = {Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.}, pages = {833--835}, year = 1963, volume = 59 } @PhdThesis{Na99, author = {Takashi Nagaya}, title = {Reduction Strategies for Term Rewriting Systems}, school = {School of Information Science, JAIST}, year = 1999, address = {Tatsunokuchi, Ishikawa, 923-1292, Japan}, month = mar } @Article{NaKuTo99, author = "Masaki Nakamura and Keiichirou Kusakari and Yoshihito Toyama", title = "On Proving Termination by General Dummy Elimination", journal = "IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS", year = 1999, volume = "J82-D", number = 10, pages = "1225--1231", month = oct, note = "(in Japanese)" } @article{NaOd89, author = {Paliath Narendran and Colm O'Dunlaing}, title = {Cancellativity in Finitely Presented Semigroups}, journal = jsc, pages = {457--472}, year = {1989}, volume = {8} } @inproceedings{NaOr84, author = {M.~ Navarro and Fernando Orejas}, editor = {John Fitch}, title = {On The Equivalence Of Hierachical And Non-hierarchical Rewriting On Conditional Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {Proc.\ {EUROSAM} 84, International Symposium On Symbolic And Algebraic Computation}, year = {1984}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, note = {{LNCS} 174} } @inproceedings{NaTo99, author = {Takashi Nagaya and Yoshihito Toyama}, editor = {Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch and Paliath Narendran}, title = {Decidability for Left-Linear Growing Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = rta10, pages = {256--270}, year = 1999, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {Trento, Italy}, volume = 1631, series = lncs } @article{Ne42, author = {Newman, Maxwell Herman Alexander}, title = {On Theories with a Combinatorial Definition of Equivalence}, journal = {Annals of Mathematics}, pages = {223--242}, year = {1942}, volume = {43}, number = {2} } @phdthesis{Ne73, author = {Rob Nederpelt}, title = {Strong Normalization in a Typed Lambda Calculus with Lambda Structured Types}, year = {1973}, month = jun, school = {Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven} } @InProceedings{NeOp77, author = {Greg Nelson and {Derek C.} Oppen}, title = {Fast Decision Algorithms Based on Union and Find}, booktitle = focs77, pages = {114--119}, year = 1977, month = {31 October - 2 November}, publisher = {IEEE} } @Article{NeOp79, author = {Greg Nelson and {Derek C.} Oppen}, title = {Simplification by Cooperating Decision Procedures}, journal = toplas, year = 1979, volume = 1, number = 2, pages = {245--257} } @article{NeOp80, author = {Greg Nelson and {Derek C.} Oppen}, title = {Fast Decision Procedures Based on Congruence Closure}, journal = jacm, pages = {356--364}, year = 1980, month = apr, volume = 27, number = 2 } @article{Ni75, author = {Maurice Nivat}, title = {On the Interpretation of Recursive Polyadic Program Schemes}, journal = {Symposia Mathematica, Instituto Nationale di Alta, Roma, Italy}, pages = {255--281}, year = 1975, volume = {XV} } @article{Ni86, author = {Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Non-Deterministic Data Types: Models and Implementations}, journal = {Acta Informatica}, pages = {629--661}, year = 1986, volume = 22 } @inproceedings{Ni87, author = {Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Are Homomorphisms Sufficient for Behavioural Implementations of Deterministic and Nondeterministic Data Types?}, booktitle = stacs4, year = 1987, month = feb, publisher = springer, address = {Passau, Germany}, volume = 247, series = lncs } @article{Ni89, author = {Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Equational Reasoning in {ISABELLE}}, journal = {Science of Computer Programming}, pages = {123--149}, year = {1989}, volume = {12} } @inproceedings{Ni89a, author = {Tobias Nipkow}, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz}, title = {Combining Matching Algorithms: The Regular Case}, booktitle = rta3, pages = {343--358}, year = 1989, month = apr, publisher = springer, address = {Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA}, volume = 355, series = lncs } @Article{Ni89b, author = {Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Term Rewriting and Beyond -- Theorem Proving in {I}sabelle}, journal = fac, year = 1989, volume = 1, number = 4, pages = {320--338} } @InProceedings{Ni89b, author = {Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Term Rewriting and Beyond -- Theorem Proving in {I}sabelle}, booktitle = {}, OPTcrossref = {}, OPTkey = {}, OPTpages = {}, OPTyear = {}, OPTeditor = {}, OPTvolume = {}, OPTnumber = {}, OPTseries = {}, OPTaddress = {}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTorganization = {}, OPTpublisher = {}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} } @inproceedings{Ni90, author = {Tobias Nipkow}, editor = {??}, title = {Proof Transformations for Equational Theories}, booktitle = lics5, pages = {278--288}, year = 1990, month = jun, address = {Philadelphia, USA} } @article{Ni90a, author = {Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Unification in Primal Algebras, Their Powers and Their Varieties}, journal = jacm, pages = {742--776}, year = 1990, month = oct, volume = 37, number = 1 } @inproceedings{Ni91, author = {Tobias Nipkow}, editor = {???}, title = {Higher-Order Critical Pairs}, booktitle = lics6, organization = ieee, pages = {342--349}, year = 1991, month = jul, address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands} } @article{Ni91a, author = {Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Combining Matching Algorithm: The Regular Case}, journal = jsc, pages = {633--653}, year = 1991, volume = 12 } @inproceedings{Ni93, author = {Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Functional Unification of Higher-Order Patterns}, booktitle = lics8, organization = ieee, pages = {64--74}, year = 1993, month = jun, address = {Montreal, Canada} } @inproceedings{Ni93a, author = {Tobias Nipkow}, editor = {M. Bezem and J.F. Groote}, title = {Orthogonal Higher-Order Rewrite Systems are Confluent}, booktitle = tlca93, pages = {306--317}, year = 1993, month = mar, publisher = springer, address = {Utrecht, The Netherlands}, volume = 664, series = lncs } @unpublished{Ni94, author = {Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Equational Reasoning}, year = {1994}, month = oct, note = {Draft, TU M{\"u}nchen} } @InProceedings{NiMiSa06, author = {Naoki Nishida and Tomohiro Mizutani and Masahiko Sakai}, title = {Transformation for Refining Unravled Conditional Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {Prelim.~Proc.~6th INternational Worksop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming (WRS'06), Seattle, Washington, USA, August 11, 2006}, pages = {34--48}, year = 2006, editor = {Sergio Antoy}, month = aug, note = {Technical Report 06-04, Computer Science Department, Portland State University} } @techreport{NiNi95, author = {F. Nielson and H.R. Nielson}, title = {Termination Analysis based on Operational Semantics}, institution = {Aarhus University, Denmark}, year = 1995, note = {Available from http://www.daimi.aau.dk/~fn/Papers/PB492.ps.Z} } @Book{NiPaWe02, editor = {Tobias Nipkow and Lawrence C.\ Paulson and Markus Wenzel}, title = {{Isabelle/HOL} -- A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic}, publisher = springer, year = 2002, volume = 2283, series = lncs, annote = {SSN: 0302-9743} } @InProceedings{NiPaWe02, author = {Tobias Nipkow and Lawrence C.\ Paulson and Markus Wenzel}, title = {{Isabelle/HOL} -- A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic}, booktitle = {}, OPTcrossref = {}, OPTkey = {}, OPTpages = {}, OPTyear = {}, OPTeditor = {}, OPTvolume = {}, OPTnumber = {}, OPTseries = {}, OPTaddress = {}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTorganization = {}, OPTpublisher = {}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} } @book{NiRe85, author = {Maurice Nivat and J.C. Reynolds (eds.)}, title = {Algebraic Methods in Semantics}, year = 1985, publisher = {Cambridge University Press} } @InCollection{NiRu01, author = {Robert Nieuwenhuis and Albert Rubio}, title = {Paramodulation-Based Theorem Proving}, booktitle = {Handbook of Automated Reasoning}, pages = {371--443}, publisher = {Elsevier and MIT Press}, year = 2001, editor = {{John Alan} Robinson and Andrei Voronkov}, volume = 1, chapter = 7, annote = {ISBN 0-444-50813-9,0-262-18223-8} } @article{No81, author = {F. Nourani}, title = {On Induction for Programming Logic: Syntax, Semantics, and Inductive Closure}, journal = eatcs, pages = {51--64}, year = 1981, month = feb, volume = 13 } @article{Nu91, author = {Werner Nutt}, title = {The Unification Hierarchy is Undecidable}, journal = jar, pages = {369--381}, year = 1990, volume = 7 } @techreport{NuReSm87, author = {Werner Nutt and Pierre R\'ety and Gert Smolka}, title = {Basic Narrowing Revisited}, institution = {Fachbereich Informatik, {Universit\"at} Kaiserslautern}, year = {1987}, number = {{SR}-87-07}, type = {Seki-Report} } @book{OD77, author = {Michael J.~ O'Donnell}, title = {Computing in Systems Described by Equations}, year = {1977}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {58}, series = lncs } @book{OD85, author = {Michael J.~ O'Donnell}, title = {Equational logic as a programming language}, year = {1985}, publisher = {MIT Press} } @article{Od83, author = {Colm O'Dunlaing}, title = {Infinite Regular Thue Systems}, journal = tcs, pages = {171--192}, year = {1983}, volume = {25} } @inproceedings{Og92, author = {Mizuhito Ogawa}, editor = {T. Ibaraki and Y. Inagaki and K. Iwama and T. Nishizeki and M. Yamashita}, title = {Chew's Theorem revisted -- Uniquely Normalizing Property of Nonlinear Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = isaac3, pages = {309--318}, year = 1992, publisher = springer, address = {Nagoya, Japan}, volume = 650, series = lncs } @techreport{OgOn89, author = {Mizuhito Ogawa and Satoshi Ono}, title = {On the Uniquely Converging Property of Nonlinear Term rewriting Systems}, institution = ntt, year = 1989, number = {COMP89-7}, note = {pp.~61--70}, annote = {with some bugs} } @Article{Oh00, author = "Enno Ohlebusch", title = "A Uniform Framework for Term and Graph Rewriting Applied to Combined Systems ", journal = ipl, year = 2000, volume = 73, number = "1--2", pages = "53--59", month = jan, note = "communicated by Harald Ganzinger" } @Article{Oh01, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, title = {Implementing Conditional Term Rewriting by Graph Rewriting}, journal = tcs, year = 2001, volume = 262, number = {1--2}, pages = {311--331}, note = {Received 9 March 1999; accepted 18 May 2000, Communicated by M. Takahashi} } @Book{Oh02, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, title = {Advanced Topics in Term Rewriting}, publisher = springer, year = 2002 } @Article{Oh02a, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, title = {Hierarchical Termination Revisited}, journal = ipl, year = 2002, volume = {84, issue 4}, pages = {207--214}, note = {30 November 2002} } @inproceedings{Oh92, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, editor = {M. Rusinowitch and J.L. Remy}, title = {Combinations of Simplifying Conditional Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Conditional Term Rewriting Systems, Pont-{\`a}-Mousson}, pages = {113--127}, year = {1992}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {656}, series = lncs } @techreport{Oh92a, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, title = {A Note on Simple Termination of Infinite Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = {Univ..of Bielefeld}, year = {1992}, number = {7} } @techreport{Oh93, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, title = {On the Modularity of Termination of Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t Bielefeld}, year = {1993}, month = mar, number = {11}, note = {revised version to appear in {\em Theoretical Computer Science\/}} } @unpublished{Oh93a, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, title = {Termination is not Modular for Confluent Variable-Preserving Term Rewriting Systems, {Universit{\"a}t Bielefeld}}, year = {1993}, month = mar, note = {Submitted}, institution = {Univ..of Bielefeld}, number = {11} } @Article{Ohlebusch93a, author = "Enno Ohlebusch", title = "A simple proof of sufficient conditions for the termination of the disjoint union of term rewriting systems", journal = "Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science", volume = "50", pages = "223--228", month = jun, year = "1993", url = "ftp://ftp.uni-bielefeld.de/pub/papers/techfak/pi/EATCS93.ps.gz", note = "Technical Contributions", } @Article{Ohlebusch93b, author = "Enno Ohlebusch", title = "A Simple Proof of Sufficient Conditions for the Termination of the Disjoint Union of Term Rewriting Systems", journal = "Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science", volume = "49", pages = "178--183", month = feb, year = "1993", note = "Technical Contributions", } @article{Oh93b, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, title = {A Simple Proof of Sufficient Conditions for the Termination of the Disjoint Union of Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = eatcs, pages = {178--182}, year = {1993}, month = feb, volume = {49}, institution = {Univ..of Bielefeld} } @techreport{Oh93c, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, title = {On the Modularity of Confluence of Constructor-Sharing Term Rewriting Systems}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t Bielefeld}, year = {1993}, number = {13} } @phdthesis{Oh94, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, title = {Modular Properties of Composable Term Rewriting Systems}, year = 1994, school = {Universit{\"a}t Bielefeld}, note = {Report 94-01} } @article{Oh94a, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, title = {On the Modularity of Termination of Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = tcs, pages = {333--360}, year = 1994, volume = 136 } @inproceedings{Oh94b, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, editor = {S.~Tison}, title = {On the Modularity of Confluence of Constructor-Sharing Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = caap19, pages = {261--275}, year = 1994, publisher = springer, volume = 787, series = lncs } @article{Oh95, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, title = {Modular Properties of Composable Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = jsc, pages = {1--42}, year = 1995, month = jul, volume = {20}, number = {1} } @inproceedings{Oh95a, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, editor = {Nachum Dershowitz and Naomi Lindenstrauss}, title = {Modular Properties of Constructor-Sharing Conditional Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = ctrs4, pages = {296--315}, year = 1995, publisher = springer, volume = 968, series = lncs } @article{Oh95b, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, title = {Termination is not Modular for Confluent Variable-Preserving Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = ipl, pages = {223--228}, year = 1995, month = mar, volume = 53 } @InProceedings{Oh97, author = "Enno Ohlebusch", title = "A Filter Method for the Weighted Local Similarity Search Problem", editor = "Alberto Apostolico and Jotun Hein", volume = 1264, series = lncs, pages = "191--205", booktitle = cpm97, year = 1997, publisher = springer, address = "Aarhus, Denmark", month = "June 30 -- July 2, 1997", annote = "ISBN 3-540-63220-4" } @InProceedings{Oh97a, author = "Enno Ohlebusch", title = "Conditional Term Graph Rewriting", editor = "Michael Hanus and Jan Heering and Karl Meinke", volume = 1298, series = lncs, pages = "144--158", booktitle = alphoa97, year = 1997, publisher = springer, address = "Southampton, UK", month = sep, annote = "ISBN 3-540-63459-2" } @inproceedings{Oh98, author = {Enno Ohlebusch}, editor = {Tobias Nipkow}, title = {{C}hurch-{R}osser Theorems for Abstract Reduction Modulo an Equivalence Relation}, booktitle = rta9, pages = {17--31}, year = 1998, publisher = springer, address = {Tsukuba, Japan}, volume = 1379, series = lncs } @Article{Ohlebusch98a, author = "E. Ohlebusch", title = "Modularity of Termination for Disjoint Term Graph Rewrite Systems: {A} Simple Proof", journal = "Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science", volume = "66", pages = "171--177", month = oct, year = "1998", note = "Technical Contributions", } @InProceedings{Oh99, author = "Enno Ohlebusch", title = "Transforming Conditional Rewrite Systems with Extra Variables into Unconditional Systems", editor = "Harald Ganzinger and {David A.} McAllester and Andrei Voronkov", volume = 1705, series = lncs, pages = "111--130", booktitle = lpar99, year = 1999, publisher = springer, address = "Tbilisi, Georgia", month = sep, annote = "ISBN 3-540-66492-0" } @InProceedings{Oh99a, author = "Enno Ohlebusch", title = "On Quasi-Reductive and Quasi-Simplifying Deterministic Conditional Rewrite Systems", editor = "Aart Middeldorp and Taisuke Sato", volume = 1722, series = lncs, pages = "179--193", booktitle = flops99, year = 1999, publisher = springer, address = "Tsukuba, Japan", month = nov, annote = "ISBN 3-540-66677-X" } @TechReport{Oh99b, author = "Enno Ohlebusch", title = "Transforming Conditional Rewrite Systems with Extra Variables into Unconditional Systems", institution = "Universit{\"a}t Bielefeld", year = 1999, type = "Forschungsbericht der Technischen Fakult{\"a}t Abteilung Informationstechnik", number = "Report 99--02" } @article{OhOyTo95, author = {Yoshikatsu Ohta and Michio Oyamaguchi and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {On the {Church-Rosser} Property of Simple-Right-Linear {TRS}'s}, journal = {Trans. IEICE Japan}, pages = {263--268}, year = 1995, volume = {J78-D-I}, number = 3, note = {(In Japanese)} } @InProceedings{OhUk96, author = "Enno Ohlebusch and Esko Ukkonen", title = "On the Equivalence Problem for E-Pattern Languages", editor = "Wojciech Penczek and Andrzej Szalas", volume = 1113, series = lncs, pages = "457--468", booktitle = mfcs96, year = 1996, publisher = springer, address = "Cracow, Poland", month = sep, annote = "ISBN 3-540-61550-4" } @Article{OhUk97, author = "Enno Ohlebusch and Esko Ukkonen", title = "On the Equivalence Problem for E-Pattern Languages", journal = tcs, year = 1997, volume = 186, number = "1--2", pages = "231--248" } @Unpublished{Ok87, author = "Mitsuhiro Okada", title = "Report on Conditional Rewrite Systems", note = "(unpublished), Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL", year = 1987, month = may } @InProceedings{Ok88, author = "Mitsuhiro Okada", title = "A Logical Analysis for Theory of Conditional Rewriting", editor = "St{\'e}phane Kaplan and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud", volume = 308, series = lncs, pages = "179--198", booktitle = ctrs87, year = 1988, publisher = springer, address = "Orsay, France", month = jul } @inproceedings{Ok89, author = {Mitsuhiro Okada}, title = {Strong Normalizability for the Combined System of the Typed Lambda Calculus and an Arbitrary Convergent Term Rewrite System}, booktitle = issac89, pages = {357--363}, year = 1989, publisher = acm, address = {Portland, Oregon, USA} } @inproceedings{Ok98, author = {Satoshi Okui}, editor = {Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Simultaneous Critical Pairs and {C}hurch-{R}osser Property}, booktitle = rta9, pages = {2--16}, year = 1998, publisher = springer, address = {Tsukuba, Japan}, volume = 1379, series = lncs } @InProceedings{OkGr89, author = "Mitsuhiro Okada and Peter Grogono", title = "Practical Application of Conditional Term Rewriting Systems", editor = "???", series = "???", pages = "???", booktitle = "Proc.~IX Conf.~of the Chilean Computer Sceince Society / XV Latin American Conf.~on Informatics", year = 1989, publisher = "???", address = "???", month = "???" } @InProceedings{OkGr89a, author = "Mitsuhiro Okada and Peter Grogono", title = "New Results in Term Rewriting Theory", editor = "???", series = "???", pages = "???", booktitle = "Proc.~of the Int.~Conf.~on Symbolic and Logic Computation", year = 1989, publisher = "???", address = "???", month = "???" } @inproceedings{OkMiId95, author = {Satoshi Okui and Aart Middeldorp and Tetsuo Ida}, editor = {{Peter D.} Mosses and Mogens Nielsen and {Michael I.} Schwartzbach}, title = {Lazy Narrowing: Strong Completeness and Eager Variable Elimination {Extended Abstract}}, booktitle = caap20, pages = {394--408}, year = 1995, publisher = springer, address = {Aarhus, Denmark}, volume = 915, series = lncs } @inproceedings{OkTa87, author = "Mitsuhiro Okada and Gaisi Takeuti", title = "On the Theory of Quasi Ordinal Diagrams", editor = "S.\ Simpson", volume = 68, series = "Contemporary Mathematics", pages = "295--308", booktitle = "Logic and combinatorics, Proc.\ AMS-IMS-SIAM Conf., Arcata/Calif.\ 1985,", year = 1987, publisher = ams } @article{Oo94, author = {{Vincent van} Oostrom}, title = {Confluence by decreasing diagrams}, journal = tcs, pages = {259--280}, year = 1994, month = may, volume = 121 } @phdthesis{Oo94a, author = {{Vincent van} Oostrom}, title = {Confluence for Abstract and Higher-Order Rewriting}, year = 1994, month = mar, school = {Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam} } @techreport{Oo94b, author = {{Vincent van} Oostrom}, title = {Developing Developments}, institution = {Basic Research Laboratories, NTT, Japan}, year = 1994, month = dec, number = {ISRL-94-4}, annote = {Information Science Research Laboratory, Basic Research Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation} } @inproceedings{Oo95, author = {{Vincent van} Oostrom}, editor = {Gilles Dowek and Jan Heering and Karl Meinke and Bernhard M{\"o}ller}, title = {Development Closed}, booktitle = hoa2, pages = {185--200}, year = 1996, publisher = springer, volume = 1074, series = lncs } @inproceedings{Oo97, author = {{Vincent van} Oostrom}, editor = {H.\ Comon}, title = {Finite Family Developments}, booktitle = rta8, pages = {308--322}, year = {1997}, month = jun, publisher = springer, address = {Sitges, Spain}, volume = 1232, series = lncs } @article{Oo97a, author = {{Vincent van} Oostrom}, title = {Developing Developments}, journal = tcs, pages = {159--181}, year = 1997, month = mar, volume = 175, number = 1 } @inproceedings{Oo99, author = {{Vincent van} Oostrom}, editor = {Micha{\"e}l Rusinowitch and Paliath Narendran}, title = {Normalisation in Weakly Orthogonal Rewriting}, booktitle = rta10, pages = {60--74}, year = 1999, month = jul, publisher = springer, volume = 1631, series = lncs } @inproceedings{OoRa93, author = {{Vincent van} Oostrom and {Femke van} Raamsdonk}, editor = {Jan Heering and Karl Meinke and Bernhard M{\"o}ller and Tobias Nipkow}, title = {Comparing Combinatory Reduction Systems and Higher-order Rewrite Systems}, booktitle = hoa1, pages = {276--304}, year = 1993, month = sep, publisher = springer, address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, volume = 816, series = lncs } @inproceedings{OoRa94, author = {{Vincent van} Oostrom and {Femke van} Raamsdonk}, editor = {A. Nerode and Y.V. Matiyasevich}, title = {Weak Orthogonality implies Confluence: The Higher-Order Case}, booktitle = lfcs3, pages = {379--392}, year = 1994, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {St. Petersburg, Russia}, volume = 813, series = lncs } @TechReport{Ot97, author = "Friedrich Otto", title = "On properties of monoids that are modular for free products and for certain free products with amalgamated submonoids", institution = "Universit{\"a}t GH Kassel", year = 1997, type = "Mathematische Schriften Kassel", number = "6/97", month = jun } @Article{OtSK00, author = {Friedrich Otto and Andrea Sattler-Klein}, title = {The Property FDT is Undecidable for Finitely Presented Monoids That Have Polynomial-Time Decidable Word Problems}, journal = {Int.~J.~of Algebra and Computation}, year = 2000, volume = 10, number = 3, pages = {285--307} } @InProceedings{OwRaRuShSr96, author = {Sam Owre and S.\ Rajan and John M.\ Rushby and Natarajan Shankar and Mandayam K.\ Srivas}, title = {{PVS}: Combining Specification, Proof Checking, and Model Checking}, booktitle = cav96, pages = {411--414}, year = 1996, editor = {Rajeev Alur and Thomas A.\ Henzinger}, volume = 1102, series = lncs, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-61474-5} } @InProceedings{OwRuSh92, author = {Sam Owre and John M.\ Rushby and Natarajan Shankar}, title = {{PVS}: A Prototype Verification System}, booktitle = cade92, pages = {748--752}, year = 1992, editor = {Deepak Kapur}, volume = 607, month = jun, publisher = springer, annote = {SBN 3-540-55602-8} } @InProceedings{OwRuShSC99, author = {Sam Owre and John M.\ Rushby and Natarajan Shankar and David W.~J.\ Stringer-Calvert}, title = {PVS: An Experience Report}, booktitle = fmtrends98, pages = {338--345}, year = 1998, editor = {Dieter Hutter and Werner Stephan and Paolo Traverso and Markus Ullmann}, volume = 1641, series = lncs, month = oct, publisher = springer, annote = {ISBN 3-540-66462-9} } @article{Oy85, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi}, title = {On the data type extension problem for algebraic specifications}, journal = tcs, pages = {329--336}, year = {1985}, volume = {35} } @article{Oy86, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi}, title = {The reachability problem for quasi-ground term rewriting systems}, journal = {J. Inf. Process.}, pages = {232--236}, year = {1986}, volume = {9} } @article{Oy87, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi}, title = {The {Church-Rosser} Property for Ground Term Rewriting Systems is Decidable}, journal = tcs, pages = {43--79}, year = 1987, volume = 49 } @article{Oy90, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi}, title = {On the Word Problem for Right-Ground Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = tieice, year = 1990, month = may, volume = {E 73}, number = 5 } @article{Oy90a, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi}, title = {The Reachability and Joinability Problems for Right-Ground Term-Rewriting Systems}, journal = jips, pages = {347--354}, year = {1990}, volume = {13}, number = {3} } @misc{Oy92, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi}, title = {On the Church-Rosser Property of Nonlinear and Nonterminating Term-Rewriting Systems}, year = 1992, month = jul, howpublished = {LA Symposium}, note = {(2 pages)} } @article{Oy93, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi}, title = {NV-sequentiality: A decidable condition for call-by-need computations in term-rewriting systems}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Computing}, pages = {114--135}, year = {1993}, volume = {22}, number = {1} } @misc{Oy95, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi}, title = {A New Parallel Closed Condition for {Church-Rosser} of Left-Linear Term Rewriting Systems}, year = 1995, howpublished = {Faculty of Engineering, Mie University, Note distributed at the Japanese Term Rewriting Workshop (November 1)}, annote = {7 pages} } @inproceedings{OyGo95, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi and Hiroshi Gomi}, title = {Some Results on the CR Property of Non-E-Overlapping and Depth-Preserving TRSs}, booktitle = {Proc.~RIMS Kokyuroku 918}, pages = {150--159}, year = {1995} } @article{OyOh93, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi and Yoshikatsu Ohta}, title = {On the Confluent Property of Right-Ground Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = ieice, pages = {39--45}, year = 1993, volume = {J76-D-I}, note = {In Japanese} } @inproceedings{OyOh97, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi and Yoshikatsu Ohta}, editor = {Hubert Comon}, title = {A New Parallel Closed Condition for {Church-Rosser} of Left-Linear Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = rta8, pages = {187--201}, year = {1997}, month = jun, publisher = springer, address = {Sitges, Spain}, series = lncs } @Article{OyOh03, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi and Yoshikatsu Ohta}, title = {On the Church-Rosser Property of Left-Linear Term Rewriting Systems}, journal = {IEICE Transactions}, year = 2003, volume = {E86-D}, number = 1, pages = {131--135} } @techreport{OyTo94, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {On the {Church-Rosser} Property of {E}-Overlapping and Simple-Right-Linear {TRS}'s}, institution = ieice, year = 1994, number = {COMP94-29 (1994-07)} } @unpublished{OyTo94a, author = {Michio Oyamaguchi and Yoshihito Toyama}, title = {On the {Church-Rosser} Property of {E}-Overlapping and Simple-Right-Linear {TRS}s}, year = 1995, note = {Draft (extended version of \cite{OyTo94})} } @incollection{Pa70, author = {D. Park}, editor = {B. Meltzer and D. Michie}, title = {Fixpoint Induction and Proofs of Program Propertie}, booktitle = {Machine Intelligence 5}, year = 1970, publisher = {Edinburgh University Press} } @inproceedings{Pa82, author = {Peter Padawitz}, editor = {D. Bjorner}, title = {Equational Data Type Specification and Recursive Program Scheme}, booktitle = {Formal Description of Programming Concepts 2}, year = 1982 } @phdthesis{Pa83, author = {Peter Padawitz}, title = {Correctness, Completeness and Consistency of Equational Data Type Specifications}, year = 1983, school = {FB 20 (Informatik), TU Berlin}, note = {Report No. 83-15} } @techreport{Pa83a, author = {Peter Padawitz}, title = {Correctness, Completeness and Consistency of Equational Data Type Specifications}, institution = {FB 20 (Informatik)}, year = {1983}, address = {TU Berlin}, number = {83-15}, type = {Dissertation}, annote = {19890215; Gr; n}, howpublished = {Dissertation, Report No. 83-15, FB 20, TU Berlin, 1983}, school = {TU Berlin} } @inproceedings{Pa84, author = {Etienne Paul}, editor = {Bruno Courcelle}, title = {Proof by induction in equational theories with relations between constructors}, booktitle = caap84, year = {1984}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press} } @Article{Pa85, author = {Etienne Paul}, title = {Equational Methods in First Order Predicate Calculus}, journal = jsc, year = 1985, volume = 1, number = 1, pages = {7--29}, month = mar } @InProceedings{Pa88, author = {Lawrence C.\ Paulson}, title = {Isabelle: The Next Seven Hundred Theorem Provers}, booktitle = cade88, pages = {772--773}, year = 1988, editor = {Ewing L.\ Lusk and Ross A.\ Overbeek}, volume = 310, series = lncs, month = may, publisher = springer, annote = {SBN 3-540-19343-X} } @techreport{Pa90, author = {Peter Padawitz}, title = {Horn Logic and Rewriting for Functional and Logic Program Design}, institution = {Univ. of Passau}, year = {1990}, number = {MIP-9002} } @Book{Pa94, author = {Lawrence C.\ Paulson}, title = {Isabelle -- A Generic Theorem Prover (with a contribution by T.\ {N}ipkow)}, publisher = springer, year = 1994 } @InProceedings{Pa97, author = {Lawrence C.\ Paulson}, title = {Proving Properties of Security Protocols by Induction}, booktitle = csfw97, pages = {70--83}, year = 1997, month = jun, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society} } @proceedings{Pa98, editor = {Francesco Parisi-Presicce}, title = {Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques -- 12th Int. Workshop, WADT'97, Tarquinia, Italy, June 3-7, 1997, Selected Papers}, year = 1998, publisher = springer, volume = 1376, series = lncs, annote = {435 pp., ISBN 3-540-64299-4} } @article{PaWe78, author = {M.S. Paterson and M.N. Wegman}, title = {Linear Unification}, journal = jcss, pages = {158--167}, year = 1978, volume = 16 } @article{Pe67, author = {P. Perkins}, title = {Unsolvable Problems for Equational Theories}, journal = {Notre Dame J. Formal Logic}, pages = {175--185}, year = 1967, volume = 8, number = 3 } @inproceedings{Pe81, author = {Alberto Pettorossi}, title = {Comparing and Putting together Recursive Path Ordering, Simplification Orderings and the Non-Ascending Property for Termination Proofs of Term Rewriting Systems}, booktitle = icalp8, organization = {EATCS}, pages = {432--447}, year = 1981, month = jul, publisher = springer, address = {Acre, Israel}, volume = 115, series = lncs, annote = {editor is missing!!!} } @phdthesis{Pe84, author = {J.F. Pederson}, title = {Confluence Methods and the Word Problem in Universal Algebra}, year = 1984, school = {Dept. of Mathematics and