@book{SR--2008--01, author={Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller}, title={Automating Access Control Logics in Simple Type Theory with LEO-II}, publisher ={{SEKI Publications}}, series ={{SEKI-Report SR--2008--01 (ISSN 1437-4447)}}, address ={Saarland Univ.}, year ={2008}, note ={{\url{www.ags.uni-sb.de/~cp/SEKI/welcome.html}}}, abstract ={Garg and Abadi recently proved that prominent access control logics can be translated in a sound and complete way into modal logic S4. We have previously outlined how normal multimodal logics, including monomodal logics K and S4, can be embedded in simple type theory and we have demonstrated that the higher-order theorem prover LEO-II can automate reasoning in and about them. In this paper we combine these results and describe a sound embedding of different access control logics in simple type theory. Employing this framework we show that the off the shelf theorem prover LEO-II can be applied to automate reasoning in prominent access control logics.}, }