Dear Claus-Peter,
Only some notes for the discussion of this evening.
1. Reduction-descent: when I mean "a set of initial small numbers", this se
t could be also consist of only 1 number for which the theorem to prove is
true or for a set of initial numbers for which the theorem is true. I thi
nk that from a logical point of view the role of the "small numbers"
is similar to the inductive basis in the mathematical induction. If we sup
pose the theorem false for an arbitrary number p, the algorithm of reduct
ion is a perfectly computable function step by step, I mean a function such tha
t if you replace the letters with numbers you obtain - how to say - c
oncrete numbers. For mathematical reasons to determine case by case the al
gorithm can be continued until it reaches the small numbers - or the small numb
er -. For this numbers the theorem should be false, but it is true for empirica
l resons. Contradiction, hence the
theorem is true for every number. It is important to understand that the infin
ite, the concept of limit plays here no role.
2. Ordinary indefinite descent: the principle is the following and in a sen
se quite more general than in the previous case: we have to prove a theorem T,
let us suppose T false. If this supposition implies the existence of an integer
m and of a computable algorithm of reduction such that if we suppose the
theorem false for a number n>m, then the algorithm can be continued from a f
ormal point of view to the infinite, but every step is less than m, this i
s absurd in integers, hence the theorem is true. Important: the concept of comp
utability is here different than in the reduction-descent because here the elem
ent of the algorithm do not exist like integer numbers, they are supp
osely integers, but the proof shows exactely that they are not integer. While i
n the reductio-descent, if, for example, in the proof by Euler of the 4n+1
theorem one replace a concrete number
to p - supposed not sum of two squares -, one obtains a series of "concrete" i
ntegers - even not all of them primes of the form 4n+1 - which should not&
nbsp;be the sum of two squares; and step by step one reaches 17, 13, 5 and 1 to
o (not the negative numbers).
It seems to me that these differences between the two methods are quite sig
nificant from a mathematical, historical-mathematical and conceptual point 
;of view. It is not psycology of mathematics. Of course I do not exclude that t
he two methods are logically equivalent and perhaps one of the aims of our
paper should be exactely this enquire.
For example, if we want to prove by reduction-descent the theorem on the Py
thagorean triangle, we could say, the theorem is true for (3,4,5), that is 
;the triangle of which the sides are 3,4,5 has the area equal to 6 and thi
s is not the square of an integer. We suppose the theorem false for (m,n,p
), we construct a computable function such that if the theorem is false for (m,
n,p) it is also false for (m',n',p') with m'n'<mn, the algorithms reach
es (3,4,5) and hence the conclusion. What I say is that it seems to me non easy
to deduce this procedure from the reduction exposed in the demonstration
by ordinary descent because in the two cases the nature of the algorithm of red
uction is different.
My feeling is that these problems are rather
complicated and worthy of a deep team-research. Our paper could be a first step
in this direction. Of course I can be
Hear you this evening,
----- Original Message ----
From: Dr. Claus Peter Wirth <drcp@surfeu.
To: paolo bussotti <>
Cc: wirth@logic
Sent: Monday, January 8, 2007 6:23:38 PM
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas
> Dear Claus-Peter,=0A=0AI answer to your mail concerning descent and r
> on-descent. No problem if you were explicit, this is normal. Th
e only think=
> is that in your mail there were some strange c
haracters which made the rea=
> ding non-easy, anyway I think to have und
erstood the problems.
I have replaced Frankfurt Frakture font with Sans
Serif Font now.
> Let's s=
> tart from Fermat, from what he say
s, for the moment without interpretation =
> (even if of course this is n
ot completely possible). First of all Fermat di=
> stinguishes between "a
ffirmative" and "negative" propositions. This distinc=
> tion has nothing
to do with the way in which a proposition is proved, but w=
> ith the li
nguistic way in which a demonstration is posed. Example: "There i=
> s no
Pythagorean triangle of which the area is equal to the square of an in=
; teger" is a negative proposition;
"Every prime number of the form 4n+1 is t=
> he sum of two squares" is a
n affirmative proposition. =0A=0AThe distinction=
> between a
pagogic and non-apagocic concerns the way of demonstrating: if a=
theorem is demonstrated by a reductio ad absurdum, the way of demonstrati
> n is apagogic, otherwise it is not. =0A=0AThe infinite or indefinite
> t is always an apagogic way of demonstration both when it is a
pplied to neg=
> ative propositions and to affirmative propositions. =0A=
0AFor the affirmati=
> ve propositions new principles are necessary in or
der to apply the descent.=
> =0A=0AThis is what Fermat explicitely says.
I perfectly agree.
> Now let's come to the int=
> erpre
tation: after Fermat the affirmative propositions of which he spoke ab=
out (binary quadratic forms x^2+Ay^2, with A=3D1,2,3, and a set of preparat=> ory theorems for the study of
these forms) were demonstrated by reduction-d=
> escent, while the negat
ive propositions were demonstrated by ordinary desce=
> nt. Hence I thoug
ht that one of the new principles of which Fermat spoke ab=
> out was: Fo
r the affirmative propositions we have to suppose false the theo=
> rem a
nd to construct a reductive algorithm such that for every step of the =
reduction the theorem should be false. This algorithm reaches the initial v=> alues for which the theorem is true, this is absurd.=0AUseless to repeat
> at happens with the ordinary descent. This way we have toe applica
tion of t=
> he infinite or indefinite descent: 1) ordinary indefinite de
scent; 2) reduc=
> tion-descent. Of course Fermat was a pioneer in this f
ield and he did not=
> take into account the fact that the red
uction-descent could be applied to =
> negative propositions and the ordi
nary descent to affirmative
> as well. In the work by Paolini, the 4n+1 pr
imes theorem is demonstrate=
> d by a quite clear reduction-descent after
having introduced a certain math=
> ematical structure that Fermat could
know. I am not a logic, but the l=
> ogical part of my book has been bas
ically written for a sense of dissatisfa=
> ction which derived from read
ing that mathematical induction and indefinite=
> descent are
logically equivalent even if I have never found in the literat=
> ure a d
ifficult demonstration by indefinite descent (for example the one co=
> n
cerning the Pythagorean triangle) translated into a demonstration by mathe=
> matical induction. I mean: one uses the demonstration by descent to create
> a demonstration by mathematical induction, but after that, the demon
> n by mathematical induction has to appear independent of the o
ne by descent=
> , that is the
demonstration by mathematical induction has to have the basis=
> &n
bsp;and the inductive step, like every other demonstration non deduced by a de=
> monstration by indefinite descent. Furthermore this method must be "st
> d", always the same for every transformation of a proof by desce
nt in a pro=
> of by mathematical induction and vice versa. The law of
> duality in projective geometry provides a clear example of wha
t I mean. Ot=
> herwise the risk is that the mathematical logic creates a
world that has no=
> thing to do with the work and the way of thinking o
f the mathematicians, ev=
> en today, not only in the 17th century. =0AAl
l of my considerations concern=
> ing the logical equivalence or non-equi
valence between different mathematic=
> al methods (therefore even descen
t and reduction-descent) have no claim of=
> comple
teness or of complete correctness (on
the other hand I have explicit=
> ely written in my book), they are doub
ts rather than sure affirmations. Bec=
> ause of this, I would be very ha
ppy to clarify all of these problems with a=
> logic. Anyway,
a thing is in my opinion sure: in the standard, academic lo=
> gical lite
rature too many problems concerning this mathematical methods are=
; given for granted, while a deeper analysis is necessary. And I think tha
t =
> the main aim of our paper should be exactely this.
Sure! I d
o perfectly agree with you.
> But, Claus-Peter, to b=
> e clear
like you rightly write, if you do not see the sense in writing a jo=
> i
nt paper, please inform me. We could continue to write our impressions and=
> opinions by mail, and no problem for our personal relations.
No, of course not, we would stay friends anyway.
But I want to unders
tand your point and to write the joint
> If, on the co=
> ntrary, you want to continue our pap
er, in few days I could send you the pa=
> rt concerning the demonstratio
n by descent and my impressions on the first =
> six pages.
the demonstration!
I want to continue the paper, but first we have to synchr
onize our views.
I have written you a surface Mail yesterday, but that will
not help.
I contains this and that, such as the Unguru Fowler Induction War.
Did you read this?
Thus, my suggestion would be that I phone you Tue
sday evening to
solve the problems. What would be a good time for this?
Meanwhile you may ask yourself, what the word "algorithm"
in your reduct
ion-descent description means:
--- a c o m p u t a b l e &n
bsp; function which
maps the assumed counterexampl
e to the smaller counterexample,
--- a definable function instead
--- som
e constructive way in which the smaller
counterexample is to be obtained,
--- no axiom
of choice required (or weak form thereof) to prove existence
bsp; of the smaller counterexample from that of the assumed counterexampl
--- arbitrary logical existence of smaller counterexample (i.e. nobody knows how to find it, but we know that there must be
one by some
I will read in your
book tonight and try to think more carefully than before.
My problem is tha
t I do not see any difference between indefinite descent
and reduction-desce
nt currently besides some feelings of the mathematician.
Especially I do not
see any behavioral difference (i.e. difference in proof
steps) between the
two. And without such a difference I do not consider it
worthwhile to mentio
n it in history of mathematics, but maybe only in the
history of the psychol
ogy of mathematicians, if such a
discipline exists.
The thinking of mathematicians is part of the history of
but the feelings they have on why a method should be sound do
not, imho,
establish a different method. Same proof steps means same method,
even if
the ideas on why the method is sound may differ.
Thus, let u
s hope that I can understand it.
I thought we would agree in your library an
d I hope we can get back
to that agreement.
I restate my central ques
When I do reduction-descent and have to find a smaller counterexam
for an assumed counterexample of an affirmative theorem for n,
am I a
dmitted to suppose that the n is not a small number?
When I do indefinit
e descent and have to find a smaller example
for an assumed example of a neg
ative theorem for n,
am I admitted to suppose that the n is not a small numb
I will phone you on Tuesday evening!!!! WHAT TIME???